Status: slowly progressing

London Love


It was a cool July evening when she disembarked from the plane. She had just survived her first plane ride and was now in an airport in a foreign country. Like finding my way through an airport with my parents seeing me off wasn’t hard enough she thought. She searched for the signs pointing her to customs and then to baggage claim to collect her things. To be honest she was scared. She had never traveled abroad before (Canada doesn’t count) and it was the first time she was truly on her own. Making her way through the massive crowds she finally found an exit. As she stepped outside the wind caught her long brown hair. She brushed it back behind her ear and stepped forward to the curb to hail a taxi.

As she rode to her hotel, her mind wandered to the experiences she was about to have. She was flown to London for the 2012 Summer Olympics by her University so that she could write live reports of the rifle events featuring the school’s alumni. She was in her early twenties and though she was not a journalism major, she had worked for the school’s sports communications office since she was a freshman and was the only person they could afford to send with a big football season coming up.

Paying the cab driver she unloaded her bags and checked into the hotel that the university had reserved for her. When she arrived in the room, she was surprised because it was much larger and nicer than she had expected. She unloaded her bags into the dresser drawers and started her laptop up. While it booted up, she reached for the room service menu and browsed for something to eat. She would venture out tomorrow but right now she needed to eat and then sleep so that her body would adjust to the time change.

Once her food arrived she checked her Facebook, messaging her mother that she had arrived safe and sound and posting a picture from the view out her window. Then she proceeded to the blog page the university tech department had created for her. Along with her formal articles about the specific events that had to be emailed to the file SID (Sports Information Director) for proofreading and posting, she was also to keep a blog about everything that she was doing in London. After a brief post the read, “Arrived at my hotel in London, time for bed so that I can begin exploring tomorrow. Until then have a great night Mountaineer Nation :)” , she shut her laptop down and changed into her pajamas quickly falling asleep.