Outlandish Lies

Outlandish Lies

"Daddy, may I have a pony?"

Draco didn't bother looking up from the fairy cakes he was icing. "No."

Annalise's lower lip shot out. "Why not?" she wheedled.

"Because you have Pixie, and ponies love to eat cats," Draco said. Usually, it was Harry who told their daughter outlandish tales, but Draco did not want a pony on the property, nor did he want to listen to Annalise whining about it.

In response to Draco's statement, Annalise's eyes grew round as Quaffles. "I don't want a mean old pony to eat Pixie!" she squeaked.

Draco nodded solemnly. "Neither do I," he said. "That is why we won't have a mean old pony on the premises."


"Papa, may we get a puppy?"

Harry rescued the end of his tie from Airilyn's chubby, drool-wet fingers before glancing up at Annalise. "I thought you wanted a pony," he said, bouncing Airilyn on his knee.

"No!" cried Annalise, startling her baby sister. "Ponies are mean. I don't want one!"

A snort of surprised laughter escaped Harry. "Ponies aren't mean," he said. "Who told you that?"

"Daddy told me that ponies eat kitties," Annalise replied. "I don't want a manky old pony to eat Pixie." Her cat rewarded her by winding around Annalise's legs.

Harry was torn between amusement at Draco's outrageous lie and his desire to soothe his daughter. He settled on a compromise. "I've never heard of ponies eating kitties," he said. "I'll talk to Daddy about it, alright?"


"Draco Malfoy-Potter! How could you?"

Draco spun around from the sink, where he had been orchestrating the dish washing with flicks of his wand. His husband was scowling at him, and Draco's hand tightened on his wand. "I only ate one of the fairy cakes," he said. "There are plenty left to take to the Burrow later."

Harry was momentarily distracted. "You ate one of the fairy cakes and didn't offer me one?"

"But, then Annalise-"

"Speaking of Annalise," Harry cut in, remembering his mission, "why did you tell her that ponies eat cats?"

Draco offered a sheepish grin. "She doesn't need a pony, and I didn't want to debate it with her," he replied.

"Congratulations, now she wants a puppy," said Harry.

Draco frowned. "I don't want a puppy in the house, either," he said. Dogs were a lot of work, and he knew he'd get stuck with most of it.

"We'll simply have to put our parental foot down and tell her no more pets," sighed Harry. He rescued the bowl that had contained icing from the edge of the sink and dipped his finger into the sticky-sweet stuff. He stuck his finger in his mouth. "Mm..."

Draco swayed towards him, body tightening with desire.

"Don't you agree?" Harry asked. He scooped up another dollop of icing and ate it.

"Huh?" Draco blinked.

"I said, we'll have to be firm with our daughter."

Draco struggled to regain the thread of their conversation. "This is Annalise we're talking about," he said. "She's as stubborn as you are."

"And, as conniving as you are," countered Harry.

The two of them looked at one another and grimaced. In unison, they said, "We're doomed."