These Moments With You

What Happened?

'Go on, Ally. Sit down,' Louis cooed, guiding her to a chair to sit at the table. Harry smiled what could have only tried to be a comforting smile, passing her a tea. Louis sat next to Ally and tried to make her comfortable. He didn't want to pressure her into telling her anything that she didn't want to tell him or that was difficult for her to tell him.
'You okay?' he asked. She nodded her head. 'You want to tell me how all this happened?' She took a deep breath before finally nodding her head again. After a pause, she began to speak.
'For a while now, he's been getting attached. We broke up because he was...not right in the head...I told him I didn't want to see him any more. Anyway, a few weeks ago, he kept coming round to 'have a chat'. I didn't turn him away because I didn't want us to be enemies. He kept coming around more often. I'm not sure how, but he must've managed to get a key to the house. When I went out with you, Louis, he was there. I couldn't see him in the window because of the nets. He watched everything in the car and when I got in, I saw him in the chair on the other side of the room. I asked him what he was doing there and he completely avoided the question. He said, who is that? I told him that it was Louis, a guy who I met. I told him that we only went out to see a movie and get a pizza. He didn't like that. I think that because he'd been coming round a lot, he thought we might have had another chance together. No way. I told him to get out. I told him I didn't want him in my house and that who I saw was none of his business. He wasn't my boyfriend any more. He hated that I told him that. He grabbed my arm and twisted it. He told me that I'd regret saying that. He kept pinching it, and hitting it. He wouldn't let go and he kept on twisting it around. I told him to get off and I stomped on his foot, but I got pushed to the ground in return. He told me to get to bed and not to say anything, so I did. There was nothing more I could really do. I didn't hear him leave in the night, and when I woke up in the morning, I had big purple bruises all over my arm and he was down there. Asleep. I quietly got ready for work and got out the house. Later on, though, he came into the restaurant. Unfortunately, it was around the same time you came in. He saw you and recognised you, and when he saw me talking to you, he didn't do anything then because he knew he couldn't. He waited until we got home. When we where there, he acted as if we where together. He put his arms around my waist from behind, put his head on my shoulder. I tried to shake him off but he wouldn't go. He wouldn't leave me alone. I told him over and over again to get off me and leave me alone, repeatedly, and he wouldn't. I begged him, pleaded to him when he He just wouldn't leave. He started -' after all of this which was interrupted by a lot of stuttering, she choked, and tears filled her eyes. Louis put his hand on her back and rubbed it lightly and soothingly. He leant closer to her to try to reassure her, but got scared that she might have thought he was trying to come on to her. He was just trying to comfort a friend. Harry looked shocked and disgusted, as if he was sure it couldn't get any worse, but it did.
'He ran his fingers up me and did things that he shouldn't have done. He lay me down on the sofa, and I tried to fight him off but I couldn't! He r-....r-....'
'He didn't!' Louis shuddered and Harry drew a breath. She nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks.
'I couldn't do anything to stop him! He just kept going and every time I tried to stop him, he just hurt me! It hurt so much! It was my first time and I didn't want it to ever happen like that! I wanted it to be special and maybe be remembered, but not in that way! He just kept going and no matter how much I cried, he wouldn't stop...He hurt me to the point I couldn't sit up or walk. Going to the loo was painful...I spent half of the night locked in the toilet, as it was the only place I knew I was safe! When he asked if I'd 'liked it' I told him no, and that I thought he was evil and sick in the head! So he knocked me down. He kicked me and hit me more. He only let me sleep when he himself was tired. He let me sleep in as long as I wanted, but when I woke, I didn't want to get up, it hurt when I breathed in! I showered and dressed. He saw me when I came down the stairs. I got a drink and he pulled me from behind, tried to kiss me. When I turned away, he slapped me. You came just in time Louis. I don't know what would have happened to me today if you hadn't have come. Anything could have happened,' she stopped and put her head in his chest while she was sobbing. She closed her eyes and had the sleeves on her shirt pulled over her hands and up to her mouth. She sobbed hard into him. He put one arm around her and his other hand on the back of her head. He knew it was selfish of him, but he couldn't help like the feeling of her in his arms. He liked holding her. He lowered his head and whispered in her ear;
'Everything is going to be okay. It's all going to be alright.'
'Ally?' Harry piped up. His voice was cracked and you could tell he had hated what he had just heard. 'I think that you need to tell the police what you just told us.' She shook her head violently, as if scared.
'You need to. Look at what he's done to you! No one should do that to anyone. If he's capable of doing that to you, who else is he capable of? You need to get him prosecuted before anything else happens,' he said.
'You don't have to right now, but I agree with Harry. When you recover, and you feel up to it - maybe in a few hours, you need to talk to the police, love,' Louis petted her head as he said this. She tensed up, then released as if finally relaxing after hours of torture.

Hours later, the Police where in Louis's living room, interviewing Ally. She told them almost exactly what she had told Louis and Harry. They had soon gone, and Ally seemed tense yet more relaxed at the same time. Harry also left, saying that it was getting late - which it was.
'You alright?' Louis asked Ally.
'I will be. Thank you, for everything,' she smiled weakly. Louis smiled.
'Don't mention it. There's a spare room, you know. You could sleep in there. Or you could have my room, the bed's a lot more comfy.'
'The spare room is more than enough. Thank you.'
They made their way up the stairs and Louis showed her to the room.
'You don't have any night clothes...Here...' Louis went into his room and grabbed a hoodie out of it. She thanked him and went into the bathroom to wash and change. When she came out, Louis couldn't help but smile. The hoodie was so bid on her that it reached half way down to her knee, baggy on her arms and waist.
'I actually quite like you in my clothes,' he grinned as she blushed. It was happening again. Louis saw how beautiful she was and how shy she was as he brushed her hair behind her ear. She walked up to him and took his hand.
'Night, Louis. And thanks again,' she smiled. After a short pause, she lightly kissed him on the cheek and made to go for her room. Without realising it, Louis hadn't released his grip on her hand.
'Yes?' she said, looking up at Louis.
'You're so beautiful,' and without thinking what he was doing, he had his fingers entwined with hers and their lips where locked. He felt her smile which made him smile as well. They broke apart and she looked down at their hands. She pulled hers away. She smiled and blushed and walked away.

Louis couldn't resist. An hour or so later he got ready for bed and climbed in with her in the spare room. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and gently drifted off to sleep.