These Moments With You

The Girls On The Street

The five boys that made up One Direction left the studio in central London. They where all feeling tired after a long day of song writing and recording.
'Night boys,' Louis called and waved to the others so he could go his own way to get to his own car. They all waved and smiled back as they made their way to their own cars. He felt the evening breeze on his face that cooled him down. He brushed his hair to the side out of his face so he could see properly. There was a little girl crying on the floor, practically wrestling with the person who was looking after her (it couldn't have been her mother, she was too young). He thought for a moment before going over to the pair.
'Come on, Lilly, get up! No, stop it! Your mum is going to kill me! Look, honey, you are getting all dirty! Come on, love!' begged the older girl. Her blonde hair streaked with brown highlights was tied back in a plait and hair was coming out of it. She swept the loose pieces behind her ear and attempted to prise the little one off the floor.
'No! I want it! I want it! I hate you! I want it!' bawled the little girl.
'Is she yours?' Louis asked from behind the blonde girl.
'Oh, no. She's my sister's. God, how embarrassing!' she replied, without turning her head. 'Oh, I give up!' and let go. The little one fell back slightly, before sticking her tongue out at her.
'Ah. What's all that about?' said Louis.
'I won't buy her the Disney magazine because it's her birthday tomorrow. She doesn't need it!' she finally turned her head to see who was standing in front of her.
'Louis Tomlinson,' Louis grinned, holding out his hand for her to shake.
'Yeah, I - I know who you are! I'm - I'm Alyssa. My friends usually call me Ally. Nice to meet to,' she stuttered, shaking his hand.
'Nice to meet you, too. Who's sassy over there?' he smirked, and gestured towards the little girl trying to crawl back to the shop.
'Oh that's Leah. She's got an attitude on her...a rotten one at that,' Ally explained.
'Hey, Leah!' Louis called, and she stopped and turned around.
'Don't be rude!' Ally exasperated, and Leah returned with yet another sticking out of the tongue.
'Hey, don't be sassy. Come here,' and Louis crouched down to her level and beckoned her towards him. She came and stood in front of him. 'Now, I hear it's your birthday tomorrow. It that right?'
'You know, if you keep being rude to the people who look after you, you won't get any presents. So, be nice to your auntie, okay?' Louis said. The little girl's face went from a scowl to a look of pure shock. She nodded reluctantly. 'Good. Now, because it's you're not allowed the magazine, I can't give you that, but, here's something, now go and get yourself something. Go and get a chocolate or a nice treat. That's for your birthday. Don't make me want to take that back, okay?'
'Okay. Thank You,' Leah said, shyly.
'Happy birthday. Do I get a birthday hug?' and she gave him a quick hug.

'You didn't need to do that,' sighed Ally, as they where walked around the shop for Leah.
'Well, I did,' grinned Louis.
'You're really good with kids. You'd make a good dad someday,' she replied, smiling. Louis finally got to see what she really looked like. Her wavy fringe was sticking up, falling out of her plait. She wore very little make-up, and you could see in the light that she was blushing slightly. Her slanted green eyes where lightly lined by mascara and her full lips shimmered with the lip-gloss she was wearing. Instantly, Louis thought she was beautiful.
'Thanks. I think you'd be one of those mum's who don't like to tell the kids off but love to give them everything they need,' he laughed.
'Yeah! That's pretty much it! I can tell her off when I need to, but when I'm tired and she's been behaving like that all day - I just give up and can't be asked,' she explained. They paid for the thing that Leah chose and stood outside.
'Right, lets walk you back. Come on, Leah. Bye, Louis. Thank you, it was really great to meet you,' she smiled.
'Wait, I'll give you a lift. I have some cushions in the car from a few days ago with the boys. She can sit on those in the back. You can sit with her,' Louis offered. Ally said yes, and within minutes they where strapping everyone into the car.
'Where to, miss?' he asked, in the style of a chauffeur. She giggled and told him the address. They drove and sang along to the radio - terribly. They had each other laughing. By the time they arrived at the house, Ally's mascara was running.
'Well, thanks again, Louis. Bye! Come on, Le,' she said.
'Hang on, what's your Twitter name? I'll send you a direct message,' Louis smiled. She happily gave it to him and got Leah out of the car. Louis drove off feeling happier than he had all day.