These Moments With You

''Last Night Shouldn't Have Happened''

'So, how did your date with that girl go, eh?' Niall prised over lunch the next day, having a break from work.
'It wasn't a date - wait, how did you know about that?' Louis asked, shocked.
'Harry told us. So what happened?'
'Nothing really. We went bowling, had some dinner, went home,' Louis shrugged.
'Was that it?' Niall asked.
'Yeah pretty much.'
'Hey, Louis! Look at this!' Zayn said, almost sarcastically. He handed over a teen magazine and gave it to Louis face down. Louis picked it up and turned it around. There was a picture promoting a new talent show which was to be out soon. He didn't see the big fuss until he saw in the bottom corner of the page a picture of Louis and Ally in the car captioned 'Has Louis found his One Thing?'.
'Looks like a good show,' Louis pushed the magazine away from him and gave it an airy approach, acting as if he'd not seen anything.
'Well...' Zayn pressed, opening the magazine. He pushed the magazine on the table in front of Louis to show him the double-page about Louis and Ally. One picture of them running from the bowling Ally laughing and another of the same picture that was printed on the front cover.
'Looks like more than just bowling and a pizza,' Liam smirked, who had been eavesdropping and had just appeared behind Louis's shoulder.
'Yeah, that happened too, but so what?' Louis tried playing it cool.
'Louis's got a girlfriend,' Harry began to chant distantly from the other side of the room.
'No, Harold. Louis went out with a pretty girl. He is not her boyfriend,' Louis said sarcastically.
'Oh come on! You fancy her, you've been out on a date with her, and before you protest, it must have been a date because you flipping well kissed her!' Harry grinned.
'Come can tell us...Do you like her?' Niall asked.
'Yes. I do like her. She's a very likeable person.'
'Do you really like her? Do you love her?'
'Love's taking it to the extreme isn't it? I've only known her just over a week.'
'That means yes then,' Zayn grinned. 'It wouldn't matter if you did. We'd be happy for you.'
'Look, it doesn't mean yes, but I'll admit that it doesn't mean no. I like to get to know the girl before starting a relationship with her, as I've told people before,' Louis explained.
'Oh, alright,' winked Niall. Louis decided to shake it off, but couldn't help kind of missing her whenever he looked at the picture in the magazine.

They where soon back in the studio and recording the final few songs before they had to short list them and create the album. They finished the final recordings that day and headed out to a restaurant down the road to celebrate. The waitress soon came over to take their orders after a while, once they had finished looking at the menus.
'Hello, are you ready to order,' came a fairly joyful voice.
'Um, yeah, please, I'll have the-' Harry began to place his order as Louis looked up from the menu to see the waitress. She was wearing black trousers and flat back shoes. She had a black, short-sleeved blouse with a white apron-piece tied around her waist to hold her notebook, pen and any money she had to collect. Her blonde hair streaked with brunette highlights was tied back in a loose bun. She wore very little make-up that gave her a very natural look. Suddenly, as he noticed her eyes, it dawned on Louis who she was.
'Ally?' Louis exclaimed in disbelief. She looked up and saw who had said her name.
'Oh! Um..Hey, Louis! Um...Did you want to order?' She said, shyly looking down at her notepad.
'Wow, you can almost feel the awkward...' Harry said. Louis looked at him piercingly and kicked him hard in the shin as Ally turned bright red. They all gave their orders and told her what drinks they would like. She soon bought out the drinks.
'Just going to the loo,' Louis muttered. He ran up to Ally and tapped her on the shoulder.
'Louis, hey,' she said, for some reason, avoiding eye contact.
'Hey, how come you've not spoken properly? You practically ran out of the car last night,' but before Louis could go on, she came out with;
'Last night shouldn't really have happened.'
Louis was shocked. He could have been sure she enjoyed last night. 'Sorry? Is this about -' he dropped his voice 'the kiss?'
'No. Look, I've got to get back to my shift,' she tried to shove him off.
'What are these?' Louis started. When he looked down at her forearm, he saw bruises that stretched all the way up her arm.
'Nothing,' she sighed.
'They don't look like nothing. They're deep. Who did that?' Louis pressed.
'No one! Gosh, Lou!' she exasperated.
'You can't look me in my eyes and tell me that they are nothing, and that no one did that. You're lying,' Louis said calmly. Ally took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.
'Come here,' she said, leading him to a secluded corner of the restaurant.
'When I got home, my ex was there. He...he's...protective-'
'By that you mean clingy.'
'He saw me in the car with you and asked who you where. He asked what we'd being doing. I didn't tell him about the kiss, but he saw it out of the window. And...he didn't like it,' she finished.
'He did this to you? That...that...dick! Sorry!' Louis added hastily.
'It's nothing. Now if you want your food, go and sit down and let me see if it's done. Go!' she ordered, pointing him away.

Louis was in shock as he went to sit back down.
'Long toilet trip,' said Liam.
'Yeah, there was a queue,' Louis lied. He couldn't believe that Ally met someone and dated someone who would do that to her.
'He can't be right in the head,' Louis thought out loud.
'Who?' Zayn asked.
'What?' Louis responded.
'You just said someone wasn't right in the head,' Zayn said.
'Oh! One of the people of here, ketchup on a dinner that you just don't have ketchup on,' Louis said, to cover everything up. It wasn't very convincing, but they bought it. All Louis wanted to do is get hold of that man and teach him a lesson.