Status: I'll try to update whenever I can, comment and subscribe, and tell me what you think...thanks!

The Unrevealed Secret

Chapter 2

I stared, shocked and slightly confused about the screen that was now blank. Just then, I heard a “click”, and then there were the sound of footsteps. I froze in my seat, once I heard a deep voice ring in my ears.

“What are you doing down here, Arctica?” The voice asked suspiciously.

I knew that voice, and I was always frightened once I hear it. I turned my head around quickly to see a hand grasp my shoulder. I looked up to see my Uncle, Theodore Vildaro, but we call him Theo for short.

“Uncle Theo…”

Theo stared at me intensely, and then sat down next to me in one of the leather chairs. Theo is about 30 years old, but claims to be a century older, he looks very young for his age. He has black hair shoulder length, green emerald eyes like my sister Nicky, his skin is pale, and he wears black, all the time. There has never been a day when I’ve seen him wear a different color. I stared into his hypnotic green eyes, and tried to control my fear, but I couldn't hold it any longer.

Finally, he let my eyes go, and I was relieved when he did. I then looked down at his hand, which was finally released from my shoulder. He sure was holding it tightly, as if his fingernails would bite right through my skin, and create a fresh wound that would bleed deeply. I was speechless and frightened a bit.

“Well, Arctica, are you going to greet me properly like a young lady such as yourself should?”

He looked at me, and held my chin until we were eye level. As I stared into his eyes, I tried to make words form in my head, but found out that it was blank. He then let go of my chin, and sighed as if he was surrendering, and I won the battle. That was the time, when I decided to say something.

“Hello, Uncle Theo. I don’t really have anything to say to you, at the moment.”

My eyes focused on the floor as I spoke. Theo nodded, and gave me that creepy smile.

“Ah, I see.” –He pointed a finger at me.- “You were trying to hide your fear from me, but I saw it right away.”

He then looked at the blank screen, “So, you’ve been watching some favorites of yours?”

I nodded.

“Yes sir, I have.” Until you came along, I thought to myself.

He nodded, and then stood up, looking back at me afterwards. “Well Arctica, it seems you and I will be spending the rest of the week together.”

I perked up. I wasn’t expecting this kind of news. Actually, I haven’t expected any news, just that I can have the whole afternoon to myself. I then looked at my Uncle.

“What did you say?”

Uncle Theo gave me that creepy smile again, and snickered a bit, and said, “You heard me. You and I will be spending the week together.”

I folded my arms across my chest, not believing what I was hearing. I stayed like that until my Uncle picked me up in a flash, and was carrying me back upstairs. I struggled for him to let me go, but his grip tightened on my legs. After that, I decided to stop fighting, and just deal with it.

Finally, he put me down once we made it to the top of the staircase, and once we got there, I saw that the whole place was vacant.

“Where is everyone, Uncle Theo?” I asked, looking around for my parents and Nicky.

Uncle Theo gave me a worried smile, and put a hand to his chin in thought, “They must be in bed I suppose. You've been down there mostly all day."

“What, but that can't be right, what about..."

“Dinner? Yes, they had eaten their meal already.” He said, looking around the moonlit room.

“Hmm and no one told me about it?” I asked, folding my arms.

Theo just shrugged, and gestured for me to sit down. He pulled out a seat in front of him, and sat as well. He then snapped his fingers, and a plate full of food appeared in front of me. I stared at it, and then stared at him.

“Um….” I was speechless. What do I say now? I thought to myself. Isn’t a thank you well enough? Something told me. I looked at Theo, and gave him my best smile, (really, I’m afraid of this man, he’s really creepy) “Um, thanks? I guess.” He looked at me, and lifted an eyebrow, his face full of question.

“Are questioning me? Or are you telling me?” His hands rested under his chin, and he looked me straight in the eye. Creepy, I thought. I suddenly decided to get this over with.

“Oh, um, thank you Uncle.”

“Thank you for what?” His eyebrows still raised, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

I groaned, and rolled my eyes, was he playing with me? “Thank you for the food?"

“Is that a question?” He asked, enjoying this game.

I was getting tired of this. “What is this, a test?”

Theo perked up, and gave me a smile. “Why yes, this is a test.”

Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrow. I folded my arms. “Are you being sarcastic?”

He truly sounded like he was. Theo then shook his head in annoyance and a bang went into his face. He removed it with one whoosh of his head, and then his eyes fell back on me. I stared at him as if I was in trance, and the he snapped his fingers, and chuckled.

“I know girls can’t resist my, shall I say, incompetent handsomeness.”

I frowned at him, and rolled my eyes with a sigh. “You didn't answer my question.” I gritted my teeth, as I spoke to him impatiently.

His eyes enlarged, and then he frowned, “Neither did you.”

I sighed, and shook my head, “Well, what was your question?”

Theo then shook his head, not wanting to go on.“You know what? Forgetaboutit.”

I shrugged, and said,“Fine with me," and finished my dinner.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did anybody get that? Kind of confusing right? lol, not what I would call a good chapter, but hey, it was worth a try.

Comments anyone?