Forever Isnt Too Far Away

Clairvoyant Disease

Blair woke up to the sounds of howling.

Sure, there had always been rumors of wolves in the shitty town, but they had never been this close to the suburban area. Shivering, she pulled her house robe on.

Glancing at her clock, she groaned when she saw the time. 3:34am. She would have to be awake in three or so hours. Pulling her hair up into a ponytail, Blair left her room and crept onto the main floor. She had been grounded for the last two days, and she still had another three days to go. After getting a ride home from Matt that Friday, she had been completely hung up on the fact that he couldn't be too much older than her.

Her homework had suffered. Dennis had grounded her for the first time, because her mother was too upset to scream properly. Banished to her room, Blair took refuge in her solitary confinement, catching up on reading, her blogging, and any homework she had or hadn't missed.

But then being alone got boring.

The howls broke her thoughts. Blair had made it into the kitchen, where she could grab a flashlight.

Howling turned into deep snarling, vicious growls, even a snap or two. Could wolves hiss? Blair bit the corner of her lip, adrenaline rushing through her body as she opened the back door and stood on the back deck, not too far from the barely opened door.

The snarling and general fighting sounds stopped for a few seconds. Then they started right back up, making Blair gasp as their intensity and fierceness picked up in volume. Then a dark grey or brown blur came straight for her. Dropping the flashlight and scrambling for the door, she didn't have time to make it in.

Gasping as teeth nipped at the back of her leg, Blair foolishly swung her hands down at the attacker, shrieking as it made contact with soft fur. She stumbled out of the way as a second wolf barreled in, jumping ontop of the first wolf that had attacked her. Blair didn't allow herself to look as the sounds of ripping flesh and yelping dogs found her ears. Falling to her knees she covered her ears and closed her eyes, with her hands and silently began to count to a hundred.

When she reached fifty, the sounds were gone. Opening her eyes, Blair saw that none of the wolves remained, except for one. He was black with white or cream underbelly, with familiar green eyes. Before she could get a better look, the wolf took off back into the forest, leaving Blair with more to think about than before.


They had gotten one of them. The five that had come into his forest, only one survived. Syn and Jimmy carried him half alive into the house, while the rest of the pack buried the dead. Matt wiped the blood from his face. He was bleeding somewhere. Hell, he was bleeding in a lot of places, but he couldn't pinpoint where it was all coming from.

But they were going to attack Blair and her family.

Once Jimmy had dumped the cold water over the other's head, he spluttered and gasped, coming back to it. Matt was instantly at his throat, teeth bared and fingernails digging intentionally painfully into the other male's neck as he whimpered and gasped. Jimmy put a hand on his shoulder.

"Who are you?"

Matt growled. The other didn't answer, which made Matt force more of his claw like finger nails into his tender throat.

"Michael! Mike... D-Doherty..."

Matt wiped his hand back as if he had been stung. Mike Doherty? Jimmy was staring at the man in disbelief as well. Mike had disappeared shortly after Cassie had died, and everyone thought he had simply vanished, skipped town, settled down. Matt's anger began to boil.

"You of all people shouldn't be here, Mike! Why.... What the fuck happened to you?"

Matt roared.

Mike lowered his head in a submissive gesture.

"I left after Cass died because... because I knew that it was partially my fault she's dead, and I was ... I d-didn't want to face you, and... well.."

"Spit it out!"

Matt shouted. He didnt want to hear about his dead sister and he didn't want to hear about how frightened or fucking cowardly he was. Mike nodded and babbled on about how he left, abandoned his pack, and joined this new one. He was Beta - now an outsider, Matt thought semi-smugly - and his Alpha had sent him to challenge Matt, and find his weak spot.

"A weak spot?"

Matt laughed, although he knew he should have been more careful. Just the thought of Blair, and how she stared at him like she knew it was him.

"Yes. We smelt you on that girl, but that was as much as we got. We took what we could get."

Matt closed his eyes. If that was all it took, he knew that he would have to leave Blair alone forever.

"Kill him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah! Not really my best, but someone asked for more werewolf-shit, so here it is :3
I promise this is going somewhere, guys!