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The Unrevealed Secret

Chapter 11

Artica’s POV

I held Eric carefully in my arms as I floated towards the nearest hospital. I then made sure that he was in a safe room without anyone noticing me. I then sighed, and left him there to sleep, and went to take care of this evil person.

I don’t know how I did it, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I then made it back to the school only to see that the man was on the roof of the school, and grinning as I came floating up to him.

I landed on the platform and began to run toward him, I felt as though something was controlling me, and making me act this way.

I ran to the man, and stopped a few feet away from him, and held out my arm, only for three purple fireballs to shoot towards him. He saw them coming, and blocked them immediately. He then shot a giant fire ball towards me, and I too, blocked his attack.

This went on for a few minutes until I took out my purple and black blazing sword, and tried to slice his up, only to get a gash in his arm, which fell off, and a cut in his leg. He then glared at me, and blasted a giant fireball at me, only to cut off some of my hair.

We then got into a sword fight, slashing here and there, and when we were done, we were both too tuckered out to do anymore, although I saw how angry he was then.

I stared at him, and he did me, until I said, “Well, that went well, I guess practice is over.” I then smirked, and before he could say anything, I knocked him off of the roof top, and watched him fall to the ground.

Afterwards, I left the roof top and went into the school only to see that the students were back in and the teachers were too. I then stared at one of the girls, and she only frowned at me.

I then only shrugged, and went to my locker, seeing as when I looked into my mirror, I saw that my hair was a mess, and my clothes looked nasty, as well as the cuts I had too.

I then groaned, and saw a familiar face behind me, who was trying not to laugh at my appearance.

“Oh man, whatever happened to you?” Carl asked, as he couldn’t help but laugh up a storm.

I only glared at him, and pushed him away, only for him to crash into the wall which made him groan as he hit his head.

I then gasped, and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry Carl, are you alright?” I walked over to him, and tried to help him, but he just shoved me away, and glared at me.

I then glared back and just said, “Ugh! Forget you!”

I then grabbed my stuff, and stocked off to my first class.

Carl's POV

Great, my chance to talk to Arctica was ruined, if only I haven't been so harsh, but she started it!

I sighed heavily as I hit my head on my desk during study hall. Then a group of chatty girls came walking in, one of them was Cherish, the head of the cheerleader squad.

A blonde with green eyes, and a fake life. Everything about her was fake, even her smile. She put her books down, and walked over to me, and poked my shoulder with her fake fingernail.

I looked up at her, as she said, "Hey, did Arctica give you the evil eye today?"

She laughed, and so did the other girls, I didn't think it was funny though. "Why do you bother asking, it's not like she's my girlfriend."

Cherish glared at me, and said, "Oh everyone in the whole school you two are love bats."

"What...are you jealous Cherish?" I asked, giving her a wink.

The girls oohed her as her face turned pink, "I am not jealous!"

"Then why bring up the subject?" I asked, smirking yet again, leaving her stumped. "I don't have time for this, I'm going for a walk. See you later girls."

They group giggled while their leader glared daggers at my back.
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Yet again, another short title.
