‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 3

Helena’s POV

I didn’t know what was wrong with myself, in all honesty. I felt weak and fragile, like I could break any moment. It got worse every day. I was at the point where I couldn’t stand it anymore when Frank and Gerard began noticing.

“Frank, can Gerard stay here with Little Gerard and Melody while we go to the doctor?” I asked Frank, hours later. Frank nodded and turned to look at Gerard who was sitting on the couch, holding Melody. Gerard smiled in agreement.

“Well, let’s go.” Frank said, and took my hand. I gave each of my children and Gerard a small peck on the cheek and went outside. I stepped into the car and got ready to leave. Frank got in the car and began to drive to the hospital where my doctor’s office was located. I hated it there. It was freezing cold and not very friendly. The nurses all appeared to be perfect and the doctors very well educated. But, not nice. It freaked me out, but Frank said he would always hold my hand through everything and that he didn’t care what those ‘asshole’ doctors and nurses said to him. It made me grin, the least bit.

We pulled up to that terrible place and Frank parked the car. I groaned as we got up and made our way to the giant waiting room. When they called my name, I groaned once more and walked back to the room, following a bleach blonde nurse who seemed like she would be better on the cover of Sports Illustrated than working in a doctor’s office. But, whatever…I’m not going to say anything else.

“So, what’s wrong today Mrs. Iero?” The nurse whose name I found out was ‘Karen McMehan’ asked me.

“I don’t know really…I’ve just been feeling tired and sickly lately. I’ve been losing weight, rather rapidly…and I’m frail.” I tried to explain it, while zipping up my hoodie. It was colder than usual in this joint.

“Well, I’ll get Dr. Thomas to check you okay, okay?” ‘Karen McMehan’ said and left the room, swiftly. Frank held my hand, stroking the tips of my fingers. I smiled at him, smally. We waited for a little while and in came the doctor. It was a man, Mark R. Thomas to be exact.

“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Iero.” He said in a deep, raspy voice. It almost echoed around us, it was so booming. “What’s the problem?” I repeated what I said to ‘Karen McMehan’ only with a bit more details. The doctor looked awfully troubled. “Oh…well, we’ll just run some tests then.”

“Can you tell me what kind of tests?” I asked.

“Just tests for some things you have symptoms for.”

“Like…what?” I wanted to know why he looked so worried.

“Oh..just things like…um….well…I have one idea in mind and it’s…it may not be true.” Dr. Thomas stuttered, trying to find words.

“Just fucking tell me.” I sneered at him. He raised his eyebrows at my language but I ignored it.

“You have a lot of symptoms of a rare sort of cancer. It’s not usually d-deadly though. The thing is…you can’t have children and you’re always going to be weak. But I’m not sure. Don’t worry, Mrs. Iero. Not yet. Don’t worry.”

“C-Cancer?” Frank stammered, as my eyes filled with tears.

“Don’t worry. Let’s just do these tests. We’ll be able to find out in about a week.” The doctor gathered some of his doctoral tools and took me to a room. I don’t really remember exactly what he had to do and all, but I just remember the thoughts running through my head.

No more children. I want a huge family. Weak. I won’t be able to hold my children. I won’t ever be able to be a working mom. I’m going to be weak. I’ll never be normal.

And his words stuck with me.

”Don’t worry, Mrs. Iero. Not yet.

What did he mean, “not yet?”

When should I start to worry?

And as if I wasn’t worrying already. Because I was. I was like crazy. That’s why I went to the fucking doctor in the first place. Believe me, if I wasn’t worried, I wouldn’t of gone. I avoid the shitty place at all costs. Now it terrified me even more.

I could tell Frank was also scared to death. He didn’t speak. How would I tell Gerard?

”It’s not usually deadly though.

Usually being the operative word.

I could be dying and they just realized it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I knew some of you guys guessed cancer, right? Well you don't know for sure yet, do you?

Sorry this was short and shitty.