‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 6

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I opened my eyes to the sound of a loud alarm clock. I was drenched in a cold sweat and Helena was clinging onto me. “Frank, you were having a bad dream. Are you okay?” Helena looked at me, concerned. She clicked off the noisy alarm clock and laid a hand on my forehead. “You’re burning up,” She kissed my nose, apprehensively.

“Wh-What?” I asked, peering into her eyes. “What’s g-going on, Helena?”

“I don’t know, Frank. Tell me about your dream,” She was sprawled out beside me again. I turned to face her.

“Do…Do you have c-cancer, Helena?” I whispered, remembering exactly what ‘Dr. Mark Thomas’ said. Helena shook her head, nervously. “Oh, My God! It was just a dream!” I jumped up in the air. Helena looked at me, sort of confused. But, then she smiled warmly.

It had been just a dream.

All the shit that I was going through.


Just a crazy dream.

Helena was fine.


“We can have kids!” I screeched, hyperly. I began to dance in a circle, receiving an odd look from Helena. She nodded.

“Of course we can, Frank. But we already have two, you know. Are you okay?” There was a glint of mocking in her eyes. I couldn’t help but yelp in happiness.

My Helena was okay.

“Little Gerard! Melody!” I screamed. Helena covered my mouth.

“Jesus, Frank. It’s only eight. They aren’t awake yet. Calm down, honey,” Helena giggled at me.

“We can have kids!” I squealed again. I pulled Helena into a huge kiss. After a while, I pulled back and began laughing like a mad man. “I want more kids.”

“Well….okay?” Helena said, as if it was a question. “You are acting…weird, Frank. Care to explain?”

“Alright, so I had a horrible dream…well, nightmare. You had cancer and they said we couldn’t have anymore kids and it was terrible and…I was so scared. I didn’t want you to die. Then, they said it on MTV and…Mikey found out…and I passed out...then you woke me up. AND WE CAN HAVE KIDS!” I kissed her again. She pulled back.

“Oh. Wow.”

“I’m so happy, Helena. I was so scared of losing you, honey. I love you more than anything.” I set her in my lap and caressed her neck, gently. Helena moaned in delight.

“Frank, stop.” She commanded a second later. “Don’t do this when the kids are home…” She laughed, lightly. I stopped but then pouted. “Oh stop it.”

“But I like doing that.” I whined, not daring to giggle.

“I like it when you do it too.” Helena wrapped her arms around my neck. “But you can’t.” I growled a little which caused her go into complete hysterics. “What the hell was that?” She asked, laughing still.

“A growl.” I responded, seriously.

“Ha. That was cute.” Helena began to get off of my lap but I pulled her back down. “Whoa there, Frankie. Be careful. I’m fragile.”

“F-Fragile?” I stuttered, recalling the word from my nightmare. She nodded. I played around with my lip ring, nervously.

“What’s wrong, Frank? You like totally had a mood swing on me. PMS?” Helena’s words made a small smile play on my lips.

“I love you, Helena. I’m so glad you’re okay. You don’t realize how much you mean to me. And I didn’t until just a few minutes ago. I love you.” I repeated, grinning rather largely.

“I love you too, Frank.”

Two Days Later

“Daddy!” Little Gerard called for me from his room. It was probably about ten o’clock PM and he was supposed to be sleeping.

“Yes, Gee?” I said, chuckling a little to myself. I walked into his room.

“I lwuve you.” He said, sort of quietly.

“I love you too, Little Gerard. More than anything. You, your sister, and your mom are the most important things in my life, I hope you know that.” I sat next to him on his small, racecar bed. He smiled at me and shut his eyes. I laid beside him, holding him close to me. I softly began to sing to him.

You are my sunshine
My little sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You’ll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away

I watched him shut his eyes and fall asleep as I repeated the childish song over and over. My mom sang it to me when I was young, I remembered. I ran my fingers through his curly black hair and kept my other arm wrapped tight around his tiny body. I listened to his muffled breathing that became unsteady as he fell into a deeper sleep. I didn’t wiggle out of his grip and he didn’t move out of mine.

“I love you so much, Little Gerard.” I whispered, kissing his forehead, just before I fell asleep.

I finally had the perfect family. The perfect life. The perfect everything.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hahaha. It was just a dream.