‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 67.

“Dad, I want to get a tattoo,” I stated, looking over at my father who was sitting on the couch, absorbed into some movie. He turned to look at me, weirdly, and shook his head. I almost laughed at the state of confusion on his face. See you may or may not know this, but my dad hates needles and doesn’t have a single tattoo on his body.

“What the fuck? No,” Gerard replied, simply, and turned back towards the television. I walked over and sat down beside him, gracefully touching his arm with my fingers.

“Please, daddy? It won’t be like anything huge. Just because you don’t like needles doesn’t mean I don’t,” I answered, trying to force a smile his way. He continued to shake his head blankly. “Ugh, dad,” I whined. “I’m over eighteen, you know. I don’t have to listen to you. Besides…it’d…it’d be for your band.”

“My what?” Gerard shrieked, now paying his full attention to me. “I don’t have a band anymore.” My heart almost dropped with his cold, relentless words. He obviously didn’t know how much that hurt me. My Chemical Romance would always be a band, it would never be forgotten. At least not to me. “Besides, Helena…you could get hurt. Like, getting a tattoo is dangerous.”

“Dad, plenty of people have tattoos, it’s okay,” I replied, rolling my eyes. Why did I have to have a paranoid father? Gerard let out a sigh. “I just want MCR tattooed right here,” I told him, lifting up the side of my shirt up a little to expose my hip.

“Whoa, what the hell, Helena?” Frank questioned, walking into the room. “Are you like…flashing your father?” I pushed my shirt down and burst out in a fit of giggles, shaking my head, madly.

“I was showing him where I’m going to get a tattoo,” I said, still smirking. Frank nodded and sat down beside us. Gerard glared at me, gruffly.

“You are not going to get a tattoo and that’s final,” He hissed, lowly. “Now let me watch this movie! I’ve been wanting to see it for like…ever.” I mumbled ‘whatever’ and got up to leave, dragging Frank along with me. Frank laughed once I shut the bedroom door behind us. He always found my dad and me very entertaining.

“Don’t laugh,” I groaned, shoving him, playfully. “It’s not funny. It irritates me. His fears are affecting me, damnit.” Frank stopped with his light chuckles but continued to smile. “Why is this so funny to you?” I questioned. “I just want to get a tattoo on my hip that says MCR. What’s wrong with that? Why can’t I make a decision for myself? I’m a big girl, you know.”

“Then just go get the tattoo. I personally think it’ll be sexy,” Frank smirked again and kissed my nose, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. “It’s just a fucking tattoo. He’ll get over it. And who says he even has to know about it? I honestly doubt that you’ll have your shirt off around him that would be…weird.”

“You know what, Frank? You’re right. I’m old enough to go get a tattoo myself, I don’t need my dad’s permission anymore. But…will you come with me? I…I’m sorta scared,” I begged with pleading eyes. Frank giggled, in his own girlish way, and nodded.

“Duh,” He added. “This will be interesting.”
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This was short but cute. I liked it. =]