Status: In Progress (Gradually)

The Coffee Shop

Chapter 4

“You mean this isn’t a date?” He said in a shocked tone but a huge smile on his face.
“As far as I’m concerned this is a continuation of our first meeting” I said smiling and taking my first sip of hot chocolate and groaning in delight.
“That good huh?” He said taking a sip of his. “Oh wow okay, the sex groan was definitely appropriate”. I laughed and started choking on my hot chocolate, Harry hit me on the back until I was okay. “Well I can honestly say I’ve never had to hit a girl on a date”
“I thought we just classified this as a non-date” I said still coughing a little bit, “and what do you expect from a girl when you say ‘sex groan’”
“Well to be fair you did sex groan in front of me and I didn’t choke” He said smirking as I blushed.
“We need to stop saying sex groan, I think we’re turning the old couple on” I said in a stage whisper pointing to the couple across the shop.
“Or we could give them a real show” He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I shoved him “Ewwwww… Why on earth would I want to kiss you?” I said smiling and taking a sip of drink again.
“Ouch, your wound me woman. I mean c’mon I’m Harry Styles who wouldn’t want to kiss this” he said motioning to his face. I couldn’t hold it in any longer and started laughing at his antics.
“Okay it’s not that funny” He said now pouting at me.
“Oh but it is” I said smiling.

Harry and I continued to chat away about nothing at all, just like old friends, until one of the workers came over.
“I’m sorry guys but it’s nearly 9pm and we’re meant to be closing up” she said.
“When did it get that late?” I said to Harry.
“Must have been while we were starring deeply into each others eyes” he said smirking as I shoved him.
“You’re weird” was all I said as we walked back out to his car.
“Can I give you a lift home?” he said.
“Hmmm… Do I risk letting this strange guy I’ve never met before back to my house or not… I mean he seems nice but he has “the crazy eyes”” I said making air quotations with my hands.
“Why are you so mean to me?” He said laughing and I just smiled.
“Yes, Harry you can take me home” He unlocked the car and opened the door for me. Once Harry got in I said, “Thank you”
“It’s really my pleasure” He said smiling.

We drove to my house in a comfortable silence no doubt both thinking about how our non-date had been. Then something occurred to me.
“Harry, why are you in Canada?”
“I was wondering when you were going to ask that” He smiled, “We’re recording the new music video over the next couple of days.”
“Fair enough”
“Why are you in Canada?”
I laughed, “Well when a mother Canadian and a daddy Canadian like each other they go to coffee shops and make sex groans…and one thing leads to another…” I said smiling and he cracked up laughing.
“You are amazing, did you know that?” He asked.
“I have been told that before” I said smirking.
“Modest too”
“You have no idea”

I gave Harry instructions to my house until in no time at all we were sitting out the front of my house. Alone in the car. In the dark.
“Umm… uh…”
“Don’t hurt yourself Harry” I said smiling and turning the car light on.
“Very funny Morgan”
“How long are you in Canada?”
“Till next week I think, when are you free?”
“I think when are you free is the easier question to answer”
“Any night really, I’m sure the boys will want to go out at some point though”
“Well, I have the next week off” I said leaning in and looking into his eyes.
“Morgan, do you kiss on first dates?”
“No, but this isn’t a date is it?” As soon as I had finished the question Harry’s hand was on the back of my neck playing gently with my hair. I leaned closer in, waiting for him to make a move, my body tingling with anticipation. He slowly moved in I could feel his breathing he was so close. Suddenly my phone went off… “Shit…”
“Don’t answer it” he whispered against my lips.
“I have too, it’s probably my mum wondering why I’m sitting in a car out the front of my house” I said pulling away and clicking the answer button.
“Hello, yep, I will be inside in like two seconds, I know Mum, bye”
Harry sighed, “I guess this is goodnight then”
“Goodnight Harry, call me, maybe?” I smiled and he chuckled and kissed me on the cheek.
“Oh I will” He smiled as I got out of the car.