The Apocalypse


Outside of Raccoon City Junior High School

Monday 17th April: 11:05P.M

"Thank god, you're safe!" I exclaimed enclosing Caroline in a tight hug. Carlos and I had searched the school trying to find both Angela Ashford and my baby; we'd bumped into L.J a very loud citizen and then finally Jill Valentine a former member of S.T.A.R.S and Alice a former employee of the Umbrella Corporation. With Alice and Jill both Angela and Caroline were safe and sound sat down on the benches. Nicolai hadn't been so lucky as to survive the junior high school; he lay lifeless on the floor of the adjoining room. Alice had a cure to this virus, the T-virus, which was rather lucky for Carlos. Shortly after we escaped the school Dr Ashford gave us another call detailing exactly were to go.

"Come on we have to get out of here." Alice shouted as everyone piled into the car that Jill had arrived in, we would finally be able to leave this hell-hole.

"Everything is going to be alright sweetie." I whispered hugging Caroline close, I looked over at Carlos who smiled warmly before wincing as Alice stabbed him with the needle, I tried not to giggle at his scrunched up eyes.

"I guess this getaway wasn't ours." I said as I watched several armed guards patrol, Alice had gone ahead to take out a few on the roves, leaving Carlos, Jill, L.J, the girls and I to take out the rest on the floor.

"Let's move." Carlos said motioning us forward, he acted as a distraction as Jill took out the first guard. Within a couple of minutes we had reached the helicopter and Alice had run down the side of a building taking out several guards on the ground level.

"Alex can you get this up and running?" Carlos asked as we entered the chopper, I sat down in the pilot's seat after Alice had dealt with them, flipping some of the switches on.

"Yeah, piece of cake." I replied as I began the warm up sequence, while L.J sat down in the adjacent seat.

"Girl, you're pretty fine for a guard." He said I rolled my eyes, I'm sure the line pretty fine had gone out of date with the line mighty fine.

"I'm a mechanic not a guard." I stated as the engines began to whir into action, just as we were about to set off, the cold metal of a gun was pressed against the side of my neck.

"I suggest you get up Miss Rivers." A voice commanded, being at a disadvantage all I could do was follow orders. As I ventured out of the craft the guard tied my wrists together using as I put it plastic cuffs. We exited the craft where the rest of our rag-tag group were lined up hands tied and on their knees, we were joined by Dr Ashford and another man, military personnel most likely and a dozen or so more of the guards. I was pushed onto my knees next to Carlos. The most disturbing thing about this picture was the freakishly large monster that arrived.

"What the hell is that?"
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Hi! Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed! Ciao! =D