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The Unrevealed Secret

Chapter 6

At the pool, I saw my friends, Callie, Eric, Carl, and some others. As I walked out of the girls changing room with my dark red and black swimsuit covered with skulls over it, all my friends were surprised to see me, especially Carl, who couldn't stop smiling at me.

I smiled back, and showed no sadness or anything. When my brother came out, he had his green and white swim pants on. He gave me a smile and we raced to the pool, our feet padding loudly on the pavement. I was laughing as I ran, and jumped out into the pool before my brother did. Splash! I made a huge splash once I hit the pool’s surface. Everybody laughed once I reached the surface, and I blushed.

“Hey everyone,” I said with a cheerful voice.

Carl was the first to speak, “Hey, I thought you had plans??”

I blushed some more and thought back to the “lie” I gave him earlier that day. I then looked at him, and said, “Well, I decided that I needed a little dip in the pool.”

I nodded happily, as Carl nodded, understanding the fact that I had changed my mind for a strange reason. I smiled at him, and dived under water, not sure if he was following me, I have expected him to. I opened my eyes as I held my breath easily, and my eyes fell on Carl. He smiled, and I frowned. I swam away from him as fast as I can, and saw that he was chasing me.
I was laughing in my head, as we swam faster and faster.

Finally, I went up to the surface for air, and wiped the extra water from my eyes. I then saw Carl floating next to me. I laughed at him; his hair was sticking up as a bird’s would. He didn’t understand why I was laughing until I pointed to his head.

He suddenly smirked, and grabbed me down under the water. I held my breath quickly, and glared at him. I pushed him away, and swam in the other direction of the pool. He started after me. I then thought, Go away! And then suddenly, he just disappeared. I turned around to see if he was still there, but I was alone. Weird, I thought, and then decided to swim back to the surface.

Once there, I saw some of my friends sitting on their towels resting in the sun, while I stayed in the pool. I spotted my brother flirting with Penelope, one of Carl’s Best friends. She was smiling at him, and flirting back, they both looked so cute together.

Once my eyes left them, I felt wet, strong arms wrap around my waist. I suddenly thought it was Carl. I turned around, and saw that I was right.

He was smirking at me. “Well, thought you could get away from me that easy, did you?”

I looked at him in confusion. “Uh…” He then pulled me down under the pool.

It was quiet, and I suddenly heard his voice in my head.

'Thought you could get rid of me, huh?' he said with a smirk.

I then answered, 'Uh, no; I just didn’t want you pulling me down like that! You gave me a heart attack!'

He then chuckled, and said, 'probably, but you didn't die yet, and that’s a good thing.'

I looked into his eyes, and answered, 'I guess so, but why??'

He only shrugged, and pulled me closer to him, I wasn’t sure how long I could hold my breath, but it was quite a long time.

'Don’t worry, you can breathe down here for as long as you like, May.' Carl’s voice echoed through my head.

My eyes widened, and then I asked, 'how did you know my nick name?'

He only smirked and said, 'I have my ways.'

I then said, 'you’re a creep,' and then pushed him away from me.

I couldn't quite stand him any longer, so I started swimming to the surface, but before I could reach it, a hand grasped my ankle, and pulled me back down. I then felt Carl’s lips crash into mine, and I felt a spark between the touch. I blushed in shock and surprise.

Although I was in an uncomfortable position, I couldn't help but kiss him back. His lips were so soft, so warm, and yet, I loved it.

Once we departed, we both just floated there, holding each other, and wondering what had just happened. Then, I took action, and swam up to the surface, Carl did the same. After we came out of the pool, we got suspicious looks from our friends, but neither of us spoke.

I sat down on my red and light blue towel, and laid there with the thought of wanting to kiss Carl again, but I know that I couldn't do it, not now anyways. I don’t know what this feeling was that was biting me in my neck, but I suddenly wanted Carl, and I wondered…if he felt the same thing.
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Awww, wasn't that sweet, and that was her first, but let's see what'll happen next.