Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Amilea Airheart {Carver}

After hearing about Amelia airhearts plane I decided to head out looking for it with Natasha we both grabbed the Bushmaster ACR's and headed off in the direction they told us where it was and we thought we would check it out. We walked for a while and then I saw plane wreckage and looked up there it was so we threw the guns around are shoulder and started to climb we got up to the crash and I started to look around saw the skeleton but something was off it was in the co-pilot seat and I looked at it more closely and realized this wasn’t her. I kept looking around and noticed the black box was missing and then we crawled down and started to head for the river and then I saw it and said what is that we ran toward it and it was the Spinasuares with its side bitten open and neck ripped apart and eating out of.
We looked around the body and just say huge feet prints heading into the jungle and then we ran for the river and I we found the Croc ripped up and tore into and the river was red with its blood and once again the giant feet print leading to where we found the spinasaures and I said "We need to follow them and find out where they lead" we grabbed the guns and went after it. We followed the trail to a cave and we got down and snuck in to find a large T-rex sleeping I recognized it and it was the one that chased Dawson and me. Then there were tracks where the T-rex had walked then walked back we followed them and it came out just down the beach from are base camp.
We walked back in and told them about the T-Rex and the Croc and spinasaures then I told them about my discovery about Amelia airheart and her plane and then showed them the black box and turned it on and we heard her talking about the take off and then her talking about that Hawaii was coming up and then it went off then it came back on and it was her saying "Mayday Mayday we have crash landed and my co-pilot is dead im going to get out and look around for civilization then it goes out.