‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 24

“Helena…please wake up. If you can hear me, try the hardest to wake up. I hope you’re okay. I love you. We all do. I’m not going to leave until you open your eyes, okay? I’m going to stay here. I’ll stay forever if I have to. I love you, Helena,” The same man repeated. There was a slight tingling on my left arm. Maybe he was touching me. Is this what it felt like to be touched? I couldn’t remember. Everything suddenly clicked together. I was Helena. He loved me! Who was he? I had never been so confused in my life.

I wanted to cry. But, I couldn’t. I was motionless. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t see clearly. But, I could hear perfectly. There were beeps and cries around me. I could hear slamming doors and chattering people. A lot of those people sounded like doctors. Was I in a hospital? It sounded like it. Suddenly, there was a vigorous pain shooting through my arm and I tried to make it stop or scream but nothing worked. Nothing was working. It wouldn’t stop.

“Helena, are you okay?” The same male asked. I must of flinched or something! I moved. I wanted to do a victory dance. But, I obviously couldn’t. “Doctor! Doctor! She moved!” The boy screeched. He almost sounded happy. Why was he happy? I was in pain for God’s sake!

“Frank, she didn’t move. She’s still in the same position,” A disappointed sounding woman concluded. She must have been a doctor or a nurse.



The name sounded so Goddamn familiar to me. But, where had I heard it? Who was this Frank guy? Of course, it was the man who kept saying my name, Helena. But, who was he? How did I know him?

Why did he care so much?

I tried my best to whisper his name. Nothing came out. I didn’t even move. It was like when my cell phone’s video player would stop but you could still hear all the words everyone spoke. At least I could remember that little simile. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to talk. I wanted to see. I wanted to feel.

Frank’s POV

The stupid nurse didn’t believe me when I said Helena moved. I swear she did. It might have been a twitch or something…but she did move! I wouldn’t lie about that. I held her hand for hours. Gerard had gone home. He said he couldn’t deal with staying at the hospital so long. I would. I wasn’t going to leave.

“I’ll stay here for ever for you, Helena,” I whispered into the pale, motionless girl’s ear. I pulled the thin hospital blankets over her more. Her skin was freezing cold and covered in goosebumps. “I hope you’re okay. I hope you can hear me. I hope you wake up soon, Helena. I hope you know I love you. I love you more than anything. Wake up for me, baby.”

“Frank?” Gerard whispered from the doorway. Ha, Way. Oh God, shut up. It wasn’t a time for laughs. “Frank, you should go home and get some rest. Helena will be just fine.”

“You don’t know that, Gerard!” I cried, flinging my arms around Helena tighter. “I’m staying here,” I wailed.

“Calm down, Frank. I didn’t mean to offend you,” He grumbled, sitting beside me. Gerard studied Helena’s blank face for the longest time. “She can hear us,” Gerard murmured. “I can tell. She can hear us.”

“Then she knows how much I really love her. Even if she doesn’t realize who I am,” I said, firmly. “Helena Way-Iero, I’m Frank Iero…your husband. I love you more than anything. Please. Please wake up.”

“I’m your dad, Gerard Way,” Gerard introduced. “I love you, Helena. You’re gonna wake up. I just know it. We’re all rooting for you. Wake up soon, baby. We all love you more than the world itself.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, that was really short. I had to rush the end.