How Ryan Ross Confessed His Confession


"Bop, bop, bop to the top...." I heard Ryan sing outloud to my mp3 player. I looked at him with a funny look and laughed.
"What? I happen to like this song." He responded, noticing that Kyia, Michelle, Spencer, and I were all laughing at him.
"Hey! I do too!" Brendon yelled excitedly, taking one of the earphones.
"You sing Sharpay's part and I'll sing Ryan's part." Brendon told Ryan.
"No, you do Sharpay's part, because Ryan has the same name as me." Ryan argued.
"Fine, I'll sing Sharpay's part." Brendon gave in.
"You're best at it anyways." Michelle said, patting Brendon's head.
Brendon just smiled and started to sing.
We were all in Ryan's basement and had just gotten up an hour ago. Well, all except for Jon who was still sleeping in the corner with a sleeping bag wrapped around him. He was mumbling something about mushrooms in his sleep and then screamed causing us all to look at him. We all giggled, then he went back to sleep.
Deciding to leave him be, the rest of us went up and got something to eat. We then, went back down. Ryan had grabbed my mp3 player out of my purse on the way, leading us to the whole "Bop to the Top" part.
When Ryan and Brendon had finished their "beautiful" singing, we just sat around and talked.
We were interupted by Jon's mushroom dream again. This time Brendon attacked him, causing him to shriek loudly.
"Have a nice dream?" I asked him giggling.
"Those mushrooms were EVIL!" Jon exclaimed.
We all laughed at how freaked he was.
After Jon had gotton fully awake and convinced that there were no evil mushrooms (which took many hugs) we all took a walk......
We were about half way down the street when Ryan’s cell phone rang. He stopped to answer it. I stopped with him and gave him a “who is it?” look.
“No body, go on with out me. I’ll catch up.” He responded giving me a concerned look.
I nodded and hesitantly ran to catch up with the others.
“Who was it?” Brendon asked me.
“He didn’t say. He just gave me a concerned look and told me that he’d catch up.”
“Oh, that’s weird….” Brendon replied with a puzzled look on his face.
By that time we had made our way to Dairy Queen which wasn’t that far.
We ordered some ice cream and sat down on one of the outside tables to wait for Ryan.
“What’s taking him so long?” I wondered outloud, looking at my watch.
It has already been a half hour since we had gotten to Dairy Queen.
“Well, whatever it is, it must be worth having his ice cream become mine!” Jon exclaimed grabbing Ryan’s half melted ice cream.
“You would.” I giggled as Jon shoved half of it in his mouth at once.
“Slow down there, buddy.” Spencer said looking at him oddly.
We all just giggled. Michelle, Kyia, Spencer, and Brendon started to talk about some random thing, while Jon mowed down on Ryan’s ice cream. I just sat there. Ryan appeared another 10 minutes later with a depressed look on his face. He sat down next to me and just layed his head down. He looked at me like he wanted to tell me something, but just couldn’t.
“What’s wrong, Ryan?” I asked, putting my hand on his back.
“I’ll tell you later.” He replied.
“Ok, then….” I said giving him a worried look before looking over at Jon with chocolate ice cream all over his face.
“…..Ryan, hate to burst your bubble even more…..but I ate your ice cream….” Jon confessed to him with an oopsy look on his face.
“It’s ok, I don’t feel like ice cream anyways.” Ryan responded.