Forever Isnt Too Far Away

Dear God

Blair hurt everywhere.

Her wrists were absolutely chafed to the bone. Not literally, but close enough. Her ankles were the same. She was a hundred and ten percent sure that something was broken in her body. The last week - had it really been a week? - had been torturous. She had been pulled, prodded, cut and bound a million times. She had no more feeling left in her right arm, and her eyes were always covered.

Where was Matt? Why hadn't he come for her yet?

She shifted slightly, gasping when pain from her right leg traveled up and into her shoulder, leaving a burning trail of hurt along with it. She couldn't smell her kidnappers anymore. She could barely smell anything. Blair was getting sick. Tied up for hours, relief only came when she hollered for a bathroom break. Whoever came to untie her wore strong perfume, masking his or her original scent from Blair.

They thought she was a werewolf.


Blair called.

"H-hello! I... I have to pee!"

No answer. Not even a cricket. Blair began to cough, knowing sometimes when that happened, someone came running. She coughed herself breathless. No one came.


Blair screamed, her throat raw from the screaming she had done before. Fear was beginning to well in her body. She didn't know what was going on. For the last seven days, there had always been someone there to either let her go pee, or to give her something to eat or drink. Where was that person? Where they gone? Did they abandon her? Blair struggled against her bonds, screaming at the top of her lungs for someone, anyone, to come and get her.

When the door opened she stopped screaming.

When no one spoke, she strained her ears for their breathing.

"Easy, little lady. No one's going to hurt you."

It wasn't any of her previous helpers, which made Blair weary. She lashed out with her feet, hoping to kick him. It was definately a him; his voice was rough and deep. He chuckled, leaning over her to untie her hands.

"If I untie your hands, will you scratch me?"

"Get me the fuck out of here! Please!"

Blair begged this man, struggling wildly. He chuckled again and undid them. She rolled away from him, beginning to kick and fling her arms around. A strange and sharp pain laced through her entire body and she screamed in pain, curling into herself as the pain throbbed eagerly and healthy in her body. She didn't move the blindfold; she was too busy trying to make the pain go away. Hnads touched her hips and her leg, and she flinched from his touch. It was unfamiliar and unwelcomed.

"Hold on, girly. Let me see what they've done."

He held her down easily as he looked at her legs; first the left and then the right. He clucked his tongue suddenly. The sound was unique to Blair and she flinched.

"They branded you."


"Your captors, girl. They left their mark on you. That isn't going to go overwell with your Alpha."

"My A-alpha?"

He chuckled at her. She sat up and removed the blindfold. The light from the door was streaming in causing her to squint, but as her eyes got accustomed to it, she realized that the person in front of her wasn't familiar at all.

"You are a werewolf, aren't you? They only take werewolves."

"Who? Who the hell are we talking about?"

"The Brotherhood Of Lunar, obviously. They kidnap werewolves and figure out the best way to kill them, obviously. You're lucky I got here when I did, They were going to kill you."

Blair's stomach twisted so violently she leaned to the side and retched.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay Blair's not dead :]
The Brotherhood of Lunar is completely 100% my idea.
Cliche I know. Sorry folks!