These Moments With You


Louis woke up in the morning, without really remembering what had happened. He looked up to see Ally there and had wondered what had happened in panic before remembering the previous days events. Her eyes where closed and her mouth was just slightly open, her breathing spaced out and controlled. Louis couldn't help but smile.
'Stop staring at me, you should know I'm not a morning person,' she croaked in a morning voice.
'How did you know that?' Louis asked, slightly amused, slightly taken aback.
'I felt you move, and your pillow didn't make the sinking noise when you lie back down,' she replied, still without opening her eyes. Louis grinned.
'Did you want me to bring you up something to drink? Tea, coffee?' He offered.
'Yeah, alright then. Yes please,' she said, rolling onto her back to slide herself up into a sitting position, rubbing her eyes. Louis rolled out of bed and plodded down stairs, feeling particularly happy with himself. He switched the kettle on and made the tea before taking it up to Ally, who was lying on the bed.
'Here you go. Didn't put too much sugar in, you're already sweet as you are,' Louis joked.
'Was that supposed to be a cheesy chat up line?' she grinned. Louis shrugged.

They sat in the quiet for a few minutes just drinking from their mugs. There was a question itching on the end of Louis's tongue, but he was unsure if to ask it or not. He was getting rather fidgety.
'What's wrong with you?' Ally enquired.
'Well...nothing, really,' Louis sighed, thinking it would be the wrong time to ask.
'Go on.'
'Just...I like having these little moments with you...whether it's just making you smile and having a drink with you or if it's a date or whatever. Like...I just...I thought that you might like it if we made it more permanent...I know I'd like it.'
'So...You're asking me to be your girlfriend?'
'Well, not girlfriend if you don't want to, but you know, go out and see each other more and spend more time together?' but before he could go on, he was silenced by a peck on the side of his lips.
'I kissed you once in the car. Once on the cheek, and you kissed me last night. You shared a room with me last night, and I just kissed you again. I let you do all of that without any hesitation...I think I'd like that too,' she smiled. Louis grinned and spread his arms for her to fall into in a warm embrace.
'So what would you like to do today?' Louis asked.
'Go home and clean up after that dirty bastard was in there. I have to disinfect everything!' she sighed, as she flopped onto back onto the bed.
'We can do that if you want. I'll help you, I'll even get the boys in on it.'
'You'd do that?'
'Yeah, I'll text them now. I'll get them round there for, say, ten?' He picked up his phone and text the others to get them to go there.. He gave them the address, but decided to leave out why because he knew that Niall and Zayn wouldn't want to get up just for cleaning.

An hour or so later, they where dressed and ready, waiting at Ally's house. It was a smaller than Louis's house, but his was a million or more pounds to buy, and he could afford it with his income. They waited for the others to arrive. Louis had gone hunting under the kitchen sink for gloves, sponges, cloths, polish, and the pantry for a mop, bucket and hoover. When he handed them the things, Liam was polite and took them and didn't do much complaining. He went straight into the lounge to hoover and dust. Niall groaned about being tired and hungry but took the mop to mop the kitchen and hallway. Zayn was given the easier job of polishing downstairs, Harry was sent to do the bathrooms - upstairs and downstairs. Louis went to help Ally with the upstairs. They took up a black bin liner to sort through the rubbish. Louis picked up a smashed photo frame looking at the photo inside it of Pete.
'Ally, I take it you don't want t-' but he was tripped up as Ally was turning to look at the photo. They stumbled and fell onto the bed. Ally started giggling as Louis tried to stand back up after landing on top of her.
'Oh God, um...sorry, awkward time to walk in,' Niall snickered, trying to hold back a laugh.
'No! No, Niall! It's not like that! We fell over!' Louis stuttered, while Ally lay there, trying to supress an immense urge of laughter.
'You just happened to land like that, eh?' Niall let out a small snigger.
'Yeah! Wait...No! Niall, wait don't! Crap!' Louis shouted out, as Niall practically fell down the stairs with laughter. Ally doubled over laughing so hard. Louis reluctantly cracked a smile after trying to hold one back for so long. They returned to tidying up in the master bedroom, before moving on to the spare room and the stairs and hallway. Harry had moved up to the upstairs bathroom by that point and when they'd got to clearing the stairs and landing, someone had already hoovered the carpet. Louis and Ally had soon done and headed into the master bedroom to pick up the black bin liner.
'I'll take it,' Louis said, making to get it out of her hand.
'Oh, okay,' Ally smiled, handing him the bag that she had just picked up. Their hands brushed and Louis felt himself blush. After a second or two, Ally swiftly moved her hand and made like nothing had happened.
'Let's take this rubbish downstairs and dump it in the dustbin,' she suggested, taking him other hand with confidence, and in her other hand, holding the other black bag.

They made it to the bottom of the stairs to see Liam in the hallway. He saw them holding hands and smirked.
'Hey, Niall! They're holding hands now as well!' he called.
'I told you! I told you there was something going on!' Niall called back in triumph. Ally realised their hands where still entwined and dropped hers and led Louis to the back garden to throw the bags away. When they went in they checked the time to see it was only two in the afternoon. All the cleaning was done, but even Louis had to admit that the garden was a little bit of a mess.
'Want to do the garden?' Louis asked, just as Harry walked in to put some cleaning products away.
'In what way do you mean, Louis?' he winked. Louis looked at him. 'Yeah I heard about the bed thing.' Louis rolled his eyes.
'Would you mind?' Ally asked.
'He wouldn't mind at all, Ally,' Harry joked. He received another look from Louis. 'Sorry. Too far?'
'No I don't mind. And Harry's practically asking to help so lets get some gardening gloves and a trowel or two to dig up any weeds and mow the lawn. Harry, you get rid of the grass popping up between the paving stones. I'll get out the lawnmower. Do you mind weeding?' Louis asked Ally.
'Not at all.'

They got out in the afternoon sun and hunted through the organised shed. Three pairs of gardening gloves where found and slid on. A trowel was handed to Ally and another to Harry. Weed killer was given to them both and Louis got out the lawnmower. He plugged it in as well as bringing the radio outside. About half an hour later, the DJ announced that one of One Direction's songs was coming on, and it played immediately after.
'Can we turn this over? To a different station? Kind of awkward listening to your own music when you're trying to get on with stuff,' Louis complained.
'I like this song. It has you singing a long solo in it,' Ally replied absently. Louis smiled at her and got on with mowing the grass. It took a while to finish, as the garden was of a decent size. Louis and Harry trimmed the hedge and Ally pruned the flowers. All the other boys seemed to be watching the television in the living room and they had heard Niall get something out of the fridge. Zayn came out to ask if there was anything they needed him to do. As the garden was almost finished, they said nothing really, and he went back inside. The sun began to set and everything was done. The house and garden where all in order. They decided rather than all going home and having a separate meal, that they'd order a pizza and watch a film. They sat in the living room on the sofa and in the chairs watching, not a film, but a DVD at least. They had chosen Lee Evans Road Runner. They where all laughing until they where crying, and for some reason, the DVD was so much funnier with them all. Despite all of the swearing, even Harry was laughing at the parts where the word 'fuck' was particularly used, which was something he didn't do usually - he usually let those bits go. Louis and Ally sat back on the sofa, with Louis arm around Ally. Zayn suddenly had his phone out and was pointing into the direction of them on the sofa, with Niall on the end.
'What are you doing?' Ally asked.
'Taking a photo, what does it look like?' Zayn laughed.
'Why?' Louis said suspiciously.
'Going to Tweet it,' Zayn shrugged, typing something to go with the picture. After a minute or so of staring at Zayn in disbelief, Louis dived for his phone and scrolled through his mentions. He soon found the picture.
'Ditching Harry for Ally...Seems pretty happy though ;) x'
was what was written with the photo. It was obviously taken before Ally had realised. Louis and her where laughing at Lee Evans and Ally had her head on the side of Louis's chest. He still had his arm around her. Louis replied saying 'Can't believe you actually tweeted this.'
'So, are you two official or not?' asked Liam, putting quotation marks in the air with his fingers around official. Louis smiled down at Ally as she looked back up at him. The sight was a mix of nice and a kind of awkward. Louis's face broke out into a beam.
'Yeah. Yeah, we are.'