These Moments With You

A 'Date'

The next day, in the studio, Louis sat in a chair, on his phone while Niall was recording his parts on the new song. Harry was sitting in the chair next to him and Zayn and Liam where watching and listening to Niall, while trying to write some more material. Louis had followed Ally on Twitter, and was now looking at her recent photos. He thought she was more and more beautiful by the minute. He ended up sending her a direct message. As he was typing it, Harry heard the clicking sounds and looked up at him and over to his phone.
'Who are you talking to?' he asked, puzzled.
'Oh, um, a fan I met on the way home yesterday,' Louis said. It wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't a complete lie.
'Seems more than a fan with what you're putting,' Harry smirked.
'What do you mean?'
Harry put on a mocking 'in-love' voice. ''Hi! Met you yesterday, happy birthday to Leah!'' then he made a kissy noise.
'Oh shut up Harry. She was trying to get her niece off the floor and I found out it was her nieces birthday today.' Louis explained.
'Yeah okay. Ooh, she's replied, what's she put?' Harry winked.
'She put 'Oh thanks! She's having a good day' with a wink face,' Louis sighed.
'So do you like her?' Harry nudged.
'She's nice.'
'That means yes then.'
'Maybe a bit,' Louis blushed.
'Ask her out. Take her to the cinema or go bowling with her. Ask her on a date. Go on!' Harry poked Louis on the shoulder teasingly. Louis grunted. He sent;
'I don't know if you'd want to, but would you like to go bowling with me?'
She replied back a minute or so later;
'Yeah, sure. When? ;)'
'How about Friday? Pick you up at 7?'
'Great! See you there! :)'
'Louis got a date! Louis got a date!' Harry chanted. It was soon his turn to go and record, so Louis wasn't tormented for too long.

Friday came faster than Louis had expected. As he went to collect Ally, he was unusually nervous. He'd one out with girls before, but he was so nervous to the extent you could even say he was scared.
'Hey, Ally!'
'You alright?' she smiled.
'Yeah, you?' Louis asked, before driving to the bowling alley.
'Yeah, I'm great thanks,' she said, quite breathlessly.
They arrived at the bowling alley and paid for their lane.
'Just so you know, I'm now very good,' she blushed.
'I bet you and your best mate have never broken a lane before have you?' Louis grinned.
'You've done that? Oh yes! Liam mentioned that on a Twitcam once! And - oh God...I knew this would happen!'
'I'm acting like an obsessive fan! Watching all of the Twitcams, knowing everything about you all...I don't want to be like that because I know you'll think I'm just another fan!'
'You're not just another fan,' Louis smiled.
'But, how would you know that? You've only known me a few days,' she stated.
'Well...' Louis began, but now she had him did he know that? 'You seem really nice. You didn't scream or fangirl in front of me when we met, you let me help you with your niece and you just don't seem like the type to tweet or put on Facebook every move you make.'

Louis was considerably better at bowling than Alyssa, but she could bowl. She got two strikes in the game and several spares. She never missed the pins at all. She was quite good, to be fair. She laughed at all of Louis' jokes, but he wasn't sure if that was just out of politeness. At the end of the game, Louis thought it would be funny to throw a ball down the lane which was now closed at the grates came down. The ball ended up getting stuck under the grate.
'Come on!' Louis laughed, grabbing her arm as she swooped up her bag and they tore from the bowling alley. After running down the road in the rain and laughing at the 'prank', they ended up stopping on the next corner, clutching stitches in their sides.
'Do you fancy a pizza?' Louis asked, recovering from laughing and pointing to the pizza restaurant across the road. She didn't really have much time to answer before she was led across the road and into the warmth. They where given a table for two and a menu to order from. They where both dripping wet from the brewing storm outside. The meal was warming and entertaining.
'This has been a really nice night,' Alyssa said.
'Yeah? Do you want to do it again sometime? We could go to the cinema next week if you like,' Louis suggested.
'Hm, I don't know if I'm free much next week,' Ally replied, after a short pause.
'Ah, you're going to make me chase you are you? That's cool, as Harry says, 'The fun's all in the chase',' he smiled.
'Chase me?' She asked in awe.
'Oh! I mean, like, you know, just like-'
'Can't really lie...I think you're really pretty and I love your personality. I think I have a bit of a thing for you,' Louis said, his ears burning scarlet.
'Oh, well, that's really sweet, Lou...' but she broke off. The rest of the evening was just as enjoyable, but a little more quiet. Louis soon drove her home.

'Here you go, miss,' Louis said, as they arrived at her house.
'Thank you. And, thank you for tonight. I've really enjoyed myself.'
'No problem,' Louis ripped his eyes away from the windscreen and into her eyes. The rain was lashing against the window and thunder was rolling across the sky, with lighting flashing, breaking between the clouds, splitting them up. It was as sudden as the lighting itself - Louis breath could be felt on her face and vice versa. You could almost count every hair in her fringe. Their eyes where closed and in a warm embrace. Their soft lips locked. Louis placed his hand on the side of her face and his other on her waist. She held his strong biceps. They let go and Ally looked down.
'Well, um...bye, Louis. I'll, um, I-I'll see you s-soon, I guess. Thanks,' and she slid out of the car and into the rain, without looking back. Louis watched her go into the house, watching her jacket and jeans get more saturated with the pounding rain. As she went in, Louis fell back into his seat and closed his eyes.