Forever Isnt Too Far Away

Blinded In Chains


Matt understood that this was a life changing choice she had to make, but couldn't she think about it a little faster? It was killing him, knowing she was thinking everything through and weighing all the choices that came with a yes or a no. Where Matt had the luck of being born into this life, Blair was brand new to the whole idea, he knew that this was a huge step, but one that had to be taken. Matt reached under the table and held her hand. He would be estatic if she said yes, but he would understand if she said no, as well.

He hoped it wasn't a no.

"I'd have to come and live with you, right?"

Blair asked quietly. Matt nodded.

"And I wouldn't be able to see my friends?"

"Depends. I mean, you could go back home and live a normal life, but it would be a struggle. Your first change should be with us- if you say yes -so we can keep an eye on you. There's a lot to think about here, Blair. You can't just jump on and expect things to be normal. If you say yes, say yes because you want to and not because of me. I won't be upset if you say no."

Blair nodded, biting her lip. Matt's eyes were on her, and his hand was holding her's gently. She looked at the table. Blair knew she could give up her mom and future step-dad easily. Her mom would miss her, but she'd get over her daughter like she got over her dead husband - with a replacement. That thought made Blair's stomach cold. Dennis didn't know her well enough to miss her.

Her friends though? Danica was really the only friend she had; the others were sort of just faces in the hallway now. They didn't have the same phone numbers, they weren't into the same things she was... it really was just Danica. Danica would miss her, but .... Danica had other friends. Better friends than Blair. She looked from the table at Matt, and nodded her head. What did she have to lose?

What Matt was offering her was a fresh chance at a new life, something she couldn't get anywhere else.


Blair said, smiling. Matt looked at her carefully.


He echoed back at her.


Blair confirmed, smiling even more. Matt looked extremely happy as he leaned in and kissed her. Blair smiled and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He tasted like vanilla and strawberries, which made her sigh blissfully. Matt pulled her onto his lap and rested his head on top of her's, reaching over her to grab a strawberry.

"What's its like, turning?"

Blair asked softly, shaking her had at his offer of the strawberry. Matt popped it in his mouth as he held Blair close.

"For me, it's almost like someone's doused me with cold fire. I can't really feel anything changing until it's happened. The first time I changed, I was five years old."

Blair cuddled closer to Matt, closing her eyes. His heartbeat was steady, and it was lulling her into a light sleep.

"It was odd. I never felt anything like that before. I was so young, that I thought I was really sick. But I had my dad there to help me. I've never seen him change before that; when I watched him change and nothing hurt him, I accepted it."

"Accepted it?"

Matt nodded, shifting her slightly so he could dip a finger into the melting ice cream.

"Yeah. First time werewolves try to fight it, which could kill them. If they're scared of the change or they try and fight it, the change can build up in their system and could possibly cause their heart to explode."

Blair lifted her head from his chest and stared at him wide-eyed.


"It can cause their heart to explode?"

Blair squeaked.

"Yeah. It's what happened to my mom."

Matt lowered his eyes, and Blair bit the corner of her lip.

"She ah... she tried to fight the change in a grocery store. I was twelve, and Cassie was five, or something. Dad had already left the store with Cassie, because Cassie wasn't feeling good, and he needed a safe place to turn, so I stayed back with my mom to help with the groceries."

Blair returned her head to his chest, as Matt rested his chin on top of her head.

"I didn't know you could fight it, so we got to the car, and I was already beginning to feel it. Mom told me she wasn't going to change, but when the full moon's out, you can't help it. It just happens. So Mom told me to leave, to run home and if I change on the way, run into the forest. She couldn't have a wolf in her car shedding. So thats what I did. I ran."

There was a heavy silence in the room.

"Dad found mom before sunrise. Her heart had exploded from trying to resist the change. If Dad had known Mom didn't want to be a werewolf anymore, he would have ..."

Matt trailed off, hugging Blair close to his chest.

"It's not important. Mom's the only example I remember. It's never happened to my pack or my friends."

Blair nodded, leaning back to kiss him. Matt kissed her back softly, before breaking the kiss.

"What was that for?"

"For being strong. For not letting that change you."

Matt smiled, kissed her forehead and cuddled her some more. She had no idea how much his mother's death had changed him.