‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 61.

Days passed, without any sign of Spencer, and I was sure Corey had taken her. He didn’t call back, he didn’t say anything to me at all. I was worried to death. Frank was too. Gerard and Mia and Bob and Mikey and Ray were too. I called Corey every single day but usually he didn’t answer or even sometimes it was busy. I tried to contact the police, telling them of Corey’s suspicious ‘activity’ and they told me they had searched his house and cars and everything. Bullshit. They couldn’t of. Corey had my daughter! My fucking daughter! I had even tried to go to his house. Of course no one came to the door. He had my daughter in there, I knew it. I knew it. The police told me they had done everything they could do. Corey didn’t have Spencer. It wasn’t fair. Why didn’t they understand?

Everyone was really supportive of Frank and me. It didn’t take away the pain though. I was afraid that I was losing another child again. Something told me that she wasn’t dead though. Something in my heart. Deep, deep in my heart. So, I didn’t feel as bad as I did with Ryanne. But, God, Spencer wasn’t even a year old yet! This killed me inside. I couldn’t stand losing another baby girl and I knew Frank felt the same.

The only thing good coming out of the whole event was that there was no longer any tension between Gerard, Mia, and Frank. Finally, they were all nice to each other. And finally I knew how much Frank really cared about our kids. The only other time I had seen him this sad was when Ryanne died. And that was terrible.

I have to admit, I was shocked when I got a phone call from the police department two months later. Mia was the one to answer it and she quickly handed the phone to me, mouthing something about the call being important. “Hello?” I said, softly. I was trying not to get my hopes up.

“Is this Helena Way?” A man asked, gruffly. He sounded official and important but I wasn’t sure if that was exactly a good thing. Usual the more important, the meaner a person was. Or at least the one’s I dealt with.

“Yes sir,” I replied, obediently.

“We know who kidnapped your daughter, ma’am,” He stated and I heard a ruffling of papers in the background. “And she’s on the run.”

“She?” I retorted, cocking my eyebrow. “What do you mean…she?” My mind raced through all the possibilities. “Nissa?” I asked, suddenly, not quite believing it.

“Uh…yes ma’am, the woman’s name is Nissa,” The man replied, seeming surprised at my guess. “And she still has Spencer with her.” I bit down on my bottom lip and choked back tears. That mother-fucking bitch.

“Are you serious?” I mumbled, staring at the floor. “I can’t believe her.” Frank walked in and began rubbing my back, slowly. He didn’t know what was wrong yet.

“We’ll get back with you if she’s captured,” The man said, softly. “Thank you, Ms. Way. Bye.” He hung up. He hung up on me!

“What’s going on, baby?” Frank questioned as soon as I laid the phone down on the table, lightly. My whole body felt numb. I had been blaming the wrong person. “Is everything okay?”

“Nissa has her,” I growled through gritted teeth. “Nissa took Spencer and is on the run.” Frank’s eyes grew wide and hugged me close, mumbling something about how it will all be okay. I couldn’t believe Frank had ever liked that bitch. That goddamned bitch that stole my fucking daughter! I was almost more angry than upset by this. Gerard walked in and we told him the news. He didn’t say much, just walked off, shaking his head. This was getting to him, bad. He was depressed, so depressed. I was surprised he hadn’t started drinking again, it practically shocked me.

“What do we do?” I murmured to Frank, lying down on the couch like an overstressed out diva of some sort. Frank sat down beside me, crossing his legs as sweat poured down his body like it did whenever he was nervous. I saw him twitch twice in fear. His sweaty palms entwined with mine and he kissed my forehead.

“A-All we can do is wait, baby,” He whispered, stroking my fingers. I threw my head back and stared at the ceiling, realizing he was right. I didn’t care. I wanted Nissa dead. What the hell was she thinking taking my kid?

Nissa’s POV

I drove down the road, listening to that fucking baby cry it’s ass off. I was on my way to Helena and Frank’s house. Yes, that bitch stole Frank from me. Again. I was pretty much screwed, my plan hadn’t worked too well. So, what I was going to do now was demand Frank back or something bad would happen to their precious baby. Ever since Bob kicked me out, I’ve hated kids. So, this would be easy. I didn’t even like my own kid so it was good thing Bob was keeping him.

“Shut up!” I screeched at Spencer or whatever her name was. What kind of name was Spencer? Isn’t that like a dude’s name? See they’re so fucking stupid, they’ll make her gender confused! The baby cried louder, hating my screams. I didn’t care I just turned the radio up louder and made an irritated sound when Helena by My Chemical Romance came on.

An hour later, I had arrived and got out of the car by myself. I could leave that baby in the car for a few minutes. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. It took them forever, I didn’t even think they were home and began to walk back to the car, huffing at the fact that even my backup plan was ruined.

“Nissa?” Helena yelled all of a sudden and I whipped around, rolling my eyes. Frank ran out of the house then and stepped in front of me with a certain grace.

“Give me my daughter back now you bitch,” He spat under his breath. Gerard and Mia came in the doorway and Helena turned around nervously.

“Nothing happens to the baby if you come back and live with me again,” I said, flipping my hair back. It was hot outside and I could feel sweat beginning to form on the corner of my armpits. Maybe it was from how nervous I was though. I apparently didn’t show it though.

“No fucking way,” Frank snapped opening the car door and diving in for Spencer. I hear the dialing of a phone and turned around. Helena was calling the police.

“Oh no you don’t, bitch!” I screamed, running for her. She moved right in time and I fell smack on my face. I then heard a baby cooing and got up to see Frank holding Spencer in his arms. Tears pricked out of his eyes and I bit down on my bottom lip.

“The police are on the way for you,” Helena told me and I felt a strong grip on my shoulder. Gerard was holding me tight just so I couldn’t run away. I knew then I should have planned this better.
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lol, I liked this. Sorry Nissa. xD