Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Search 2 {Tony}

After I killed the raptor I saw covered in blood, but we kept moving we slowly moved through the bushes and listened to every sound as we got farther into the jungle it got deeper and deeper, then I smelled the air it stunk the stench got more bad the farther we got in then finally we got to the source of the stench, laying in front of us was Stegosaurus laying on its side its rip cage hanging out of the side blood was all around it it had teeth marks around its bony plates on its back.
We covered our noses and walked around it we kept walking until Marcus saw something metallic in a tree looked at it for awhile and had no idea what it was but it looked like a faint red when we got to a better view we saw it was a plane but a really old one it was rusted and one of the wings was slightly broken so we climbed up the tree when we got to the place the plane was we gently stepped on the wing Marcus stood on a branch and Macky got on the other wing holding on to a branch above I broke the glass and looked inside I jolted my head out there was a dead body inside just bones wearing a very old flight suit and when I looked at it closer I knew who this was, I had seen and heard about it every where this was Amelia Earhart it all made sence she must have got sucked through a portal too but it looked as if she didn't survive the crash.
We sat there for a second then there was some rumbling on the ground we all stood quite then out of the jungle came walking by was a huge spiny dinosaur I couldn't see it very well but it walked by blood was dripping out of its long jaws.
When it passed we all got down from the tree and began to walk again we walked for awhile until we could see a river then the rumbling came and again about 20 yards behind us came running the creature from earlier it was a spinosaurus we ran as fast as we could until we saw Carver and Dawson and some lady running he yelled "Run the the other way!"
I yelled back"No you!"