‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 28

"What was it like?" I asked, curiously. I held onto Helena's hand that was shaking with excitement. I could tell that she was rather strickened by the question but, nodded, beginning to answer, anyway.

Helena sighed and look thoughtful before answering. "Scary. I didn't know what was happening, Frank. It was so....weird.

"I thought I was in hell. I couldn't remember anything. But, I could hear you. I think...I think I could feel you touching my arm. I couldn't see though. Everything was like, blank. I remember you saying my name, 'Helena...please wake up. Helena, I love you.', and I thought, 'Who's Helena?' Then, I realized it was me. I knew that you loved me. I could tell. But, I was still confused. What was going on? What was happening?

"You didn't leave. You cared that much. I heard Gerard trying to tell you that it would be alright if you left me alone. But, you didn't. Thank you, Frank. You kept me company. I was so alone. I was so scared. If it wasn't for you, I would of gone crazy.

"Then, I woke up. When I did, I saw all these people around me. I didn't know who you were. I sat there while you were all stunned. I found it amazing how you all were standing around me. I was so terrified then. You were just sitting. Staring. At me. I felt like a clueless little child again.

"Then, I heard your voice. I remembered your voice. You were 'that Frank guy' to me. I knew your name. But, I didn't know you. I wanted to though. It was so incredibly familiar to me. But, not really. Like, it was right on the tip of my tongue, you know? I couldn't get it.

"When we had sex, Frank....I felt....purified, if that makes any sense. I wasn't as scared. I wasn't as lonely. I wasn't as far away. Everything popped back in my mind, when feeling your touch again. That's all I needed," Helena concluded, taking a deep breath. That took a long time for her to explain.

"Woah," I replied, still holding her hand. "That's....woah."

"Yeah," Helena stared at the floor. She laid her head in my lap and I played with her hair.

"You know, you're beautiful, right?" I commented and she laughed.

"I bet my dad is pissed. We've been up here for hours," Helena said, sitting up.

"He understands that we need a little...reunion," I replied, kissing her forehead.

"Frank...can I tell you something?" Helena asked, suddenly and seriously.

I nodded and mumbled, "Of course."

"I can't remember anything from a long time ago, really. Only vaguely. I'm kinda scared...I want to remember more. I know what I'm doing here, now. But, I don't know why," She whispered, shamefully.

"Maybe we can talk about that...one day. It's not important right now though," I retorted, weakly. "You know what's important now?"

"What?" Helena laughed at the playful smirk on my face.

"Skittles!" I squealed and jumped off the bed. Helena watched as I tore through my dresser, searching for the extra bag of Skittles I had hidden somewhere deep in my underwear drawer. "Found 'em!" I announced, pouncing back on the bed. I ripped open the bag and handed Helena four purple Skittles; they were her favorite.

"I remember Skittles!" Helena exclaimed, happily. It was amazing how memories excited her. "And...and purple's my favorite flavour! Damn, I love you Frank."
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Ha. Nice ending.