These Moments With You

The Mad Man

Louis knocked at the door where Ally lived, hoping for a response. After several knocks and a few minutes wait, the door slowly opened.
'What?' Growled a gruff voice.
'I'm here to see Alyssa,' said Louis coolly. He'd never seen that man before, but he had a strong hunch of who it was.
'She's not seeing anyone right now.'
'Why not? I only want quick word.'
'I said -' the man started to raise his voice slightly, when a small figure emerged into the hall.
'Louis?' she croaked.
'Ally!' Louis smiled, he was happy to see her, but it suddenly dawned on him what a state she was in.
'I told you to wait in there!' growled the man, menacingly.
'I only came to-' she started weakly but got cut off.
'I told you to stay in there!' he shouted.
'I'm sorry! Pete, I'm sorry! I only came to have a look!' it looked as though she was on the verge of tears and practically begging for something.
'Don't talk to her like that!' sneered Louis, stepping boldly over the threshold.
'Louis, don't. You don't know what you're letting yourself in for,' whispered Ally to him, as if trying not to be noticed by Pete.
'Louis, eh? The same boy you where snogging in the car a few nights ago?'
'It was over a week ago actually, and yes, it is,' Louis replied, taking another step closer.

In Louis opinion, he couldn't see what she could ever have seen in that man. Although, that could have been a long time ago. His hair was dark and fairly greasy and his breath smelled - though the smells where undefined. However, his clothes didn't seem cheap. He smelled as though he'd just come out of the shower, but forgot to wash his hair and brush his teeth. There was definitely something wrong with this guy. The house looked fairly clean, apart from the thin layer of dust gathering on the skirting board. It looked far too feminine to be his house, or to have anything to do with him. This was definitely Ally's house, but he seemed to have taken up camp.
'I don't care how long ago it was. She kissed you, and I didn't like it,' sneered Pete.
'I don't give a damn if you liked it or not - I did. She doesn't belong to you. She may be precious, but she's not your little trinket to keep. What are you even doing here?'
'I'm here because I'm with Ally,' he smiled a cruel smile. Ally muttered something from against the wall. Louis couldn't make out what it was, but Pete obviously didn't like it, as he whipped his head round and gave her an almost murderous look.
'Really? It doesn't seem like it,' Louis said pompously.
'Well, we're together.'
'In your deluded little dreams,' smirked Louis.
'What do you mean, deluded?' Pete glared.
'Are you that thick? Do I really need to dumb that down? I mean, you and Ally being together, is all in your head. Just in your imagination. Not even in your dreams could you be with her. You're mad, basically,' Louis jeered.
'I'm not mad. I think you are. If you knew what's good for you, you'd get out.'
'No. But yes, I am kind of mad. Mad at the fact you think you can lay a finger on her and get away with it. I'm mad at the fact that a sick, twisted man like yourself would do that to such a beautiful girl,' Louis said, viciously.
'No one calls her that other than me,' spat Pete.
'But do you? Do you ever tell her that she's beautiful? Do you ever tell her that she has pretty eyes, or that she is your world? Tell me, when was that last time you told her that you loved her? Or are you just to busy beating her to a pulp?'

Ally shifted from against the wall, but Pete held back a hand to hold her in place. Her hair covered her face as he looked down. She pulled the sleeves of her stretched knit jumper over her hands and held herself. She looked at the floor and started scuffing her feet, fiddling with her jeans hem, and moving uncomfortably. If Louis looked closely, he could have sworn he saw her shake when he touched her.
'Let go of her,' Louis said.
'I think you should leave.'
'I said, let go of her.'
'Ah! Pete, that hurts! Don't press so hard -' Ally whimpered. Louis looked to see where he was holding her. He had his forearm stretching from just beneath her breast to her pelvis.
'Let go of her, now,' Louis growled dangerously. Pete added pressure to her and she gasped in pain.
'What are you going to do about it?'
'Pete!' Ally took his arm and tried to push it off with as much force as she could muster. He whirled around and slapped her hard across the face, knocking her to the ground.
'Ally!' Louis and Pete cried out in union.
'Look! Look what you made me do!' roared Pete, spitting in Louis's face.
'You fucking bastard! How dare you touch her!' Louis roared back, louder. He was furious. He wanted to scoop Ally up in his arms, but knew he couldn't at that moment in time. Ally staggered to her feet, obviously in pain. She muttered Pete's name, but ended up getting kicked to the ground in return. Louis couldn't take it. As Pete turned back around, he swung hard at him. You could almost hear the crack of knuckle on jaw as the collision was made. Louis bought his knee up and kneed him hard in the pelvis. He received a hard blow to the stomach that almost winded him in return.
'You fucking do what you want to me, but you leave her alone! You hear me? One more thing and I will make you wish you'd never been born!' Louis screamed out, thumping Pete hard over the head with a heavy book that was on the small table by the door. Pete was knocked to the ground in a daze. Before he could get back up, Louis took Ally by the hand and dragged her limp yet concious body up as gently as he could. He scooped her up in his arms and ran her to the car as quickly as he could. He had just put the belt across her when a dizzy Pete appeared in the doorway. Louis strapped himself in and drove back to his house as fast as possible, keeping his hand on Ally's.

Once at Louis's house, he took her upstairs and lay her gently on his bed. He text Harry saying 'Go to New Look or somewhere. Get jeans and a jumper, and some underwear for women as well. Don't ask, just do it. Then bring them to mine. Quickly.' He added in the sizes after checking Ally's size of her top and jeans. He went out of the room and came back in minutes later with a large bowl of warm water and a clean flannel with a towel.
'Come here, Ally,' he crooned.
'Wh-what are you doing?' she asked horsely.
'I'm going to clean out any cuts you have and rub this cream,' he pulled a special doctors cream out of his drawer 'on any bruises to help them heal. Just lie there.'
He started with her face, washing it down and rubbing the cream into any bruises and cuts she possessed on her face and neck. He tried to take as much care as possible. As carefully as he could, he pulled the frayed jumper off over her head, feeling extremely awkward. He didn't like what he saw. There where large bruises covering her stomach, and in some places, the skin had been bruised and battered so much, it had split. He cleaned them all out, rubbing the cream onto them. He did the same to her arms. To make her feel more comfortable, he took a light blanket to cover her top half while he had to remove her jeans to help her legs. The same horror was to be discovered around her legs, especially the thighs and pelvic parts. Harry bought the clothes and passed them to Louis when he found him - still in complete confusion and without knowing about Ally. Louis sent for him to sit in the kitchen and make three teas or coffee's. Louis finished clearing her up after he sat her up and did her back. Tenderly, he helped her up and gave her the new, soft clothes to change into. He took his hairbrush off his dresser and untangled her hair. He brushed it back behind her ear and too her downstairs to the kitchen. Harry was waiting expectantly and a look of surprise spread across his face. Louis had to explain everything, while trying to find out more about what had happened.
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I'm sorry if this had effected anyone. I know that the topic of domestic violence and abuse can he hard and uneasy, but this does show that it happens in the world, unfortunately, and it could be so unidentifiable to begin with, but signs will start to show :( x