Status: Writing

Act Your Age

Chapter 6: Progress or Setback?


What the fuck are you doing? "What the fuck are you doing?" I screamed, backing away from her. My lips were still tingling from the wonderful sensation, but I knew it was all wrong. It wasn't the time.. and it wasn't right. Jordan is going to murder me. "You... no! That's not the reckless I was talking about!" I swam to the edge of the lake and started shoving my clothes back on, disregarding how wet I was getting them.

Ronni followed close behind and did the same thing. "I'm sorry! I'm so- please don't tell Jordan! I can't- I didn't... I was.. I'm drunk!"

"You had one sip!" I spat as she poked her head through her shirt. This time, I looked at her body, unable to help myself. "You're not that drunk."

She slipped on her pants and sighed. "That's why I don't drink... other than the whole illegal thing. It doesn't take much to.... take away my common sense."

I'll have to remember tha- "Ronni! I... I can't just..." She was pouting at me when she started crying. Really crying. She fell to the bench and just let her head drop into her hands, sobbing. I mean really going at it. "Oh... come on, Ronni... it's not a big deal. I mean... we're both a little tipsy and... it didn't mean anything, right?" I cooed. In my head, I hoped she would lie and say it meant a lot to her...

"Right." Well, a guy can dream. "I just... I'm stressed with work and school and Jordan-"

"What's wrong with Jordan?" I pressed. She sniffled and wiped her eyes, not continuing. "Is this why you didn't sleep well?" She nodded quietly. "What's up?" I put my arm around her. "You can talk to me."

She sighed. "I... we're friends... with benefits. We kissed and... it didn't click. The fireworks literally went off but there was absolutely no spark and... I really like him but... nothing feels right." I opened my mouth to comment but she just kept rambling. God, can she talk. "And, I like someone else but... you said it yourself, Jordan deserves a good girl in his life but... I'm not as good as you guys make me out to be. I think I like someone else and... I mean you and I-I didn't tell him about how you saw me.. and-and-and now this happened and I kissed you and-"

So there's another guy... "Ronni-Ronni! Calm down. It was a mistake. We... we won't tell him." She looked at me, perplexed. "Don't think about it. Focus on your work... I'll-I won't tell him, if that's what you want... Besides, if it's friends with benefits you guys have... it won't last forever, right?" She nodded as I wiped a tear away. Then she started crying harder. It took all of my might not to kiss her and let her know that I was here for her. I wanted her to know that I cared about her as more than a friend and more than friends with benefits... but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "Shh... shh... don't cry. Don't-Please don't... Come on. I know what will cheer you up."


Scum. I'm scum. I'm basically like every girl in every stupid book-turn-movie. Bella, choosing between Jacob and Edward, hurting both. Katnis, picking either Peeta or Gale but keeping both in the dark to her thoughts. Now, me and Jordan and Taylor... except I didn't know if Taylor really liked me or if he was pitying me... He definitely kissed me back... but he did yell at me. So... it's basically a choice between stomping on Jordan's heart so I can try and be with the guy that doesn't like me back... or stuff my heart down my throat, suck it up, be a man, and stay with Jordan... because it was the best for everyone... except me. Not when I'm so confused, that is.

"Don't beat yourself up about it okay?" Taylor broke my concentration, making me jump, but I didn't take my eyes off of the passing road signs. "I mean... I know I can be irresistible." he joked. I punched him in the shoulder and he groaned. "Ouch, ya jerk!"

I giggled, "Why do you have to turn everything into a joke?" He gave me an incredulous look and I nodded. "Right.. for a second, I forgot who I was talking to. Uh... where are we going?"

"My place-" he began. I shot him an angry look. Yeah, that's what I need. To be alone... with a guy I just kissed... in his apartment... while his best friend and my boyfriend-friend-thing is out of town. Definitely NOT a recipe for MORE trouble. I opened my mouth but he put a finger to it as he rounded a corned. It took a lot of willpower not to bite it... "It's not what you think, I promise. I figured, we could watch a movie... you could relax without the stress of work, school, you're partying friends, Jordan, or anything."

"How did you know my friends were partiers?" I asked, moving his hand from my face. Then I got it. "Jordan told you?" He nodded. "Figures... boys."

He shook my head. "Look... do you want to come over? I promise, we'll watch a funny movie, have hot chocolate, get into some warm clothes, and just relax. I think we've both been under a lot of stress lately." I shook my head, staring out the window again. "It's up to you."

I weighed my options. Stay with someone I liked and could tolerate, enjoy some coa-coa, watch a movie for comic relief, warm up... or go back to my place, endure the loud music and noises of my obnoxious roommates, and lie awake in my bed for hours. "Let's go." I agreed, quietly.


It made my day that she decided to stay. I was kind of surprised, considering everything that had happened.... but I had to fix it. It was my fault, kind of, that it happened. I was shamelessly flirting with her the whole time. And what better way to solve a problem then with some fun? When we walked into the apartment, I searched through my stuff and got her some comfy Edmonton Oilers sweatpants and a tee-shirt. I pointed her to Jordan's room while I changed in mine, searching for the DVD that would make her smile most.

When I came out, I found Ronni lying on the couch, bundled up in some blankets. "Someone looks cozy." I laughed as I placed the DVD onto the table. "Think you can put that in?" I asked with a smirk as I trotted into the kitchen. I got out the powder and two mugs, accompanied by the marshmallows, as I got the drinks ready.

"I know how to work a DVD player, thanks." she called back. She clicked and clacked away as she put the DVD into the player. "Slap-Shot? A hockey movie? But I don't-'

"Trust me!" I called back. Moments later, I joined her in the living room and handed her her chocolate. "You'll love it." I insisted with a smirk. "It's the inspiration for my scene earlier." She rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch. Ronni picked out the marshmallows one by one and just popped them in her mouth as the movie started, as if annoyed with the idea of drinking any chocolate first. Just another thing I thought was kind of weird about her... Not that I was watching.


We sat a foot away from one another as we watched the movie. I didn't completely understand the terms in the movie, but every time I squinted at the television, he explained what it all meant. Basically, it was an old movie from the seventies about some hockey team that was going down the drain, bound to fall out of existence by the end of the season. A con man coach/player tries to save his team by getting everyone to fight to win the games, like goons. There's a bunch of other side stories, but that's the summary. In the end, they win their big championship title, and the one guy that never fights throughout the whole movie, comes out and just strips on the ice... to the musical stylings of The Stripper.

The whole movie was funny, and I forgot everything that was bothering me, but I laughed hardest at the end, lightly shoving Taylor at his stupid copy-cat move. "At least you couldn't see his junk." I joked.

The movie came to a close, and it was left hanging about what really happened to the team, considering you can't trust anything the coach says and he basically ends the story. Still, it was good, I liked it, and it also helped me understand hockey a little bit more. I mean, it wasn't exactly what I would call hockey per-say, but it was entertaining nonetheless and I was glad Taylor had picked it out.

"So?" he asked as he moved forward to take the DVD out. "Did you like it? Feel any better?" Taylor put the disk into it's case and brought it back into his room.

I nodded. "Yeah, It was great. Thanks. So, are you telling me, you're like Ned Braden? Great scorer, goofball on the inside, and hopelessly in love with some girl that has to change to keep his attention?"

He stood in the doorway too his room and smirked. "Mostly correct... except that last part. I'd never ask anyone to change for me. The point is that he's too blind to see what he's got anyways..." Taylor walked in and sat next to me on the couch. "So... it's...." He looked down at his watch and sighed. "Two in the morning... Want me to take you home?"

I waved my finger in front of him. When he looked a little strange, not following the finger fast enough, I shook my head. "No... you're too tired. Just.. take me home tomorrow morning? I'll go from there."

He nodded. "Right... You can sleep in Jordan's room." Taylor walked me to Jordan's room and helped to tuck me in... as if I needed it. "Sleep tight... I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight... Taylor?" I called. He returned to the doorway and waited patiently. I could only see his silhouette standing there, his face obscured by darkness.

"Yeah?" he asked.

I sighed and bit my lip. "Thanks.. for not telling Jordan... for keeping his and my secret... for keeping me sane... for... everything." My eyes adjusted so that I could faintly see him. Taylor didn't say anything. He just nodded, gave me a quick, small smile, one I hadn't seen before. He shut off the lights and left me alone. I watched him walk down the hall and into the room, until he closed his door behind him... and I was left with my haunting thoughts again.


I'm going to hell. I walked into my room and punched my bed as hard as I could. It didn't do anything for me, so I punched the wall...yeah... my hand hurt like hell and I now had a beautiful, gaping hole in the middle of my wall. "Fucking perfect." I fell onto my bed and gripped my head. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked myself, praying some part of me would come up with a logical answer.

Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. I couldn't keep doing this to her... or Jordan. And it was all my fault that everyone was in this stupid pickle. If I just left her alone... if I hadn't walked in on her... if I hadn't convinced her to swim-

But that's not true. There's no way it was true because I go after what I want... consciously or not. My heart will chase after the goal until I can get it. I can't help it, it just happens. So, if she hadn't kissed me, I would have kissed her. If I hadn't walked in on her on accident... well, I would have found away to get her alone like that anyways. The fact was, I was on a one-track mind and nothing was going to deter me from my mission.

Then I saw Jordan's face. I glanced around my room to see a picture of Jordan and I at an ice-cream date. That's why I need to stop. Either tell him or knock it the fuck off, because you can't keep these thoughts inside forever. I came to terms with this decision and let myself sleep on it. It's not like I'm going to call Jordan tonight... especially after the Oilers just suffered a brutal loss to the Blackhawks... according to my buzzing phone, that is.

I closed my eyes and prayed it would all make sense in eight hours.

The next morning, Ronni was sitting in my living room quietly, watching something on television. I yawned and stretched as I walked in and fell onto the couch next to her. I flung myself onto her lap, just to bug her, until she shoved me off. "Morning." I coughed as I fell onto my side.

"Morning... how'd you sleep?" she asked. I shrugged, rolled my eyes and looked at her, waiting for an account of her sleeping status. "Yeah... me too."

"I tried sleeping... but I just punched a wall." I huffed, laughing quietly to myself.
She nodded, rubbing her eyes like a kitten. "I know.. I heard you... I don't think you ever told me what was bugging you that one time..." I didn't acknowledge the comment until she shook me. "Can I help?" she asked.

I shook my head as I stiffly got up and walked into the kitchen to make coffee. "Not really..." I sighed. Unless you'll dump Jordan without hurting his feelings and realize you like me... then no. "Want some coffee?" I asked.

"Sure... what time is it?" she wondered.

I looked at the stove clock and called back. "Almost ten... we should probably get out of here soon... Jordan will be back around twelve and if he thinks you and I spent the night together..."

"He'll kill you." She finished the sentence for me as she joined me in the kitchen. "I'm sorry I'm putting you in such a tough position.... I don't want you to lose Jordan as a friend because of me so... I'm going to tell him what happened."

"NO!" I hadn't realized how loud I was, but apparently it was loud enough to spook Ronni. She couldn't look at me. I slowly moved my hands from her shoulders, which I didn't notice I put there in the first place. "I'm sorry... but.... he-he's not going to... it's not... we can't... no."

She crossed her arms over her chest. "And why not? You don't think he deserves to know? That's pretty fucked up."

I shook my head as I waited for the coffee to finish. "He does but... he'll flip a shit and... we'll both be shunned from his life... forever." She doesn't get it... Neither of them do. I don't even understand...

"Why don't I believe you. He seems like an understanding guy... if we explain it-I mean, it's not like we're actually dating-" she began.

I cut her off and glared at her. "Ronni, how would you feel if one of your roommates made out with Jordan? Naked? In a lake? And they spent the night together in your apartment?" She looked down at the ground, contemplating. "I mean, he'll get over it but... he'll never trust me again."

"So, you're just going to live with this lie between you?" she shot back. I huffed and ran a hand through my hair. "You never crossed me as a liar... no matter how annoying and sarcastic and rude you can be... you're honest."


The look he gave me was one of anguish and confusion. It was like he was a bird in a cage; I opened the door, but he didn't know whether he wanted to fly away and be free or stay with his owner. "I am honest... I just... he's my best friend. I broke every rule in the book. How can he trust me-"

"He will. If you can't see that, then maybe you aren't as close with him as you thought." I sighed, reaching over the counter and filling my cup with the hot steaming liquid. I added some sugar and started drinking.

"Ew... black? No creme? Who are you-" he started, joking around again. I glared at him and he backed off. "Right... sorry, being serious. I-I'll tell him... okay? I'll tell him what happened and I'll tell him it was all a big misunderstanding and... yeah. I have to."

I nodded and patted him on the shoulder. "Want me to be there? I could tell him-"

"No, I should do it. I mean, you can tell him too, on your own time, but I should tell him first." he insisted as he made his own creme filled coffee. Blech. "Seriously though, drink your coffee fast. I'm going to change, we'll head to your place so you can change, then we'll go to the rink?" I nodded and sat by the counter of the kitchen, sipping my coffee quietly.

Five minutes later, I had finished my cup, washed it, and found its original spot in a cupboard. I was waiting on the couch when Taylor came out of his room, changed into a tee shirt and basketball shorts accompanied by running sneakers. "Okay, let's go."

I directed Taylor to my house, but I didn't know if it was a good idea to let him know where I lived... I didn't have much of a choice though. Being the polite person I was, I lead Taylor into my apartment and had him sit in my messy living room. "Be right back." I sighed as I ran into my room to change.

Unfortunately, I came back to see Phoebe hanging all over him with her hang-over breath. "So, Ron tells me you play hockey?" she wondered.

"Yeah..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair nervously.

She tossed an arm around his shoulder and squeezed him tight. "What position?"


Phoebe giggled, "You're like really well known, aren't you? You were drafted kind of high-"

"Number one, overall..." he corrected, looking at her. "but who's counting." I snickered behind them silently.

She nodded. "Congratulations... listen, if you get bored, working with Ronni all the time, feel free to drop by and have some fun. There's always something going on here so..." Phoebe grabbed a pen and took Taylor's arm. She scribbled her number onto his it and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "By the way, I love your lips..." She moved like she was going to bite his nose off but just chomped
the air instead. Then she tickled his chin with a giggle.

With that, Phoebe stood up and left him sitting on the couch, confused and uncomfortable. I was glaring at her without even realizing it. As she passed me, she gave me a look like well you didn't want him... She mouthed the word Cute and then snuck back into her room with that dumb model-like grin plastered all over her face.

I silently groaned to myself as I walked into the room, stomping a little, to warn Taylor of my presence. He was rubbing his cheek and shaking himself, probably from chills. I walked to the door and opened it, waiting for him to file out. The two of us walked back down to his car and started the drive to Rexall Place.

Once we pulled to a stoplight, I spoke up. "So.. I see you've met Phoebe." I snapped, yanking his arm off of the wheel, exposing the black ink scrawled down his forearm.

He blushed and pulled it away, placing it back on the wheel. "Yeah... she is... something. I can see why you don't want to be there a lot."

"You're not actually going to call her, are you?" I asked, a scoffing tone in my voice. He looked over and just grinned. "What?"

"You jealous?" he teased, nudging me.

I shook my head. "No..." I sighed, "Just... don't get mixed up with her. I love her but... she can be toxic. You know..."

"No, I don't know... in fact, I'm thinking of calling her as soon as I get to the rink." he joked as we drove around the back of the building.

I groaned. "Taylor, knock it off."

"Relax, I'm kidding... God. Take a chill pill, okay?" he chortled.

I didn't dignify it with a response. I couldn't without seeming jealous... which I was. I mean... he can have her... but she can't have him... because he's... he's him and he is not to be had.... In my head, it makes more sense, I promise.

As we closed in on the rink, my phone vibrated and it was Jordan. I gulped hard, took a deep breath, and answered it. "Hey Jor, what's up?

"Hey, I just got to the apartment and... well, I thought you might want to come over and hang out or something." he called.

I laughed, "I can't, I'm working with Taylor again-" The sigh I heard on the other side of the phone was practically unbearable. "But... hey, why don't you drop by and uh... hang out with us. Then, afterwards, you and I can go see a movie or something?"

"Okay, I just feel bad, we haven't hung out in a while so i thought we should. I'll be there soon." he replied before hanging up.

Taylor didn't question the conversation, even though I know he heard it all. I figured it was a good time to give him an opportunity to talk to him... or not.

I dropped the subject of Taylor and Phoebe though and silently walked into the rink a little too quickly. The two of us went through the halls until we made it to the weight room, where Jack was waiting for us. I shoved Taylor inside, trying to avoid my uncle, and walked into the hallway to get some water. I needed to calm down and get away from my Uncle... because if anyone could tell when I was in deep shit... it was Dr. Deep-Shit himself.

I walked to the water dispenser and gabbed myself a cup. "Breathe... breathe."

"Alright, what's going on?" Jack wondered from the doorway across the hall. I didn't bother looking at him. I just huffed in response. "Ronni-" He didn't even see my face! How did he know?!

"I fucked up, okay?! I fucked up and- I'm going to be fired and-and-and I deserve it, because I'm a bitch and I'm having a mental breakdown and-Help me." I whined, running over to my Uncle. I just shoved my face into his chest and wrapped my arms around him, waiting for him to return the hug... like when I was younger and he hugged me after I fell off my bike or that one time I got gum stuck in my hair and I had to get it cut really short.

Jack put one hand on my back and one on my hair, patting my head. "Shh... have you gotten enough sleep lately?"

"No... not at all..." I admitted, laughing a little.

He guided me into his office and sat me down across from his desk. He passed me a box of tissues. I've never needed a box of tissues until the past week. Ever. I don't cry. "Talk to me... why do you think you'll be fired?"

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't listen... I got involved with Jordan... Now I'm messing things up because I accidentally may have gotten involved with Taylor... but Jordan doesn't know, and Taylor doesn't like me. But... I might like him. And if either of them get too upset, they could tell management and... well, now you know, so you could easily fire me and... School is still school and I need to tell Jordan without him hating Taylor and I messed everything up for everyone and...." I was kind of angry at myself for telling him everything, but I didn't know where else to turn.

I was reduced to a puddle of sobbing noises and tears... a blob really. I took a handful of tissues and just wiped my nose and eyes. I had never been such a wreck. Well, I guess I had, once before. But, Jack could tell because his face was so full of shock, you'd think he saw a ghost.

"You know... when you were growing up... you always tried to do the right thing... by everyone. I remember, one day, you told your dad you wanted to bake a teacher brownies because she didn't like you and the idea of someone being upset with you was too heartbreaking." he chuckled to himself.

I just stared at him, waiting for him to continue until I realized he was finished with the supposed-to-be-helpful sentimental moment. "What does that mean? How does that help me at all?"

"Stop pleasing everyone. The boys are adults, they can handle whatever decision you make. What do you want? What do you think is right? What are you going to do about it. I say, stop crying.... Ronni's not a crier... she never has been a crier and she's not going to start now." he took the tissues away, forcing me to stop the tears. "What can you do about school?" I rubbed some snot on my towel and sighed.

I shrugged, sniffling a few times. "Study... that's about it."

"What about work, here?" he pressed, stuffing the tissues in a drawer behind his desk.

I sighed, leaning back in the leathery chair. "Just... stay with Taylor until he's back on his feet-I mean skates."

"And Jordan?" he asked. I didn't look at him. I knew it was coming, but I didn't want to say it. "You have to tell him... and you might have to break up with him..." I glared at him. "You know it's true. Maybe, once Taylor's all healed up, you can try again but... If I think you two are not working well together... I will fire you."

I gasped. "What? You can't do that-"

"You said it yourself, I can. You may hate me... but it's what's best for you, and you know it."

I stood up, nearly tipping the chair over with me. "It is not what's good for me! I-I need someone else with me and- You've got to be kidding me! I-I can't just-no. You can't... Uncle Jack!"

"Your choice... fix things with him. If I find you like this one more time, I'm ending one of these distractions... I promised your Dad-" he started. Just when I thought I was doing a good job of not thinking about the guy... Jack has to bring him up...

This time, I did flip the chair, just to get him to stop talking. I pushed it backward and it fell with a deafening thud that silenced the room. It grew so quite, I could hear my harsh, uneven breaths as they escaped my lungs. Then i just glared at him. "My Dad? He's not here... it's you and... I thought you would be on my side, I thought... You're not my Dad... you can't..." I just shook my head and stormed out of the room wordlessly, the miserable guilt and anger rising inside me.

Funny, I felt the same way after I had an argument with my dad...

Right before he died.


I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation. After all, both my physical therapists/athletic trainers were sitting there... leaving me alone... to do nothing but wait for them to help loosen me up. So, I creeped to the doorway to listen to Ronni rambling in the hall. Then, I crept to Jack's office and listened to them fight. When I heard the thrashing around and the angry footsteps for the door, I ran down the hall and into the weight room, pretending like I was waiting the whole time. I was kind of disappointed, because I only heard half of the argument.

Surprisingly, Ronni didn't come in. Jack did. He put me on the massage table and started with my knee. I closed my eyes, waiting for the scolding I knew was coming. "You heard everything?" he asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him, but I didn't answer. No use arguing, he knows. "Don't confuse her. I don't know if you have feelings for her or not but... she needs a friend and a patient and... something not too taxing on the brain."

I nodded, then sat up. "What about her Dad?" I asked. He glared at me, and at first, I thought he was going to pop me a good one. It's been known to happen. "I'm sorry... I didn't-I just heard..."

"He died three years ago in a car crash... It's almost the anniversary." he explained, staring down at my knee as he rubbed his knuckles into my knee. "Ronni's Dad wanted me to look after her since she was coming here so... here she is, and here I am."

Taylor frowned. "I didn't know... Do you think that's why-"

"She's going insane? Yes. Her dad was a physical therapist... she wanted to be like him... that's kind of why this whole thing is so important to her." he continued.

And I thought I was a dick before. "I promise, Jack, I won't pressure-I won't do anything to her I'll... I'll do whatever she asks and just heal and... I'll let her be." See... you'd think that I would have learned my lesson... at least NOW when a dead relative is involved... but remember that whole determination issue of mine... yeah...

He nodded and patted me on the shoulder. "Good... you're done... She'll probably come back in a few. Let her blow off some steam so she can figure things out." I nodded and just rested on the table while he walked out.

But... I might like him. But... I might like him. These words just ran through my head the whole time. So... I'm the other guy? How is it that despite all of the information I had just learned about her, all i could think about was the slight chance of her and I being a thing... Pig.


I strode down the hallway, breathing every few seconds to my own beat. I felt like I was going to explode. First off, he was not my dad. Secondly, he was supposed to be helping me, not stressing me out more! Thirdly... I still don't know what I'm going to do. I liked both boys... I had to choose between one I liked but didn't like me back, one that liked me more than I liked him.. or my job, especially since Uncle Jack-Ass is going to be breathing down my neck about it all...

Thankfully, there were no tears, just pure frustration, on my face, when Sam Gagner was walking by with Theo. I held my water bottle to my head to cool my off and I pulled on a smile as they came closer. "Hi, guys."

"Hey... you okay, Ron-Ron?" Theo asked, putting an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me tight. You know what? I don't pick either boys. I pick Teddy Bear! Teddy Bear over all choices! "Sam, this is Ronni, Ronni, Sam." Sam nodded at me. So this is the little scorer I keep hearing about.

Sam frowned and stared at me, waiting for me to answer the question. I heaved a sigh and wiped my forehead with my towel, dropping my water bottle to my side. "I... yeah... what are you two doing here? I thought practice wasn't for another few hours..."

Sam grinned, kind of a sorry grin. "Right, well... after last night's performance, Theo and I decided we should get an extra skate in... Coach is probably going to be kicking our asses next practice so... better be prepared, right?"

I shrugged. "It wasn't that bad, was it?" I looked between the two of them, but no one made eye contact, just stared down at the floor, ashamed. "Well... you did better than I ever could have..."

"Thanks... you sure you're okay though?" Theo asked again, smiling down at me.

Take me. Take me now. "Yeah... I'm fine. Just... discouraged." I sighed with a short laugh. "I'll be fine."

"You need us to beat anyone up for you?" Sam asked with a smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest. Your teammates would be a nice start... "And by us, I mean Theo."

Giggling, I shook my head. "No... that's alright, really... Well, I should be getting back to Taylor, but, I'll see you guys next game-unless you both manage not to get hurt." I backed towards the weight room.

Theo and Sam smiled and made their way down to the opposite end of the hall. "Oh, I think Theo might hurt himself on purpose just to pop in and say hi." Theo shoved him and rolled his eyes as they walked down the hall.

"This joker..." Theo sighed. "Bye, Ronni."

I laughed at the guys and turned to see Jack walking away from the weight room. I decided it was a good time to go back and get Taylor. Jack stared at me, probably waiting for me to explain myself... tell him my decision, whether I was ready to work again and stop freaking out like a weirdo. I just nodded for the door, insinuating I planned on sticking around for a while. He nodded in response and walked away.

"Alright, so ready to go?" I asked. Taylor popped up and nodded. "I wanna try something new." He hopped off of the table and followed me into the weight room. I shoved stuff around so that there was a big empty space in the middle of the room. When he understood what I was doing, he helped me out until there was a solid area of emptiness.

He wondered, "Now what?"

I walked over to him, brought him to the center of the room, and then backed away. "Kick your right leg up as high as you can. Hold your hand out to however high you get it." I instructed. Taylor did so, and got it surprisingly high. "Now, try with your bad knee." He gave me a questioning look, but did it anyways. He winced and got it to three fourths of the height of his good leg.

"Ouch..." he groaned, stumbling back onto his foot. "That... that wasn't fun."

I nodded and moved over to him. "That's pretty good. Here. Kick my hand." I put my hand out in front of him, somewhere between the height of his good knee and his bad knee. Taylor tried, missed, tried again, couldn't make it, then tried once more before glaring at me. "What is it?"

"I can't reach it..." he confessed, kicking the ground. "It's too high."

I frowned. "One more try." I left my hand in the air. "Try your good leg first, then your bad leg." Taylor kicked my hand, a little too hard, with his good leg, put it back down, and then tried with his bad leg. He just barely touched it with his toes before letting his leg fall to the ground. He put his hands on his knees, huffing and puffing.

"God..." he mumbled to himself.

I walked back over to him and patted him on the back, leaning down by his face. "You realize, that's the highest you've been able to get it... since your injury?" I asked. Taylor looked at me with a hard expression I couldn't read. "You're almost done... So close." He smirked and looked down at the ground. "We can try some weights if you're up to it. A little early, but...."


My face couldn't have been happier. I mean, I already lost the bet with Jordan, but if I could do weight training... I could be on the ice in a matter of days. I wouldn't play for a while, but I could be skating with the team.

I opened my mouth to agree when the door burst open. We both looked up to see Jordan standing in the doorway. He sprinted through the room, took Ronni in his arms, and planted one right on her. She fell back, kissing him too, before he put her back on her feet. "I'm sorry... but, I missed you." he sighed. Gag.

Ronni was smiling, but not wholeheartedly. "I missed you too. Sorry about the game." she sighed, putting an arm around his shoulder. "You played great, I'm sure."

"Yeah... it's over now. How are you two? How's the knee?" he plopped himself onto the bench and stared up at us. "And why does the room look like this?" Jordan gestured at the equipment that had been shoved to the perimeter.

Once Ronni explained the exercise, Jordan just nodded. I demonstrated, which earned a certain level of applause from Jordan. Then, Jordan stood up, draping an arm around me. "That's great. But, there was another reason I came in here. You and I will catch up, Ronni, but Taylor has an interview with the media."

"Media? About what?" I questioned as I stood up straight. No one told me, not even my agent, that I'd be meeting with the press today, but moments later, as if on cue, my agent walked through the doors and stood, patiently waiting to prep me.

"They want to know how you're progressing. It'll be quick, five minutes tops." Jordan insisted. I know I must have looked confused, but I reluctantly followed Jordan into the hall. "We'll be back in a few!" Jordan called back into the room.

You've got to be kidding me...
♠ ♠ ♠
Team Taylor or Team Jordan? :) I don't care if you subscribe, if you've commented before, or anything. I just want to know who's winning this battle with you guys. I gotta know!! Plus, it'd be nice to hear from some of you :D

Took a while to update. MY APOLOGIES. Just got back from vacation. It's been kind of hectic.
I know, the ending is kind of bad, not much of a cliffhanger and rather boring. Not my fave chapter, but it was necessary. Hope it'll do! Thanks again all!