‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 43

My dad refused to accept the fact that I loved Corey. I couldn’t talk about our relationship with him around. He wouldn’t let Little Gerard and Melody talk to him or even be around him. We pretty much lost contact, me and my dad I mean. Pretty soon Corey was living with me, and Little Gerard and Melody were staying with Gerard, Mia, and Claire. Why I was willing to screw up so many relationships just to be with Corey – I guy I didn’t even love – I don’t know. I guess I was just so goddamn desperate.

“Helena…why, why do you still go by Helena Iero?” Corey asked me one day, weeks – no, wait – months later. He didn’t know that we hadn’t divorced – Frank and I, I mean. He still didn’t know that Frank was missing; he just thought he moved. And in a sense, I guess that was right.

“I…I don’t know, Corey,” I answered, only partly lying. I had never thought it made a difference. Corey sighed, seeming sort of distracted, and nodded, delicately.

“Okay…but…you don’t still love him do you? You love me, and only me, right?” Corey whispered, sounding sort of sad, and helpless. I sighed and swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

“Of course I only love you, Corey. Frank and I broke up for a reason,” I said, trying to remain calm and strong. I had become so good at lying lately.

“Okay,” He replied. “I believe you, baby.” Corey pulled me onto his lap and began to nibble at my neck, playfully. I moaned with delight, holding his hand for support.

“God, I love you,” I whispered, as he seductively kissed all down my torso. I laced my fingers around his luscious brown hair and let him do whatever he pleased with me. It felt so much better when I was willing.

“Helena,” Corey repeated my name over and over again, lowly. As he did this, I thought about this. I hadn’t seen my own kids in three fucking days. Why was I letting this happen?

“C-Corey,” I slurred, pushing him off of me. Corey gave me a look and cocked his head to the side, wondering what the hell he had done wrong.


“Please, stop. I…have to go see my kids, okay?” I started to stand up but Corey pulled me down.

“How do I know that you’re going to see your kids?” He questioned, accusingly. “How do I know that you’re not going to see him?”

“Him?” I echoed. “Frank? You mean Frank? No one even knows where the hell he is right now! I’m not going to cheat on you, Corey. I just want to see my four year old twins, that I’ve fucking abandoned for you!”

“What’s this, Helena? Why didn’t you tell me?” Corey asked, pushing a stack of papers in my hand that seemed to come from no where. I gazed down at it and read the heading, immediately knowing what it was.

“The divorce papers? Frank sent divorce papers?” I screeched, staring up at Corey. The boy nodded, giving me a stern, angry look. “Corey, it’s not what it looks like, I swear. Frank went missing, I promise! He beat me! He…he….we weren’t still dating, I swear!”

“You cheated on him, Helena! I know! I found out everything you did to him!” Corey exclaimed, anger brimming in his eyes. “So, how do I know that you aren’t cheating on me?”

“Because, I’m not! I’ve learned my fucking lesson, Corey! Frank is gone forever…I won’t see him ever again!” I yelled, letting the divorce papers fall to the floor. This didn’t make any sense. We were fighting about my divorce. No, this started way before this moment. Why was I even with Corey? “But, I still love my kids,” I continued. “They’re always here for me. They love me too, Corey! I can’t just leave them alone. They need me!”

“I don’t understand you, Helena,” He said, darkly. “You…just don’t make sense to me.”

“If you feel that strongly about it, then just leave!” I screamed, losing my cool. I wasn’t ready to do this. I don’t know why I believed I was.

“I’m not leaving, Helena! Because I fucking love you! That’s why I love you, damn it!” Corey huffed, pressing our lips together. I pushed him off of me, as fast as I could.

“P-Please stop,” I whimpered, trying not to cry. Corey stood in front of me a minute, just staring. “I…I c-can’t do this. I need my dad.”

“…What? Your dad?” Corey repeated. “You know what, forget it, Helena. Just fucking forget it.”

“Forget what? You? Yeah, I’m already doing that,” I hissed. “Leave my house this goddamned minute!”

“Fuck, you’re moody!” Corey yelled as he stomped out the door. I collapsed on the couch and began to sob, letting the sound of slamming doors echo in my mind. I couldn’t bring myself to get up, the papers were spread out all over the floor. Everything was so complicated. Corey and I broke up because he found the divorce papers that Frank sent me. And Frank and I had broken up beca-

Wait….Frank sent me divorce papers?!?!

Before I could do anything there was a knock at the door. I didn’t move, though. Then, the door creaked open, considering it was unlocked, and my dad appeared in the doorway.

“Helena?” He said. “What are all the papers on the floor?” Gerard picked one up and stared at it, briefly. “Oh, God. Wait…did you and Corey get in a fight? Because I swear I saw his car skidding down the r-”

“Yeah,” I cut him off. “We did.”

“I’m sorry,” Gerard said, apologetically.

“Don’t be. I just realized that I don’t need him. I don’t love him.” Gerard’s face turned hopeful. “But I don’t love Frank either.” His face dropped. “Right now I just want to concentrate on my family, okay?”

♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't like this one, but it took me like two days to write! It's sort of confusing, and everywhere. But, idk. i think it was sorta important.