The Apocalypse

Aim For The Head

Somewhere within Raccoon City

Monday 17th April: 6:00P.M

My god what the hell happened? Within just a couple of hours of the Hive being re-opened the whole city is in chaos. People eating people, it's like a really freaky horror film, one of those zombie apocalypse flicks. I want to wake up and this would all just be a dream, but it's not and god I'm so scared. Scared for my life, for Caroline's life…for Carlos…

"Hurry up Alex! They're closing in quick!" Toni hollered as we scarpered through an alleyway and back onto a main road. Police lights whirled round spreading blue and red light over the piles of corpses that would soon reanimate and come after us. Cars were swerved all over the place; one or two had even crashed into buildings.

"Grenade!" yelled a distant voice probably another UBC or a member of the army. Dmitri immediately pushed both Toni and I down behind an open car door.

"What the hell? They're still coming!" yelled a nearby police officer who began firing rapidly. Think Alex think, what did the late nights watching stupid horror films teach you? Damn it what was the common thing when it came to those damn films? The head!

"Toni, Dmitri aim for the head!" I yelled taking up position behind another car and readying my pistol.

"What?" Dmitri shouted running over and kneeling behind the car in front of mine.

"The head trust me, it's their weakness." I yelled back. God I hope Caroline is okay.

Raccoon City Junior High School

Monday 17th April 7:00P.M

Oh god, oh god, this was a nightmare it had to be, there was no way in hell that zombies existed. Right Caroline just wake up and it will all be okay. I was on my own in the geography room hidden in the corner with a table protecting me, the best place to be in a…in a zombie apocalypse the corner…if I had a weapon to take them out with…

Moaning and the tell-tale sound of feet dragging came from outside, please god let them go away and leave me alone! I clutched the chair leg close to my chest, my only defence against these things. I closed my eyes for a split second trying to calm down even if was just a smidgen when they immediately snapped open. The door had opened…

"Hello…"someone whispered, I knew that voice I peeked over the table and sighed.

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Hello! Sorry for the short chapters! Hope you have enjoyed and thanks again for the support, I think this little story will shortly be over in a couple more chapters. Ciao for now! =D