How Ryan Ross Confessed His Confession

It Comes...

"Jamie, hurry up! You have been up there for the past hour!" Ryan yelled up the stairs.
"I am, I am." I shouted back as I ran down the stairs.
"You're going to make me late." He complained.
"We are not late, Ryan."
"Almost." He muttered. I just ignored him as I walked past him and out the door. He followed. We both got in the car. He started the ignition and almost backed into a passing car.
"Ryan, slow the fuck down! You're going to get us killed with your obsessive compulsiveness!" I yelled over the honking of the car.
"I'm not obsessive compulsive. I'm just nervous!" He yelled back.
"I'm sorry for making you feel late, ok Ryan? Just don't be mad at me." I told him.
"I'm not mad, I'm just frustrated!" He said back. It was silent the rest of the way to his rehearsal practice.
By the way, I'm Jamie Walling. I'm probably one of the luckiest 15-year old girls in my town because I was lucky enough to befriend four of the most awesome guys ever! Ryan Ross, Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, and Jon Walker. I met Ryan first, so I'm closest to Brendon and him the most. They are both like brothers to me. I have been hanging out with Ryan more because Brendon has been busy with other stuff which caused Panic! not to have many rehearsals for the past month. Both Ryan and I haven't seen Spencer or Jon for a month either. Spencer has been with his girlfriend and Jon just hasn't been comunitive for some unknown reason hence Ryan and I being together so much that we argue....ya that’s certainly not good....Anyways back to where we were.
"Finally, this might be a chance for us to stop arguing!" I exclaimed.
"You know, it’s kind of sad when Brendon has to break up our arguing or has to think of ways to prevent us from arguing every day. I mean we didn't use to argue before you met him, right?" Ryan said to me, as we got out of the car.
"True. Let's promise never to argue again." I said hugging him. He hugged me back.
"You guys finally stopped arguing? Wow, that’s surprising!" Brendon exclaimed walking up towards us.
"Heya, Brendon. You heard?" I exclaimed, hugging him. He nodded.
"Geez, you’re in a hugging mood today!" Brendon said.
"No kidding...." Ryan said looking at me funny.
"We better get going." I said running inside. They both followed.
As we walked into the rehearsing area, I saw Spencer and Jon waiting for us. Once they all took their places on the stage, I sat down in a chair and watched them. They were so awesome! They played just as well as they would have done if it was a real concert.
After they were finished rehearsing for about an hour and a half we all went out for pizza. I sat in between Ryan and Brendon, Spencer and Jon sat across from us.
"What are you doing?" Ryan asked as I picked the pepperoni off my pizza.
"I'm picking the pepperoni off my pizza. You know I don't like pepperoni, yet you still insist that I do...." I told Ryan giving him a look of disappointment.
"Oh, that’s right, I'm sorry. I'll try to remember next time." Ryan apologized.
"You better!" I said back, still looking at him. Then I turned to Brendon who was giggling, causing Spencer and Jon to giggle too. "What?" I questioned him.
"Oh, nothing. I was just laughing at the fact that you two promised to stop arguing like an old married couple, yet you still continue. It's like you have a desire for it." He responded.
"What??" Both Ryan and I shouted at Brendon.
"Ok, for one, we are not an old married couple and two, we do not have a desire for it, at least I don't. It just happens." I told Brendon.
"I did not say you "are" an old married couple, I said you are "like."one" Brendon corrected me.
"Same thing...." I responded looking at my pizza.
"Well, I'd like to stay and chat about this all evening, but I should really get going." Jon said next.
"Awww...Do you have to?" I asked. Jon nodded.
"Oh, ok." I said rising to give him a hug goodbye. "Laters."
"Laters." He said back.
"I should get going too." Spencer told us. He gave me a hug and followed Jon out leaving just Ryan, Brendon, and me there.
A half hour went past of us goofing around and arguing and whatnot when Brendon took a glance at his watch. "Oh, crap! I gotta get going, I have to be at work in 10 mins!" Brendon exclaimed.
"You have a job? Aren't you rich enough?" I asked.
"Haha, very funny, but Erik has asked me to fill in for him since I have time off from Panic! for a month. His boss said it was ok, as long as it was only just this once." Brendon replied.
"Uggh...that annoying Erik? Doesn't he get the clue that you’re a celebrity now and don't have time to do shit for him anymore. Why didn't you just tell him no?" I said.
"I didn't want to be rude." Brendon said back.
I shrugged.
"Well, laters." Brendon said giving me a hug.
"Bye." Both Ryan and I said.
The time after that went by slowly. It has never been this intense around Ryan before. It’s like now that Brendon has pointed out the fact that we are like an old married couple I thought that he was thinking that Ryan and I were flirting big time....but in a strange way.
I looked at Ryan. I could tell that he was thinking the same thing by the look on his face. He smiled at me and said "We better go too. You wanna come over to my place?" I hesitated for awhile because now the more I looked at him, the more and more I had feelings for him. It's like Brendon put this love curse on me or something.
"Sure." I replied. What was I supposed to do? He has always been like a brother to me. But in a matter of 10 mins it all changed.
The drive too Ryan's place was silent. As the time elapsed I kept thinking why Ryan wanted me to come to his place. As we pulled into the driveway, Ryan turned off the car, but he didn't get out. I slowly opened my door, hoping that he would do the same.
"Wait." Ryan said, stopping me.
I stopped and looked at him. "What?" I questioned him.
"I need to tell you something."
In response I closed the door and looked at him with a puzzled look. "What is it?"
"I don't know how to say this, but here it goes...I am in love with you, Jamie Walling....There I said it." He confessed.
I paused thinking what does Ryan Ross see in me? A 15-year old? OMG....I think I feel the same way! I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. All of a sudden tears became to come to my eyes at the thought. "Ryan, are you sure?"
He nodded. "Jamie, I know you have always been like a sister to me, until Brendon made that comment about us being like an old married couple. That made me realize how much I love you." He replied holding my head.
"That's funny, because that's exactly how I felt when he said that." I said to him with a smile coming through my tears.
We were only inches away from each other's faces now. I could feel his warmth on my face. Then I felt his lips against mine in a oh, so tender loving way. I kissed him back. We were kissing for about 3 minutes when I pulled back.
"Why did you want to tell me that here?" I wondered
"Because I wanted to know that I had a lot of time to think it over and if I messed up, I could get the chance to try again." He responded.
I just looked at him. "Does that mean you want to go out?" I asked. Err....Stupid me! Why did I have to blurt that out!
"Yes...." He responded.
We both went into his house and I ended up staying the night. I kept wondering what the other guys will think of this....I guess we'll have to see....