‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 4

They found out it was cancer. The exact kind Dr. Mark Thomas said it seemed like. I couldn’t have anymore kids. I didn’t know how to break the news to Mikey, Bob, Nissa, Ray, and mostly, Gerard. I was scared…I had had the cancer for a while. A month at the least. Frank didn’t take the news very good. Actually, he started swearing at Dr. Thomas.

“What the fuck do you mean its fucking cancer? Are you fucking serious? You can’t be! Do it fucking over!” Frank screeched, when we were told. I took in a deep breath and clutched Frank’s hand, tighter. He kept screaming as I tried to hold back tears.

“Yes, Mr. Iero. It’s cancer. We know it for sure. But she can have chemotherapy and it’ll be okay.” Dr. Thomas said, playing with his fingers.

“Chemo? No fucking chemo! No! She’s…she’s…no!” Frank suddenly became speechless and stared down towards the floor. I saw drops coming from his eyes and landing on the floor. I felt tears falling from my eyes too, plunging beside his own.

“Like I said it’s not usually deadly.” Dr. Thomas reminded us. We ignored him. “I’ll schedule an appointment for later in the month, alright? You just have to do what I told you every day and you’ll be all set. I’m very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Iero.” Then, he left.

I had to give myself shots everyday. It sickened me, but I had to. It would help with my recovery. At least that’s what Dr. Mark Thomas said.

“How are we going to tell Gerard?” Frank asked, on the way home. I shrugged, silently. We were still clasping each other’s hands. “Well…I’ll be here for you, Helena. You know that, right? No matter what. I’ll never leave you. I love you and everything will be okay.” Frank turned to look at me for a nanosecond and smiled, a little.

“T-Thanks.” I stammered, already feeling weaker than I was before. “I love you too.”

We soon pulled into our driveway and got out of the car, slowly. I didn’t let go of Frank’s hand. I made my way inside and found Gerard, Melody, and Little Gerard collapsed on the couch, asleep. I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable they looked but then I frowned once more when I realized I would have to wait to tell him. It was going to be harder to build up courage again. I yawned and whispered something to Frank about taking a nap and left to the bedroom. I climbed into bed, as a pain shot through my back. I groaned and shut my eyes.

This cancer was already too painful.

I couldn’t sleep no matter how hard I tried. I had too many thoughts running in my head. Not really thoughts, actually, worries. I wanted to have children. I couldn’t have anymore though. I always had wanted a huge family but now I was limited to my two children. But, then I told myself that I was being selfish. Little Gerard and Melody are amazing kids. I didn’t need anymore. I just worried about Frank. I knew how much having lots of children meant to him. He told me a while back that he wanted around five or six. I felt horrible.

What had I done to be diagnosed with this? Dr. Thomas said that I was just unlucky. But, I didn’t believe him. I felt like I had done something. I realized that I was crying when Frank opened the door and sat beside me.

“It’ll be okay, Helena. You’ll be fine.” Frank reassured me. I shook my head from under the covers and began crying more. “Yes you will. Everything is gonna be okay.”

“No…I’m sorry…” I whimpered and clutched onto his leg for support.

“It’s not your fault, Helena.” Frank stroked my hair. “You didn’t do anything wrong. We’re just…unlucky, that’s all.” I didn’t stop weeping.

“What’s going on?” I heard Gerard’s voice from outside the door. He peaked in and then bit his lip, nervously. He sat on the bed next to us. “What did the doctor say?”

“Dad…” I started, but couldn’t finish. I felt cold hands wipe my tears. I still don’t even know if it was Gerard or Frank. I couldn’t tell, for once.

“Helena, calm down and tell me.” Gerard said, getting perplexed. He gripped one of my hands while Frank held the other.

“Gerard…she…she has cancer.” Frank whispered.

“C-Cancer? You’re k-kidding…no…no…she can’t. Not c-cancer.” Gerard shook his head and peered into my tear-filled eyes. He pulled me into a close hug. “D-don’t worry, Helena. It’ll be okay.”

“I l-love you, dad.” I whispered into his ear.

“I love you too, H-Helena.”

Frank’s POV

I watched Helena and Gerard hugging, holding each other tight, and felt tears rising again in my own eyes. I had never even thought I would know someone with cancer, much less it be Helena. Helena didn’t deserve this shit. She had already been through enough. Not just with Ryanne but with Gerard and her mom and everything else in her past. I wanted to hold her forever and never let go. I didn’t want anything to hurt her. Then suddenly, this cancer just hit us like a bullet. We couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t protect her from this.

I wanted to save her.


Right when I heard the word ‘cancer’, I immediately thought of The Black Parade. It was like…we set ourselves up for this. It felt like my fault.

The Black Parade. Track 8. 2:22 Minutes. Cancer. My Chemical Romance

And I realized we never should of written a song about cancer because we would have to actually live with it now.

If Helena died, it seemed as if it would be My Chemical Romance’s fault.

Did we…trigger this?

And my heart literally melted when I heard soft, sweet Melody come tip-toeing into the room.

“Mommy, daddy, Grandpa Gee? Don’t cry. Be happy.” She whispered, sitting on the bed. Gerard, Helena, and I peered up and smiled at her smally. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, sweetheart.” I told her and pulled her thin, stringy black hair into a bun. Melody smiled at me a tiny bit.

“Don’t cry. I want you to be happy.” Melody repeated to them.

“We are happy.” Helena told her, after wiping some of her own tears.

“You don’t look happy, mommy.”

“We’re happy.” Helena tried to convince Melody. “We’re r-really happy.”

And she tried to convince her own self too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like it? I thought it was pretty crappy, myself.