Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Crash {Carver}

My name is Carver I used to be a marine field medic but when I got out I tried to get my life back to normal when that didn’t work I then went to rejoin and was told my paper work was missing then a week later got a call to join the navy seals. So I said yes did that for 5 months then got an assignment with a my old marine team they needed a medic so I agreed and got on the Plane and noticed it was a team of 30 guys and they had two humvees a armored transport truck and a M1A1 tank so then after an hour of flying the ship began to shake and the lights went out. Then one of the pilots cam back and told us to brace for impact then I went up to see if I could help that’s when I saw this weird light and the next thing I saw was a huge flash and all the instruments were off and the pilot said were going in for a crash landing. I ran back to tell the team we all moved up and belted up and then the crash all the shaking then I woke up looked around an most the men were bleeding and dead only 7 others were alive I pulled who I could out of the plane. When every one was awake we started to discuss what to do 4 of the men said the were going to head into the jungle I told them we should wait Intel the morning they refused and took one of the last two jeeps left undestroyed me and the other three got wood and went into the plane wreckage and started a fire we then heard a large noise and screams. We all stayed up watching couldn’t get any sleep in the morning I went out with one of the other guys to find the guys that left with the jeep we walked and were both a little jumpy and then we saw a little fire so we ran to find the jeep burning and three of the four guys torn to shreds and the jeep ripped up we looked around and found the forth in a bush almost dead he said it came out of no where and how he described it sounded like a dinosaur so we carried him back to the plane he told us that there were five of them and one just stood in front of the road. The stopped and then the others came from behind and they never had a chance he crawled into a bush and held still then we came along he said we needed to wait and watch out because they were smart. We then tried to fortify the plane wreckage and I tried to scavenge medical supplies we got cots and I ripped up a parachute to make a bandage and then we locked up and worked out a look out schedule