Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The battle of the Giants {Carver}

When we saw the others running toward us and out from behind them came the huge spinasaurs and then behind us came the giant croc so we all ran to the side and it looked like the Giants were going to have a battle. They Fought knocked trees down ripped into each other’s flesh ripping and tearing each other apart the croc bit onto the spinosaurs leg and it bit onto the crocs tail they were biting and clawing at each other. There was no winner after a while the croc went back toward the river and the spinasaurs limped back into the deep part of the jungle and that’s when the others told us about an old plane they found in a tree and I introduced Natasha and then there were roars and we all decided it was just about time to head back to the plane.
When we got their Tony told me about all the stuff they found and I asked him "Was there anything else near the reef and he said there looked like there was something down deeper but he didn’t want to try to get it. I said "Well I could proudly get it but I want to know did you see anything down there like a giant crocodile because the last time I swam deep down to get something. A giant crocodile ended to came out and chased me threw the jungle he said "Nope I didn’t see anything" Ok good ill swim down tomorrow morning and see whets deeper down.
We slept and now we had two people on watch one near the gun and the other in a whole up high on the plane as a look out like every night little dino's came out and ran around then the raptors came out to snake on the smaller ones and some would try to get up to me I just called down to Natasha and she ripped them to shreds with the machine gun. Then after an hour we woke up the next two and the took there shift then in the morning I went with Natasha who had had a little scuba training she said it was just a hobby. We swam down and down and all we found were a couple boxes of ammo and I found a metal container and we both grabbed it and swam up when we got to the surface and opened it and inside were are helmet go pro's and then I asked Tony who was on the reef if he checked the other side he said "No but that is the ocean who knows what is out there I looked at Natasha and said "You don’t have to come down if you want" she said "I am coming". We both slowly swam down and stayed close to the reef as to look like we were part of the reef when we got down deep we looked around and there it was a transport truck I remembered it on the plane and it had a crate of weapons in it so we slowly swam out to it looked inside I had to get a little air from the scuba tank. Then we grabbed on to it and swam up then when we were about there I looked out and saw it and I knew its name a Liopleurodon and it was coming for us so we swam up and got on the raft Tony found and said "GO GO GO!!!!"