‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 59.

“It was my cousin, I swear!” Frank screeched as soon as I stepped in the room. He would have thrown his arms up in the air, execution style, if he hadn’t been holding Spencer Anne, I think. I rolled my eyes, trying to come up with a clever comeback.

“That’s the oldest lie in the book, Frank,” I said, giving him a glare. “Besides, I wasn’t here to get mad at you. I was coming back here because my dad and I just got in a fight. Over you, yes. But, now I’m suspicious. Your cousin, aye?” Frank nodded, obediently.

“His name is Michael,” He added, quickly. I almost started laughing at how freaked out he was by the situation. I couldn’t even tell if he was lying, though. “You can call him if you want. I’ll give you his number, I promise.”

“Frank, It’s not like I don’t believe you,” I stated. “It’s just…my dad would never lie. But, I still…am not ruling out the option that it is your – Wait, what the hell? Why the fuck would you kiss your cousin? That’s just nasty!” I screeched, cutting myself off.

“It was on the cheek!” Frank said, nodding his head up and down like a turkey. It was such an awkward motion that I had to let out a little chuckle. He gave me a look.

“You are funny,” I told him with a smirk. “Baby, I believe you. But, it is sort of funny.” Frank gave me another look. I was annoying him with my laughter, apparently.

“Not really,” He hissed. “You are being so rude. I could possibly be cheating on you and you’re laughing?” My laughter, even my smile, disappeared then.

“You could possibly be cheating on me?” I repeated, trying to understand his meaning. “You don’t know if you are or not? With your ‘cousin’? God, you disgust me!” Frank threw his head back and slammed his fist to his forehead, sporting an angered groan.

“No!” He exclaimed. “No! No! No! I’m not cheating on you, baby. I love you. I’m never going to love anyone as much as I do you, okay? Don’t even forget that.” I sighed, staring at the floor and trying to come up with a satisfying reply that still gave Frank the point.

“That doesn’t mean you won’t cheat on me,” I whispered, feeling tears glaze my eyes. Frank let out a sigh of some sort and wrapped his arms around me.

“Yes it does,” He stated in my ear. He held me close and didn’t let go. “Don’t cry. I’d rather you laugh at me than cry.” Frank stroked my hair.

“Promise me that you’re not cheating on me already,” I said, looking up into his eyes. There wasn’t much of a height difference between us, maybe an inch. But I always looked up into his eyes. Frank nodded, pushing my bangs behind my ears.

“I promise,” He whispered, grazing my lips with his. I pushed them together fully and began kissing him softly. I missed his kisses. I missed everything about him. “Is your dad still mad at you or whatever?” Frank asked once we pulled away from each other. I could still easily taste his lips on mine. His special taste.

“I guess,” I mumbled, running my fingers through my hair, angrily. I didn’t want to talk about this. I just wanted everything to be okay. I wanted to snap my fingers and expect for my dad to forgive me. Not me, actually. Just Frank. If he forgave Frank then we wouldn’t have this problem. I laid down on the bed, snuggling up to a pillow. “He doesn’t trust you, Frank,” I told him, clutching our hands together.

“I don’t really deserve his trust, or yours, to be honestly, Helly,” He replied, his head now laying freely on my shoulder.

“So? If he ever was your friend, he would understand and forgive you,” I said. “Besides, it’s our house. If my dad doesn’t want you here, then he can just suck it up or leave with Mia and Claire. It’s his own goddamn problem.”

“Helena,” Frank whined, dragging out each syllable of my name. “You need to calm down and stop worrying about your dad and me. That’s our problem. Not ‘his own goddamn problem’. I made a mistake and I guess he just isn’t willing to forgive me yet. We need to work it out. Not you. It’s not your problem.”

“But you’re my boyfriend…or my husband…or what the fuck ever! And he’s my dad. I don’t want you guys to hate each other or to hold grudges! I just want everyone to be happy.”

“I am happy, baby,” Frank lied. It was obvious he was lying. I couldn’t make him happy. I wasn’t good enough for that. “And I hope you are too. I’ll take care of everything. I love you.”

“I…love you t-too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, stupid, shitty, horrible, etc. Don't hate me. A lot of shit's been going on lately.

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