My Jolly Sailor Bold

It is custom that when children are little their parents tell them stories. Most of them are made up, but they are classics. Well one story in particular strikes me as funny. Why you may ask? Well because it was my life, and they got it wrong. The story you may know is called The Little Mermaid. Well I can honestly tell you this for starters, yes I am a mermaid. But that is about the only thing they got right with the story. After hearing it told wrong for so long I decided that I was going to set the record straight. So here it is my life as the “little mermaid”.

Even since I was little I have been hearing stories about my kind, and all of them have been wrong. The stories about my kind have varied in telling. Some people say that we are evil, others say that we are other worldly beautiful, then there are the ones that say our voices can lure men to their deaths. All of them are lies. I’m not sure how these stories got started but my people are nothing like that.

My name is Araxie, and I am a mermaid.

Being born as a mermaid I have had to grow up with the knowledge that there is a whole other world, and that I am forbidden to explore it. Because of all the stories my people have heard from human it has made them become afraid of what is above the water. And I can hardly blame them, but still how could they not atleast want to know what lures beyond our waters?

"My heart is pierced by Cupid,
I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me,
But my jolly sailor bold.”