How Ryan Ross Confessed His Confession

The Reunion Of Old Friends....

I woke up and looked sleepily at Ryan. He was still sitting, but he was asleep. His head was tilted back and he was snoring silently. I quietly got up and made some coffee. I was sitting at the counter in the kitchen, looking out the window, when I heard Ryan come up behind me.
“Good morning.” He sleepily said, hugging me from behind.
“Good morning, Ryan. How did you sleep?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Well, even though I got half the sleep you did, I slept well. You sleep like a rock! My legs were starting to hurt!” He replied, giving me a goofy smile.
“Well, it looks like you need some coffee, my dear.” I sort of laughed, getting up and pouring him a cup of coffee while he sat down across from where I was sitting. I handed him his cup of coffee and sat down across from him. He smiled and took it.
We sat there for a bit, just talking about random stuff. After a half hour I faintly hear my cell phone ring. Ryan heard it too and ran into the living room, answering it before I could respond. I walked into the living room where he was with my phone. He was now talking to the person on the other end.
“Michelle!” I heard him exclaim. He looked at me and excitedly mouthed “It’s Michelle!”
I nodded and smiled. Michelle was one of my best friends. When you get her and me in the same room with Skittles, coffee, Oreos, Pepsi, or some sort of combination of the four, it gets wild! I love her to death. Ryan and the other guys love her too, but in a friend way. Well, Brendon secretly has a crush on her and was going to ask her out until she moved. That really bummed the both of them out.
Ryan handed the cell phone to me. “She apparently wants to talk to you, Jamie.” He said, pouting in a joking way.
I laughed at him a bit and took the phone, while he anxiously waited. “Hello?” I said into the phone, still giggling at Ryan.
“Heya, Jamie! It’s Michelle!”
“Hey, Michelle! Ryan told me it was you.” I said with a laugh.
“Ya, why did he answer your cell?” She asked.
“Well, I’m at his house right now. We just got up and when the phone ran Ryan got to it before I could.” I replied.
“Oh, who else is there besides you and Ryan?”
“Oh, it’s just us.”
“Hm….I have got the feeling you guys are going out?”
“Yeah.” I said, laughing at Ryan who had a confused look on his face because he had no idea what we were talking about.
“Well, anyways….” Michelle continues. “I have got wonderful news! Kyia and I have moved back!”
“What?! Oh, my god! What’s your address? I want to stalk you now!” I yelled into the phone.
“Me too!” Ryan exclaimed, not knowing exactly what we were talking about, still.
Michelle heard Ryan and laughed. So did I. “Well, I missed you both too!” Michelle exclaimed.
Right then the doorbell rang and Ryan went to answer it. Michelle and I talked for a bit until Ryan came back, followed by Brendon, Spencer, and Jon.
“Heya, guys!” I exclaimed, waving at them. “Michelle and Kyia have moved back!”
I heard Michelle giggle on the other end.
Brendon stopped in his tracks, stood there for awhile, and then got a big grin on his face. He looked like he was about to explode after awhile. He was so happy.
“Ok, Brendon, calm down, there. Here take a seat.” Ryan said laughing a bit, scooting over for Brendon. Brendon sat next to Ryan and made a little excited wiggle dance. We all laughed. I went to the kitchen to talk to Michelle for a bit. I got her new address before I hung up with her. I then took Ryan into the kitchen.
“Hey, Ryan, is it ok if we go and pick up Michelle and Kyia?” I asked him.
“Yeah, sure.” He replied.
“Don’t tell Brendon or the others. I want to surprise them.”
“Ok, I’ll just tell them we are going to get Chinese.” He told me.
“Ok, kewl. Let’s get going. I told her that we would be there in a half an hour.”
Ryan went and told them that we were leaving. They were fine about it because they already were interested in some weird game show on T.V. Ryan and I left them and got into his car. We first went to Michelle and Kyia’s house. It was really nice. We bounded into their house without even knocking.
“Honey, I’m home!” I yelled, laughing at the end. Ryan followed me inside.
I heard someone run down the stairs, but it wasn’t Michelle.
I got knocked over by no other than Kyia! She was my other wild best friend. She was also Michelle’s twin.
“Kyia!” I shrieked, noticing who it was. “I missed you!”
“Jamie, Jamie, Jamie!” Kyia shouted excitedly. “I missed you too!”
We got up and Michelle greeted us with about the same enthusiasm. We all then piled into Ryan’s car and went and got the Chinese that we told Brendon and the others that we were going to get. We then went back to Ryan’s house.
“Hey, we are back!” I yelled, entering the house. The rest of the group followed me in. We went into the living room where Brendon, Jon, and Spencer were.
Brendon’s face immediately lit up when he saw Michelle. Michelle’s did the same when she saw him. Brendon got up and embraced her in a huge hug.
“I have missed you so much!” Brendon exclaimed.
“Same here!” Michelle replied. They then sat down next to each other while I distributed the Chinese out. Kyia and Spencer were chatting away like old times. They had gone out before she moved, but ended their relationship because they couldn’t handle a long distance relationship. It seemed like they were catching up and possibly discussing if they should go back out or not.
I sat down with Ryan while we all ate our Chinese and talked. When we were finished we played a couple of games and watched The Blair Witch Project. We all spent the night at Ryan’s, but didn’t get to bed until way late, seeing as we were hyped up on Pepsi and Skittles.