How Ryan Ross Confessed His Confession

Love isn't Love Whithout a Little Brawl

The next morning I woke up to the ringing of my cell phone. I groggily grabbed for it and answered it.
“Hello?” I said with a yawn.
“Jamie?” A female voice on the other end said.
“Yes, who is this?” I asked confused.
“It’s me, Julia!”
“Huh?” I was still confused.
“Julia, I used to date Ryan until I moved.”
“Oh.” I said dreadfully remembering her. Why would she be calling me and how in the world did she get my number?
“I have great news! I have moved back!” Julia shouted excitedly into the phone snapping me back to the conversation. “I was wondering if you could give me Ryan’s phone number.”
“Why? I thought you guys broke up?” I replied without thinking.
“Duh, I told you I moved back. I would like to catch up with him a bit….”
“Ya, I see what you mean!” I shouted angrily into the phone, hanging it up. I just couldn’t stand her anymore. She was and still is very annoying.
After a couple of minutes I decided to go downstairs and eat breakfast. I put some Cocoa Pebbles in a bowel and poured some milk over it. Then I went to the living room and turned the TV. on. The Surreal Life was on.
I had just finished watching the rest of the episode when I heard the doorbell ring. I set down my half way finished bowel of cereal and answered the door to see Ryan. He didn’t look to happy.
“Ryan? Are you ok?” I questioned him giving him a concerned look.
“Can I talk to you, Jamie?” He replied.
“Sure, come—” I didn’t get to finish because he had already walked in and grabbed my arm, pulling me into the living room.
“Ryan, what is the matter?”
“I ran into Julia on my way here.” He said sitting us both down.
“You did?”
“Yes, she said that she had called you asking for my number so she could catch up with me, but you just hung up on her. Why did you do that?”
“Why are you so upset about it? I wasn’t about to give her my boyfriend’s number, which is you by the way. I mean I know what she really wants from you and I’m not about to let her take you away from me. Besides it’s not like you still have feelings for her, right?”
He was silent.
“You don’t do you?” I asked him once again.
“Well, to be honest….I sort of do. But I LOVE you. I only LIKE her.”
“Ryan! You ass! You know how much that hurts knowing that the person you love and are dating likes another person?! It’s almost like you still want her!”
I couldn’t finish my thoughts about it so I just got up and went outside. I quickly walked down the sidewalk not knowing or caring where I was going. All of a sudden I was on the ground. I had tripped on a crack in the sidewalk.
“Are you ok?!” I heard someone yell, running up to me. It was Brendon.
“I’m fine….” I said stubbornly sitting on the curb.
“No, you’re not, I can tell.” He said sitting next to me.
“What are you doing here anyways?” I asked him avoiding the question.
“Well, I kind of saw you running down the street and Ryan was about to go after you, but I stopped him. I told him that I should talk to you instead. Ryan told me about Julia….” He replied looking at me.
“Ya, what about her? If Ryan likes her then fuck the both of them!” I shouted angrily.
“Jamie! Calm don, you know you don’t mean that.” Brendon said turning me to face him.
“I know, I just need time away from him for a bit. I don’t want to blow up on him like I just did.”
“Well, you can hang out with me today. I think Ryan needs time alone also.” He replied. “But first we need to get you ready for the day. While you’re getting ready, I’ll explain to Ryan, ok?”
I silently nodded as we both got up and walked towards the house. I saw Ryan, but I just walked past him to the house. He was about to say something, but Brendon stopped him and told him I needed time. Ryan must have understood because he didn’t argue.
I went to my room and put on my blue jeans, a white t-shirts, and my black hoodie. Grabbing my cell phone and purse, I headed for the door. Ryan had already left.
“We are going to meet Spencer at the mall and then at around 3 Ryan and Jon will come. Do you think that will be enough time?” Brendon said to me pointing out that it was already noon.
I nodded. “Yeah, I almost feel bad for freaking on him.”
“Don’t worry. Julia likes to do that to people. I mean look what she’s doing to Ryan. She breaks up with him for no reason, making it all drama, moves, then comes back acting like she loves him when she knows that you’re his girlfriend now.” Brendon assured me.
“How did she find that out?”
“Her brother….” Brendon replied.
“Oh, figures….What she is doing is why I hung up on her by the way.” I said getting into the car.
“You know, I don’t blame you and I don’t think Ryan does now either. I had to remind him of what happened with Julia before she moved, then he understood why.” He explained getting in the driver’s seat.
We talked the whole way there. By the time we got to the mall I had felt better about the whole deal.
Spencer was waiting for us by the pet store. Brendon got all excited when he saw a puppy in the window.
“It’s so cute!” He exclaimed running into the store.
“Wow, that was sudden.” Spencer said with a laugh.
We both followed Brendon into the pet store. By that time he had asked the worker there if he could pet the puppy. He was playing around with it for a bit, the worker silently watching him.
We stayed there for a bit. Laughing when the puppy chomped on Brendon’s finger causing him to shriek. After about the fifth time of the puppy doing that, we left because Brendon go sick of it and his finger was starting to hurt.
“That’s one evil puppy!” Bredon whined.
“Well, what do you expect when you wind it up like you did?” I asked him.
He shrugged as we walked out the door. We went to a couple of stores, and then at 2:30 we went to The Pretzel Place where we were supposed to meet Ryan and Jon. We each got a pretzel and drink and talked while we waited.
Finally Ryan and Jon appeared. Ryan looked at me, unsure of what to say. I got up from my chair and hugged him.
“I’m sorry I freaked out, Ryan.”
“I’m sorry also, I should have realized what she really wanted from the beginning. Plus I should have never hurt you.” Ryan apologized.
We both sat down with the others and chatted for awhile. We also went to a couple of stores until Ryan and I decided to go home.
“I’ll get a ride with Spencer.” Jon told Ryan.
“Ok, bye then.” Ryan said waving to the guys.
I said goodbye to them and Ryan and I walked to his car. It was a bit silent the first few minutes.
“So, what are you going to do about Julia?” I questioned him with a concerned look on my face.
“You know, I’m just going to tell her off. She is not getting a chance to break my heart ever again. Besides, you’re the only one for me, Jamie.” He replied giving me a sweet smile at the end.
I smiled back. “You’re the best, Ryan.”
“So are you, Jamie.”
When we got to his house and ended up getting hyped up on Mountain Dew and Skittles. We also watched a couple of movies. I fell asleep on Ryan’s lap. He didn’t wake me so I spent the night.