Forever Isnt Too Far Away


Matt dropped Blair home and returned to his own house, knuckles white from gripping the wheel so hard. He felt like someone had replaced his inner organs with glass and ran a hammer through them all. He was numb for the first time in two years; it was like Cassie had died all over again.

He knew that with this decision, he would never find another girl like her again. Hell, he'd probably never find his mate now. As numb as he was, that thought sent a frozen chill down his spine. His line would end with him. Matt walked into the house and closed the door, locking it. He went to the back door and locked that too.

Once he did that, he went to his room, closed the door, and locked it.

He just needed to be alone.

Sinking onto his bed, Matt stared at the ceiling. He should call Jimmy. He should call Syn, or Jimmy, or someone. He couldn't be alone. But, there was no one to call. Jimmy had gone off somewhere to do who knows what, Syn and the rest of the boys were either out getting drunk or with their girlfriends.

Matt rolled onto his side. He would never have a girlfriend now. Not so long as he was in power.

He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, willing himself to go to sleep.


Blair's entire body felt ragged and weak. After Matt had dropped her off back at home, she knew she had a choice. Run away for good, or go home and show her mom just how weak she really was. Blair didn't have the energy to deal with her mom, but she didn't have the strength to run away either.

So Blair took the neutral ground, and went to the cemetery.

She took the long route from her house. It was almost a full twenty minutes of walking before she reached the gates. Her insides were trembling as she approached her father's headstone.

"He doesn't get it, Dad."

She whimpered sadly, hating the fact that she was crying - once again - to her dead father.

"He doesn't get that I don't care about the danger, about the threat. I want to be with him. He's different, Dad. He understands me better than anyone else.. even mom."

Blair wiped her eyes, sitting on the ground. She drew her knees to her chin.

"I got bit by... by a werewolf, Dad. Can you believe it? Werewolves...."

Blair made sure she didn't speak too loud. She knew now that there were people out there that wanted to hurt her because of who she is in Matt's life. Or, was in Matt's life.

"I'm not going to go full wolf during the full moon... I just got nipped. Matt said nothing should happen unless an Alpha bites me under the half moon. Which is in two weeks."

The seventeen year old continued to speak to her father, her sadness and anger melting away as she talked. It was beginning to grow cold, since the sun had set over two hours ago. Refusing to go home, Blair huddled into herself, willing herself to deal with the cold for as long as she could. It was nearing midnight when she gave in. Standing up, she turned to leave the cemetery. Blair took her time getting to her house, when she realized where she was.

Her mom had kicked her out.

Matt had kicked her out.

Realizing she had no where else to go, and fighting the tears of abandonment, Blair returned on her way back to the cemetery.
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yeah so im sorry the crapiness of this chapter.
my bad x]