Forever Isnt Too Far Away

Until The End

Matt left the hospital and began his search to find Dallas. As far as he knew, the breaking of the brand would fix his problems. He got to his car and started it up, pulling out of the hospital parking lot to start his drive towards Troy's territory. He and the other Alpha were already on shaky terms, and with Blair going missing and being found literally minutes away from the edge of his territory... Matt pushed the thought away and drove just above the legal limit towards Dallas' last known location.

Squealing into a sidewalk parking spot, Matt killed the engine and climbed out. His head was on Blair, but he needed to know if he had done the right thing. As he locked the car, a strange scent following the rotting stench of garbage made Matt pause. He knew something wasn't sitting well. He stalked the shadows and headed towards the fading scent of Blair, and the even stronger scent of Dallas.


Matt called softly. He headed for the stench of garbage and apples, hoping it would lead him to Dallas. He made his way over the tumbled trash cans and the flung garbage, making a face as the rotting stench made his head spin. He had an inkling in the back of his mind that this wasn't going to be good. He stepped around the trodden trash before coming face to face with Dallas.

"Jesus! Dude you scared the hell'outta me,"

Dallas breathed. Matt held his breath; the dude needed a toothbrush.


"Sorry, sorry. Uh. I did that thing you were telling me about before, breaking the brand on Blair's leg."

Dallas nodded, scratching his ear.

"Has she been acting weird lately?"

The lone werewolf asked softly. Matt shook his head, looking at the ground as he spoke.

"No. She's in the hospital."

Dallas whistled lowly. Matt nodded, already feeling really guilty for doing it, but with Dallas only standing there and not really offering anything to help, the guilt doubled. But with the guilt came annoyance; it had been Dallas' idea to do that! Matt didn't know Blair's pain tolerance was so weak. If he did, he would have found a better way.

"That sucks. I hope she gets better soon."

Matt nodded at Dallas' words.

"Me too."

There was a slight pause before Matt spoke again.

"So, did I do the right thing? Breaking the brand?"

Dallas nodded. Matt was a little relieved, but there wasn't a solid air of confidence yet. Something was wrong. He looked around, paranoia setting in. Dallas was picking the dirt out from under his nails. That strange smell he had smelt before was coming back, a little stronger this time.



"Why are you so nervous?"

Matt in turn shrugged. He turned his back to Dallas and headed for his car.

"Shads? Shads!"

Matt turned around, glaring at the lone werewolf. If Troy was to see either of them inching steadily closer to the territory, it would seriously start a turf war, which was something Matt didn't have the numbers for.

"What, Dallas?"

"Don't blink."

Before Matt could blink, a bag was shoved over his head and someone brought a slap of wood against the back of his knees. Howling in pain, surprise and outrage, Matt began to struggle and fight his attackers off blindly, before a sharp pain in the side of his neck, through the bed caught him off guard.

He was being drugged.

"Thanks for everything, Matt. You've really helped us along. When we realized your beautiful mate was simply human, we knew we had to get the bigger fish on the hook - you."

The words were growing steadily muffled, hazy and hard to pick out. Matt's normal strength was fading.

"Now we have you. Time to put our tests and theories to work."
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Matt! D:
I wonder what Blair's going to do....