How Ryan Ross Confessed His Confession

Mayhem at the Mall

“Ryan! Wait up! I can’t walk that fast!” I yelled as I walked briskly through the crowd of people at the mall. I knew this was a bad idea bringing Ryan to the mall! We would’ve had more fun staying at his place watching a movie.
Here’s the deal. I had this very brilliant idea of bringing Ryan to the mall. He protested. I should have listened to him, but no, what did I do? I dragged him along anyways saying, “Oh, it will be fine. No one will notice you.” Pft… I’m sorry, but I wish Ryan would’ve slapped the sense into me right then and there because now he is being bombarded with a whole bunch of screaming fans, most of them my age or younger.
It was actually quite funny to see Ryan run away after one jumped on him causing the whole flock to follow….but that was it. The rest was hell. I got knocked over so many times it wasn’t even funny. The first couple of times Ryan was there to help me, but after that I was left there to defend myself.
I tried to push one girl away to get to Ryan and get him from the chaos, but she pushed me down saying, “Lay off, bitch, he’s mine. Just because you came in here with him doesn’t mean you’re leaving here with him!” Oh my God, I got so furious! The worst part is that t was the biggest bitch in school, Molly Jenkastook.
I was about to get up and punch the living shit out of her when I saw Brendon come up behind her. I was more surprised at what he said next then the fact that he wasn’t being bombarded by anyone.
“You really should back off, because you know what? You’re wrong! The only girl for him is Jamie. Even if she wasn’t, what makes you so special as to thinking that he would even like you?!” He yelled over the ruckus, spinning her around to face him.
He helped me get off the ground and then pushed her away. She didn’t know what to say.
“Leave her alone.” He said with anger in his voice.
I looked around and noticed that everything around was silent. Everyone had stopped in their tracks when hearing Brendon. Even a couple of nearby shoppers stopped. Everyone, including Ryan, was staring at Brendon in astonishment.
Ryan finally broke the stillness by coming over to me and checking if I was alright. I silently nodded. Brendon just stared at Molly with fire in his eyes. He was so pissed he didn’t care what anyone thought now.
By now a security guard had come. He was about to chew Brendon’s ass when he recognized Molly. “You’re off the hook this time, my friend.” He said to Brendon patting his back. “It looks as though you have proved what I have been trying to prove for awhile now. This young lady here has been causing trouble here. I have been wanting to ban her from the mall, but I haven’t had any evidence….until now.”
Everybody, including Brendon, was astonished. Brendon thought he was going to be kicked out for what he had done, but instead he was being praised in a way.
“You’re coming with me, young lady.” The security guard announced as he escorted Molly out of the mall. She looked over her shoulder and glared at us. I waved and smiled. Have a nice life, Molly! Everyone murmured and went to their business. Surprisingly the fans let us be.
I looked at Brendon with a puzzled look. “How did you know?”
“Know what?” He asked.
“How did you know about….” I trailed off, uneasily looking at Ryan.
“Uh….I hope you don’t get mad, Jamie. I mean I know we decided to wait until it’s for sure, but I kind of told Brendon that you were my girlfriend now. Actually I yelled it at him because he kept on bugging me about if I really had feelings for you and stuff like that. I’m sorry….I should have ok-ed it with you first.” Ryan confessed in almost one breath.
I laughed a little, smiling and putting my arms around him lovingly. “Don’t be sorry. Things happen….I’m not mad at you.”
He smiled in a sort of relived way. I smiled back and gave him a short kiss then backed off. During this all Brendon stood there with a confused look on his face.
“Someone please tell me what that was about!” He exclaimed.
“Aww….is wittle Brendon Urie still confused?” I asked him in a baby voice, pinching his cheek playfully.
“Ow! No need for the pinching, lady!” He squealed, rubbing his cheek.
Ryan and I giggled at the look on his face.
“I’m not confused, it’s just really awkward watching you kiss and it’s the only way I could think of to respond! Plus I didn’t know you two were at the kissing stage in your relationship.” Brendon exclaimed.
“What?” I said giving him a weird look. He just laughed. Apparently he thought it was funny, but I didn’t.
On the way back to Ryan’s place Brendon rode with us because Spencer had dropped him off before. Ryan got into the driver’s seat and Brendon in the back. Ryan backed out of the parking space and drove onto the road. I was in the passenger’s seat just gazing out the window. I watched as the trees and houses went by.
I was interrupted by Ryan. He had put his hand on mine. “Is something wrong?”
I sighed. “No, I was just thinking of how fast things have gone. I mean, it seems like yesterday that we were arguing with each other and now….and now we are going out.”
“Is that a bad thing?” He asked.
I smiled. “No, it’s actually a good thing….I was just thinking….”
“Well, it sounds like you are confused, my friend.” Brendon chimed in. “Personally I like it better this way. I was only joking about the kissing thing.”
“I like it this way better too.” Ryan said smiling at me. I smiled back.
When we got back to Ryan’s we went into the living room and watched a movie. After we were done Ryan decided to take a shower, which left Brendon and me in the living room.
I looked at him and said. “Thank you for what you did at the mall today. It was surprising, but it was also very nice of you.”
He looked at me and gave a little laugh. “Ya, I guess I didn’t even expect that myself. She had no right to do what she did.”
I nodded and just happened to glance at the doorway into the hallway when I saw Ryan, still wet, run across with a towel around his waist. I fell over and laughed really hard.
Brendon turned around just in time to notice what had happened. “Happy streaking!” He yelled towards Ryan.
“Yep! Good times!” Ryan said quickly as he poked his head in and out of the doorway.
I was still laughing when Ryan came back dressed. He sat next to me and I touched his wet hair.
“Ooo!” I exclaimed as my fingers went through his hair. He smiled.
“Well, you two love birds, I would love to stay, but I should get going.” Brendon announced.
“You don’t need a ride home, do you?” Ryan asked him.
“Nah, it’s a safe walk from here to my place.” Brendon replied hugging me. “Laters!”
“Bye.” Both Ryan and I said to Brendon as he headed out the door.
After that I hung out with Ryan for a couple of hours and then he took me home.