Status: My First real book begins

The Hunter Rises

The Dream... chapter two

Chapter Two: The Dream
Arriving at my motel suite, I shut the door behind me and locked the knob and latch the door. Looking around the dust grimed room I closed my eyes, her face still burned in my mind, her eyes piercing mine. She was alone, and I was too. I wanted to help her, but she is dead-set on hunting, to her it was like an addiction, she looked everywhere to find evil, and she would stop at nothing to dispose of it. Aleksandra was a true warrior, just like her parents, until they died she sent herself to the Temples, where she would live and train to fight, kill, and destroy all dark creatures. Unlike her I knew how to hunt, after all I was born to, and my parents were from a line of genetically rare Psi, a psychic vampire. So that makes me one as well, but somehow my abilities evolved into somewhat of a phenomenon, like my parents I can draw energy from my surroundings, absorbing electric magnetic fields that separate and float in the air. But from that my senses are extremely keen, and more so I have the ability to astral project and talk to others psychically. However like Aleksandra I too was sent to train at the Temples. But they trained me differently, enhancing my abilities so that I could track, find and trap those who disrupt our good forces.
I leaned against the door, exhausted from the exertion of energy it took to project. Finally catching my breath I stepped away and slumped myself onto the squeaky spring mattress. I fell into the tempting arms of sleep…
“Mikhail” a lazy voice whispered, from the murkiness of my subconscious. Straining to see where it was coming from, nothing, I saw no one.
“Mikhail” it said again.
“What?” I thought.
“Help me! Stop… Help, somebody – “No one can hear you”
The voices struggled, I heard a woman, screaming and gasping for air. The other a raspy and cold voice. I spun around and came face-to-face with a Syth. A half man half serpent creature with slanted slit eyes, glowing yellow, and staring at me. His fangs bare and dripping saliva he hissed.
“Looking for something?” He cackled. Then from his coils shadowed by darkness, he drew out,
“Aleksandra!” I shouted, she was limp and her eyes open, lifeless and her irises were white.
“She~s~s dead, she killed all my children and now I killed her” the Syth smiled as he jeeringly stroked her hair. I lunged forward, and then they evaporated like steam, leaving me in the sinister outlet of my nightmare.
It was like time stood still until I found myself looking up at the yellowing motel ceiling.
“A dream” I muttered.
Only a dream, maybe… but was my subconscious telling me something?
Something to watch out for, perhaps a warning about Aleksandra. Her reckless behavior and my protective feelings for her told me to keep an eye on her. My gut feelings are telling me I have to find her, and that when I do, I’m not too late. Doing what I swore I’d never do, I sat up in my bed and focused my energy on her. If she was asleep I could track her down, but astral projecting to spy on someone like her was really against my ethics, but if I wanted to help her, I have to put my morality beside and find her.
Just like the numerous times before, I felt as if I was being sucked into a tight space, and when the pressure relieved itself I felt lighter and weightless. The air was thick from where I was, outside my body, my spirit self could do anything, and be anywhere. But tracking people from an astral point of view is difficult. Like all living things, everything that lives has an aura, a spiritual light, sometimes one color for things like trees and plants, but for animals and for humans auras are an arrangement of colors. So all I saw were splotches of trees – gold, and mountains, dead but alive at the same time – a deep blue silhouette.
Where was she?
I saw a field long grass waving in flecks of green, like an ocean sparkling in the sun. I scanned the area and found a forest that stretched all the way to the mountains. But in a small clearing in the forest was a shack, a cottage maybe. Fixating on that spot I could just make out the radiating glow of a sun kissed warrior spirit, Aleksandra. A shimmer of golden light rippling with purple, green, and blue… she was aglow, beautiful like a post-storm rainbow.
I inhaled drawing myself back.
She was in Germany, home to the darkest creatures that ever existed.