‹ Prequel: Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Gerard Way Is My Dad, and Now I'm A Mom

Chapter 75.

Frank’s lips glided against mine as he separated the small gap between us by pushing our bodies together, roughly. I shivered against the so familiar touch that I hadn’t gotten in what seemed like years, but turned out to be only weeks. His arms skimmed up my shirt, fondling me romantically, as I climbed on top of him practically causing him to fall backwards onto the bed with a loud thud. He moaned quietly as I landed on top of him and licked the outline of his thin, pink lips with my tongue. I felt him grab my hips and slowly start rocking them until my skirt was falling down in a quick, rhythmic motion. A red blush crept up on my cheeks, realizing what his intentions were. I groaned into his mouth, in a pleasant sort of way. He continued kissing me and rolled over on top of me, sharply. Just as I pushed his pants to the floor, I heard a rather loud noise coming from the hallway and felt my heart race, rapidly.

“…the fuck?” Frank grumbled, grabbing his pants from the side of the bed. I got up quicker than I thought I would be able to and whimpered a slight pain in my back. I fumbled with the buttons of my skirt and then sped down the hallway to find an (obviously) drunken Gerard Way, passed out on the floor by our door. I let out a deep breath, trying to hold in all of my anger. Frank came out of the door a few seconds later, bumping into me and raised his eyebrows at his (ex) best friend lying on the ground in front of him. “Gerard,” He hissed, lowly, under his breath. My body wracked with long shakes and shivers, trying to keep back all my emotions. I was homicidal. I could kill him. I could kill Gerard Way. I could kill my own father.

But of course Frank saw that look in my eyes and grabbed my waist, softly, attempting to call me down, momentarily.

“C’mon, Helena. Just leave him there you -” Frank started, but I cut him off with a loud growl. He frowned at me and covered my mouth with his warm, pale hands but I pushed them away angrily.

“No. He’s not going to stay here anymore, Frank. Either he’s leaving, or I’m leaving. I cannot stand for this any longer. He’s tear Mia to pieces. And you too. You may not have noticed but our children think he’s dead!” I exclaimed, clutching my fist tightly. “I hate him right now. I don’t understand how you don’t. He’s laying in front of our door, passed out, drunk off his ass, when we were about to have sex! How are you not mad? How are you expecting me to be so calm about this? How?”

“Helena,” Frank whispered, pulling me close to him. “We need to tell Gerard this. Maybe he’s stop then.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” I jeered, jumping over Gerard to go lock myself in the bathroom. I slammed the door shut, screaming, “I’ll be gone by tomorrow morning!” ha
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Very short but omg, foreshadows for drama, yes? xD

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