‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 5

Ring. Ring.

I forced my eyes open and grabbed the phone next to me. Helena was still asleep beside me. As I clicked the phone on, memories came rushing over me. It was overwhelming. I couldn’t speak until I heard Nissa’s timid voice on the phone. “Hello?”

“Oh…Hi,” I said, relieved from my thoughts. I glanced over at Helena who was sleeping peacefully. I yawned, quietly.

“Hey, Frank. What’s up?” Nissa asked. She sounded concerned. I didn’t know how to answer. “Frank, is Helena okay?”

“Nissa…she’s…um…” I couldn’t say it.

“Spit it out!” Nissa cried.

“She’s got cancer, Nissa.” I whispered, playing around with the phone cord. I heard a gasp from the other line and then whispers. I assumed that she was telling Bob.

“Are…you serious? What kind? Is she okay?” Nissa was flustered, asking so many questions. I felt my hands beginning to shake, once more.

“Yes. Some rare kind. I guess….not really.”

“Wow. Is she awake?” Nissa probably wanted to talk to her. “Does Gerard know?”

“No and Yes,” I answered, in order once more. I heard Nissa’s breathing grow heavy on the other line.

“Well…what is up with the cancer? I mean like, what are some of the effects and all?”

“She…has to give herself shots everyday, she loses weight, usually it’s not deadly, and we can’t have any more children,” I said, very quickly, not wanting to remind myself of it all.

“No more kids?” Nissa screeched. I nodded but when silence remained, I realized that she couldn’t see me.


“Oh…I’m really sorry…” She suddenly sounded distracted. “Hey, I have to go, Frank. Call me later. If you need anything, we’re here.” Before I could even say goodbye, she hung up. I sighed silently and laid back under the covers. I watched Helena sleeping for a while.

It didn’t matter if she couldn’t have kids anymore. All I wanted was her recovery. Sure, I always wanted a huge family, with loads of kids. If Helena was ready and fine a few years later, we could always adopt, right?

Suddenly, Helena began coughing, uncontrollably. Her eyes open as she sat up and kept coughing. I didn’t know how to react. “Helena!” I screeched, rubbing her back. “Helena! Helena! Are you okay?” She couldn’t speak though. She was too busy coughing like crazy. I was so scared. What was I supposed to do? Helena’s coughing fit slowed down after a few minutes and she looked at me, tears streaming down her face. “Oh, My God. Are you okay?” I repeated, still rubbing her back.

“Y-Yeah.” She stammered. “Let’s just get up.” Helena got up and began walking down the hallway. It was still early, so the kids weren’t awake yet. She sat on the couch and I sat beside her, covering the both of us with a blanket. Helena seemed to get cold easily. She turned on MTV, just as a picture of us was flashed on the TV screen.

“ Hello, this is Shannon reporting for MTV news. Helena Iero, daughter of Gerard Way and wife of Frank Iero, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer just yesterday. Doctor Mark Thomas gave us all the details. Apparently she is losing weight, rapidly, and her bones are wearing down to barely anything. It’s not usually deadly but they caught her case rather late. And there are no more children in the Iero’s future, unfortunately. Mrs. Iero has to give herself shots daily to help with her health and survival. It was said that Frank Iero didn’t take the news too well, swearing and such at Dr. Thomas. They both were undoubtedly crying and sobbing together right after his small fit. We’ll keep you posted, stayed tuned for more news.”

“They…found out.” Helena whispered, tears falling again. I hushed her, but was shocked myself.

“It’s okay, Helena. It’ll be alright.” I reassured her. That’s when the phone rang. I realized from the Caller ID, it was Mikey.

We hadn’t told him yet.

Oh Holy Fucking Jesus.

“H-Hello?” I stammered into the phone.

“She has cancer?” He screeched.

“Y-Yeah.” I answered, looking into Helena’s troubled eyes. Whenever she cried, her deep blue eyes turned to an icy, crystal blue instead. And they were gorgeous. But, I couldn’t help but recognize how weak and scared they appeared. I didn’t hear anything else Mikey said. I was too busy concentrating on Helena’s eyes. I had no idea what he way saying or what his reaction was.

“Frank, are you even listening to me?” Mikey asked, his voice breaking.

“Wh-What? Can you repeat that, Mikey? Sorry.” I replied, grasping onto Helena’s shaking hands. I wiped the tears from those eyes and waited for an answer.

“When were you going to tell me? Is she okay? Oh, My God. Does Gerard know?” He was crying.

“I was going to tell you soon. And Gerard knows, yes.” I answered, starting to feel the tears coming back to me.

It was as if the world was slipping away from me every second. I got dizzy. I remember asking Mikey what he said again. Then, I felt like I was drowning in my own tears. I then remember Helena screaming about something, as I dropped onto the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. What happened to Frankie?
