Status: Writing

Act Your Age

Chapter 7: Honestly Dishonest


Who has an impromptu interview? Seriously. Mark, my agent, talked to me about what was going on. Apparently, despite the GM's ardent arguing, each news station, radio show and newspaper in the area wanted to find out what had been going on since I fell off the face of the Earth, and they wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth. He explained that it was a few basic questions, that it shouldn't take long, and that I shouldn't give too many details or specific information; the media is no stranger to twisting words and taking quotes out of context. Furthermore, I didn't want to give fans, or opposing teams trying to get the upper-hand on strategizing, the false impression that I would be returning sooner than I was.

Of course, it's too easy to hope for a good interview, after all if it wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be my life. The reporters were so annoying. They kept asking when I would be back, when I didn't know myself. I tried to keep things simple, just insisted that I was doing better and I would be back as soon as possible. I elucidated the nature of my injury and then just stated plainly that I had to go back to warming up.

Before I left, someone asked me about my routine, who I was working with, and how I was making such a quick recovery. I mentioned the running and the swimming and how it had helped me a lot. Then, without thinking, I dropped Ronni's name and put her on the radar for physical therapy in a matter of milliseconds. I didn't think about how it would impact her, the Oilers, or anyone else... I was just trying to give an answer that could get me out of that hell hole as quickly as humanly possible.

Jordan walked with me back to the weight room. He noticed the number on my arm and started questioning me about it. "So... who's this?" he chuckled as he raised my arm and scrutinized the number.

I shook him off and smirked. "Ronni's crazy roommate. She needed a ride today and... when I came into the apartment, her roommate was hitting on me like no other... She gave me her number."

"See! You guys could totally date!" he chided, patting me on the back. Not according to Ronni. I punched him playfully and we fell into the room, fighting the whole way. "Do it! Call her!"

"Shut up!" I grumbled, wrestling around with him. We straightened up once we found Ronni, stretching on the floor. She looked to us, curious about what we were talking about. "You know,
maybe I will..." I sighed quietly. Better than focusing on a girl I can't have.

"You will... what?" Ronni asked as Jordan helped her to her feet.

"Taylor's going to ask out your roommate." Jordan answered with a grin. Ronni glared at me but I just rolled my eyes. "Isn't it great?"

She gritted her teeth and grumbled, "Yeah... great..." I smirked at her. So you do care. "Hey, Taylor... isn't there something you wanted to tell Jordan?"

My face fell. I could literally feel it dropping off of my head and hitting the floor with a disgusting splat. "Not right now..." I sighed, grimacing at her. She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for me to explain. Jordan was staring at me too, confused. You bitch. "I... Jordan... we have something to tell you." I corrected.

"Right... we do..." she agreed, frowning.

It all came out in a rush, I didn't even hear half of what I was saying. "Jordan, Ronni and I kissed last night. We were drinking and we were being stupid and she kissed me and that was all. Then I let her stay over and sleep in your room, I didn't touch her, I swear."

"I was stressed out with a lot of things and it meant nothing. I couldn't stop thinking and I just went a little overboard and-I'm sorry. I understand if you hate me and-" Ronni picked up where I left off.

We probably sat there, rambling over one another to this poor kid for like ten minutes before he stopped us both by screaming his head off. We froze and just stared at him, confused, and scared. Jordan fell silent, closing his eyes, but he kept quiet. Fuck. Well, I'm not rushing him.

"It's okay..." he huffed. We both just stared at him like he was insane. "I mean... nothing is going on between you two... it's just a fluke, right?" Ronni and I looked at each other, nodded and then looked back to Jordan, jaws dropped as lower than I thought was possible.. "I kind of saw it coming... you know, you guys were spending time together and-I'm glad you told me."

I hollered, "What? That's it? You're not mad I made you feel like an ass every time you asked whether I had a thing for Ronni? You don't want to break-up with her? You don't... you don't want to hit me? Here! Free shot. just do something!" I rolled up my sleeve and exposed my shoulder, expecting a blow within seconds. When he didn't hit me I gave him my jaw instead. "Go ahead! It's all you."

Jordan chuckled and lightly punched my jaw. Hardly felt it. "Better? Taylor, I'm your best friend... I know when something is up. You two were drunk... you clearly don't have feelings for each other or you'd be breaking up with me." Jordan pointed over at Ronni who nodded. "You two have been under stress lately and... I get it..."

"I'm really sorry... It's just been-" Ronni began.

He nodded. "I know, school and... Jack told me when I walked in." Ronni smacked her head angrily as she groaned. "Hey, hey! It's understandable. It's a lot to handle when you're still in college and just... trying to grow up. I know I had issues when I was expected to buy my own groceries and pay bills and stuff... I can't imagine dealing with this internship too. You'll learn to balance it." Jordan walked over and gave Ronni a tight squeeze which she gladly returned. He looked over at me and gave me an evil grin though. This isn't over.

"It's tough... I'm working on it. It won't ever happen again, I promise." Ronni mumbled into his chest. My blood was pumping at their close proximity, but I couldn't exactly say anything. Then she backed away. A part of me wished Jordan had flipped out, broke up with her, hit me, or something... anything that might increase my chances- "Now I feel like an asshole because you're not even mad!" she laughed, frowning a little. Jordan just waved if off and patted his cheek. Ronni rolled her eyes and gave him a quick peck. "Well... we were just about to go for a run, want to join us? Maybe you can give Taylor a little competitive boost."

Jordan suggested, "Actually, why don't Taylor and I just run together. You can go home, get some rest, then we'll hang out after. I'm sure Jack wouldn't mind giving you a ride. Just... relax. You've got a lot on your mind." Ronni just beamed as she hugged Jordan wordlessly and gave me a pat on the back before running from the weight room as fast as possible.

I was left alone with my best friend who was just maniacally grinning at me, eyebrows furrowed and stitched in the middle of his forehead. Shit... thanks Ronni. "We need to talk." Jordan said as he dropped his exercise bag. "Let's go." He walked out of the room... and I unwillingly followed.


Jack didn't ask anything when he drove me home. He gave me a peck on the forehead when we reached my apartment, and then he waited for me to get out. Now I feel like a bad kid. "Listen... Uncle Jack, I'm sorry for everything. I plan to fix it all and-" He raised his hand for me to stop talking but it needed to be said. "I really appreciate all that you've done for me and I know you're not my dad but you're a great one and I'm lucky to have you around and... thanks." He silently pulled me in for a hug to get me to shut up, and then I got out of the car. For a second, I thought I saw him tear up a little... but Mitchell's don't cry.

I walked in and just headed for the shower as my retreat, only to find that Annie was singing her little heart out inside... while simultaneously taking up all the hot water. I huffed and just went into my room to take a nap. I flopped on the bed, shoved my textbooks and notebooks off of it, and got comfy on top of all the blankets.

It was a short nap, because Phoebe sprang in, as chipper as ever, and just flung herself next to me. "So, he was cute. How come you haven't introduced us?" she whispered in my ear flirtatiously. I slapped her hand away; she responded by hissing like a cat. "Come on, I'm just messing around. Why didn't you bring him back with you?"

"You're not going out with him." I said flatly into the mattress.
She shrugged. "Who put you in charge? Besides, who said I wanted to date him or not?" I flipped my head on the pillow to stare at her and her stupid smile. I opened my mouth to question but I figured out the innuendo on my own. It must have shown on my face because she moaned. "Ron, why not? He's cute, he probably doesn't want a girlfriend, and I just want to have some fun!"

"Because-because you can't and... and he needs to focus right now! He's so close to being able to skate again and... any distractions-any at all- could seriously mess him up! Please, don't do this." I begged.

Phoebe punched the pillow on the other side of her. "Why do you always have to ruin the fun?" I rolled my eyes and gave her a hug. "But if he calls me, I'm not turning him down." she insisted.

I shrugged. "Fair enough. Just don't go after him." She nodded as I flopped onto my tummy and looked in the opposite direction. "I need some sleep though, okay? I'm kind of tired."

"You're stressed." she corrected. Just then, I felt a harsh sting as she plucked a hair from my head. I growled, gripped the irritated spot, and opened my eyes as I saw a strand of gray hair dangle in front of me. She let it drop and hit the bed spread as she moved to rub my back. "What's going on?"

One thing Phoebe was good at was back massages... and listening. I hated her attitude sometimes, but she was a good friend, no denying that. So, when she offered to give me a back massage and listen to all my complaints, how the hell could I pass it up.

We probably sat there for an hour or so. I told her everything: Jack, Jordan, Taylor, school, work, even my dad, and she just listened and worked out every single kink in my back until I felt better. Maybe she should be the physical therapist... When she was done, I gave her a hug. Those seem to be the only things keeping me together these days.

"So that's why you don't want me to see Taylor..." she sighed. I glared at her even though she was shooting me that radiant white smile of hers that even models grew jealous of. "You like him a little, hm?" I shook my head as Annie walked into my room, sweatpants and a tee-shirt hanging about her skinny body.

She wondered, "Like who? Jordan?"

"No, Tay-lor!" Phoebe sang as she pinched my sides. I yelped and pushed her away. "You have to choose. Clearly they both like you."

I shook my head and grabbed a pillow, hugging it tightly to my stomach. "No. I'm not choosing because there is only one choice. Taylor doesn't like me, Jordan does. It's as simple as that. And besides, are you telling me that after my whole hour long rant about everything, that was the only thing you absorbed from it?"

"That and Taylor makes you do some dumb shit." she remarked. I threw the pillow shamelessly in her face. "I'm just saying! It seems like you'll have more fun with him."

Annie sat on the edge of my bed and argued against this. "No, Jordan is so nice and sturdy and he seems like a well-rounded guy."

Weird, my brain was having this same argument with itself earlier...

"But Ronni is the same way! They say opposites attract you know, so I think she should go with Taylor!" she pushed.

I threw my hands up and hollered, "I'm going with neither. I mean. I'm staying with Jordan, but it's probably not going to last and that's it. Once this whole thing is over, my job is done, and I can focus back on school, I'm forgetting about both of them. But until then, I'm taking a cold shower, thanks to Miss American Idol over here." I gestured to Annie who was blushing a little.

I stood up and made my way for the door when Phoebe giggled, "Fine... then you wouldn't mind if I hooked up with Taylor." My skin was crawling... and I knew that's what she wanted. Phoebe was kind of like Taylor in a more obnoxious way; she knew me better and knew how to get under my skin a lot faster. She's just trying to psych you out. Don't listen to her.

The competent part of my brain never wins out in these things though. If I'm really that upset, there's no stopping me. "Phoebe.. if you touch-" She was grinning when I turned around. I just cracked my knuckles and glowered at the floor... because she just beat me at my own game. I basically just proved that I didn't want her to have him... not before he got on the ice, not after he was playing again, not ever. If I didn't want to be attached to them after I was done at Rexall Place, why would it matter if the two of them had a fling? I closed my eyes, shook my head and just walked out. There was no denying it now.

I hopped in the shower, let the frigid water droplets cover my body, and waited for the goosebumps to come. Then, I started singing the old, classic song Summertime, by Sam Cooke or someone. I couldn't remember, because so many people redid it over the years, but I do remember that my dad used to hum it whenever I was sad. The song reminded me of Florida, because that's where I was from and that's where my dad had worked; it always felt like summer there. It made me think of the beach and the sun and how whenever summer rolls around, you don't have to think as much and things are just generally more calm. What better time so sing about summer than in the middle of winter when you're dying for some relaxation?


"I'm sorry..." I gasped as I tried to keep up with him. Jordan slowed down so that I could catch up. We probably ran about three miles already and he wanted to go for at least five. My knee was revolting against me though, making it that much more difficult. It didn't help that the beautiful girl I was accustomed to running with was gone. Why would I want to follow a dude? Not that he's not handsome but... I- let's be real here, I like girls.

He nodded and came to a stop a few feet in front of me. "I know."

"Why aren't you murdering me right now?" I asked as I stood up and put my hands over my head in exhaustion. "You can hit me you know.. I would."

Jordan shot me a sadistic smile and just shook his head. "Too easy... I've got better plans." I gave him a scared look. "You're going to be my water boy for ten practices... and, you can't hit me back when I check you in practice either... not until those ten practices are over."

The thing you might not know about Jordan is that he can hit. I know, not what you were expecting. He doesn't do it frequently, but if he wants to, he can knock you back so hard, you'll wish you had a concussion rather than having to endure another check from him. I sighed and reached my arm out. "Okay... I deserve it."

He nodded. "Yeah... you do. How the fuck could you do that to me?!" he exploded. This is what I was waiting for. "You're my best friend and you-no! That's not cool!"

"I know..." I huffed, frowning. "But, I told you and... I wouldn't trust me if I was you either I mean... I'd hate my guts but... I did tell you. I'll be spending the rest of the season-hell, the rest of my life trying to get your trust back and.. I'm sorry. I'm an idiot."

Jordan agreed. "A big idiot. A goon." I nodded. Jordan made a weird scoffing type noise with his mouth before he threw his hands over his face and walked around in a quick circle. "You know, you make it kind of hard to be pissed when you keep agreeing with me all the time."

"But you're right. I was wrong. There was no way for me to be right in this situation and.. I deserve it." I explained, dropping my hands to my sides. The words felt weird on my tongue. Admitting I'm wrong is a first for me.

He nodded. "Do you like her?" I didn't answer. I didn't know if I could, or should, lie to him again. "Do you?"

I shook my head. "It was that dumb drink and stress, I swear to God-"

"I didn't ask what caused you to do any of that stuff. I was asking if you had real, make you crazy feelings for her or not." He had poked me in the chest for emphasis. Jordan stood directly in front of me and waited for me to answer, holding my eyes like a hawk watching its prey. I stared right back, but his eyes were blank. He honestly didn't know what was going through my mind, which made the next few words pretty easy to say.

I shook my head. "No. I don't..." Jordan punched me in the gut, randomly. "Ouch! What the actual fuck!" I bent over, holding my stomach, groaning the whole time.

"A free shot is only good when it's a sucker punch." Jordan explained, looking down at me.. I winced at my abs, which would probably be bruised in the morning, but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him smiling. I simply nodded in response. He's right... "Just be glad I didn't get you in the face... We're cool... but if you touch her-"

"Never." I lied.

Jordan started jogging away from me, waving for me to follow. "So.... you and this Phoebe chick? Think anything could happen? Might get your mind off Ronni and work and shit. Who knows, maybe she'll be good for you."

"Uh... yeah, I don't know about that. She's a little pushy."

He gave me a knowing look. "Look who's talking. You're calling her pushy? That's something you don't hear every day..."

"She's a little bit much, you know? I don't know... I didn't really think about it. Maybe I'll give it a shot." I sighed.

Jordan shrugged. "Just a thought. Don't force yourself into it."

We were quiet for a little. I think it was partially because we were tired and partially because neither of us knew what to say, until I spoke up.

"The game last night was pretty brutal. You had a minus two-" I began, with a grin on my face.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah okay, well when Patrick Kane has a breakaway and I'm on the opposite side of the rink, there's not much I can do, okay? Cut me some slack."

"Minus two..." I repeated. Jordan punched me again. "I'm just saying! You're lagging out there... Could it be, you miss your line mate? The one, the only Taylor Hall?" I cupped my hands around my mouth and screamed Ahhhh to make it sound like there was a crowd eagerly awaiting my return.

He squinted hard against the sun and laughed. "Yeah, sure. I mean, I didn't seem to miss you that much the game before that when I got a goal and an assist and a plus two so... yeah, I miss you alright... miss being able to rub it in your face when I whip your butt in the stats category." he chuckled.

I nodded. "Oh, I'm going to catch up and blow right by you when I get back on the ice. Guaranteed."

"We'll see, Hallsy. You have to actually get back on the ice first."


The next day, I felt a whole lot better. I got sleep, I was clean, and I went to school, where I could take solace in the fact that I didn't have to see anyone who had made my life a living hell over the past week... besides myself. I learned some stuff about the arms and shoulder muscles and all that jazz. I handed in a research paper that I was really proud of, and I hung out with a couple friends for an hour or so after class just to study and catch up. Thankfully, they didn't ask about the internship, I just kept trying to figure out what they were up to recently and they didn't seem to mind.

I didn't end up going to the rink that day. Jordan and I went to the movies together instead. Taylor and Jack worked out so, that job was done. I just spent the day with Jordan and relaxed. It was nice. We saw some inappropriate comedy that was rated R and it was just what I needed. The kissing in between important scenes was always nice too. Then, he took me to lunch and he and I actually held a conversation about hockey.

"So, I heard that the Maple Leafs have the longest losing streak they've had in over a decade," I randomly chirped from the other side of the table. Jordan stopped in the middle of eating his breaded fish, raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded and grinned. "Oh yeah, I've been doing my homework, Professor Eberle. Can't say my roommates like it when I change the channel from America's Next Top Model to Sports Center but..."

"Well, look at you? I'm impressed. I'll be really shocked if you can tell me why you think that is that hey have this losing streak." he teased.

I took a bite of my pasta and pondered it for a moment. "Well... They just lost their two top scorers due to injury and their defense hasn't been the best recently... I'm sure the line changes to offense messed up their ability to score and if their defense wasn't anything to fear in the first place...." I looked up and Jordan grinned, giving me a few claps. "Thank you, you're much too kind." I couldn't exactly take full credit... was a wonderful help...

"Nice job, Ron, I couldn't have said it better myself." he sighed. I smirked and popped a mini-meatball into my mouth, then looked up to see Jordan still staring. I stared back, waiting for him to say something. "So... about you and Taylor... do you have any feelings for him?"

Random much. I slowly set my fork down and reached in my lap for my napkin. I dabbed the
corners of my mouth, staring down at my plate. "No... why?" I breathed tensely.

"Just... making sure. You can tell me." Oh really? I can tell my boy-friend-thing that I have a crush on his friend? Uh, no thanks, bub. "Honestly." He reached across the table and gripped my hand tightly, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

I really wanted to trust him, but how could I? "Jordan, I don't like him, okay? I...I've been stressed-"

"I know-" He began, retracting his hand.

I shook my head. "No-no you don't." I was laughing, but it wasn't funny; it was a bitter laugh, and I was grimacing at him. "You really don't."

"Then help me to..." He crossed his arms over his chest. Why is he so nice?

I took a deep breath, contemplating my options. Go for it. "Alright... well, it's almost the anniversary of my Dad's death. He was a physical therapist, I dreamt of being like him and... I'm nowhere near the man he was. I'm screwing everything up with everyone... and I can't tell you how sorry I am if I hurt you." At first, Jordan couldn't look at me. I didn't expect him to, really. "Jordan." He reluctantly met my eyes with his pitying ones. "Don't feel sorry for me... I am truly sorry for what I did."

"I'm sorry... about your dad, I mean." Jordan huffed, he nervously cracked his fingers over the table. "If you want to talk, I'm here. And it's okay. I mean... just don't go making out with him again anytime soon."

Jordan smirked so that I could see his gap. It had been a while since I saw him smile like that, and I couldn't help but grin back. "I don't plan on it."

Then, he took me home. That was basically it. That was my day, and I was damned proud of it.

"Today was fun." I sighed as he walked me to my door. He nodded and smiled. I leaned forward and gave him another kiss. "Thanks."

"Thank you. It's nice to get away from the guys every once in a while and... yeah you're pretty fun I guess." he joked. I shoved him lightly. "So... the game tonight... are you coming?"

I cocked my head to the side. "My uncle didn't tell me... so I guess not." I chuckled. I don't need a distraction from my other distractions.

He smiled and reached out, handing me a few tickets. "Well, now you are. It's on the glass, and you can take your friends if you want. Maybe you can all come to the dinner after wards?"

I took the tickets and put them in my pocket. This would be my first time going to a hockey game and actually spectating. "You're awesome." I laughed, giving him another kiss. "Thanks. I'll make sure I actually buy a Jordan Eberle jersey too."

"You better. If I see a Horcoff jersey or something, we can't be friends anymore." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "But, I'll see you later, okay?" I nodded and watched as he walked down the hall into the elevator.

I opened the door to see Annie and Phoebe grinning at me from the couch. "So, we're going to a hockey game?" Annie asked brightly. Nosey...

"Apparently...." I tossed the tickets onto the table. "It's at eight. Don't embarrass me."

Phoebe chirped, "Will Taylor be there?" I didn't answer, I just walked into my room and picked out the outfit for the night. "I take that as a yes?" She poked her head into my room and I chucked a pillow at her head.

"Get out!" I screamed. She gladly obliged, cackling the whole way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry! Lagging on the updates recently. I kinda wanted to wait and see what people said about the boys before posting, but I didn't exactly get feedback haha. And it's kind of short in comparison to other, plus not a lot happens, I apologize again. Enjoy, and I'm still curious to see which guy is winning you over!! Thanks for reading!