‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 20

“Please tell us why you’re counter-suing your mother, Mrs. Iero,” The judge said, turning towards me. I swallowed and brushed stray hairs out of my face. I didn’t know what to say at first so I only cleared my throat, nervously. Richard and Natasha watched me, stiffly. I let out a breath and straightened my skirt.

“She abandoned me when I was fifteen, because I met my father,” I started. “Not to mention, treated me terrible as a child. She would never be home on the weekends and would come home drunk and, I was always miserable. I – I almost committed suicide because of her, your honor,” I admitted. “I also have photographs of them doing cocaine, your honor,” I said, sort of quietly.

“What?” Natasha shrieked, glaring at me.

“I saw you at the park,” I explained, handing the pictures to the judge. She looked over them, raising her eyebrows and nodding. “She also said something about being pregnant.”

“That’s…stalking!” Natasha exclaimed, shaking a finger at me.

“Ms. Cash, calm down!” The judge commanded, setting the photographs down. “Mrs. Iero, what happened when you met your father?” I tried to hold back my sighs at her question.

“I had always wanted to know who my father was but my mother refused to tell me. She said he was a bad person. But she was being a hypocrite because she was just as bad as he was. She left me all the time. Well, my father, Gerard Way, is in a band called My Chemical Romance as you may know. When I was fifteen I went to one of their concerts and he…approached me about it. I went on tour with the band and called my mom at the end, and she said she didn’t really want me back,” I told the story, slowly.

“Is this true, Ms. Cash?” The judge asked my mom, curiously. My mom shook her head, furiously.

“No way! I always loved her! I told her to come back. I wanted her too!” Natasha lied.

“I object!” I called. “That’s not true! You didn’t care at all.”

“Yes I did!” She screamed back.

“Calm down, Ms. Cash or I’ll get someone to escort you out!” The judge yelled angrily. My mom nodded, not wanting to make her madder. “Now, Ms. Cash, why wouldn’t you let Mrs. Iero meet her father?”

“He wasn’t a good man! He used drugs,” Natasha answered, plainly.

“And you don’t?” The judge answered, holding the pictures I had taken up. Natasha looked away, irritated.

“Those are probably photo shopped!” Richard piped up.

“They aren’t not, and you know that!” I exclaimed. “I heard you guys talking and smoking that stuff. And you say my dad was bad!” I wasn’t going to let them win. I had all the proof I needed and they wouldn’t be ruining that.

“They could be, Mrs. Iero!” Richard repeated.

“Everyone quiet down,” The judge demanded. “Ms. Cash, why are you suing Mrs. Iero for neglecting?”

“I asked to live with her because they told me I couldn’t stay at my house anymore. But, she refused to let me live with her because she said she didn’t need ‘my shit’ and me. I am homeless because of her. Both Richard and I are,” Natasha explained.

Two Hours Later

“I can’t believe it!” I cried, as we were driving home. Both Natasha and Richard were going to jail but I still had to pay her for not letting her live with me. We won the case pretty much though. It didn’t really matter to me that we had to pay like one hundred bucks. Frank held my hand and kissed my cheek, quickly.

“It’s just like ninety seven dollars, Helena,” Gerard reminded me from the driver’s seat. “And the judge liked you.”

“I know, but she still charged me like a hundred dollars, dad,” I complained. “It’s not the money, it’s the fact that she believed I did something wrong!” I groaned, laying my head on Frank’s chest.

“They’re going to jail!” Frank squealed, happily. I nodded and grinned. I felt completely relieved, actually. I didn’t have the stress of court anymore. Or my mom and Richard. I was completely free again.

“I’m so happy!” Gerard said, throwing his hands in the air.

“Dad, keep your hands on the steering wheel. You don’t want to go to court again,” I warned, smirking. Gerard nodded and laughed at himself.

“Let’s go home and I’ll get Mikey to bake cookies to celebrate!”
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I'm back, everyone!!! =] I missed you guys so much. This was probably an okay chapter. I'm happy for them, too. Lmao about Mikey's cookies. If you want to know how the concert was, look at my journal entry. I'm too lazy to put a link.

I started a new Fall Out Boy story. I know you guys probably don't like FOB but I think it's a really good idea, even if the lead character is Pete Wentz. lol His age just worked out with the idea. I'd really like it if you guys checked it out.