Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Camp {Tony}

After the next night past everybody was still asleep because I volunteered to keep watch alone, so early in the morning I went out searching for more clues I geared up and walked alone out into the jungle I searched every where but found no sign of her leaving the plane until I noticed something in the dirt under the tree I dug a little and found some bullet shells I looked at one for a moment and I wasn't and gun expert but it looked like I came from a colt M1911, so that was a sign that someone was here along time ago with a gun and a couple feet away there was a small hole in a tree so who ever it was wasn't the best shot I kept going farther and farther into the jungle into places we had never explored I found a small water fall then I walked through some thick mud and found some more trees with bullet holes in them then I I found some worn out tire tracks.
I kept going until I came upon a mountain and at the foot of that mountain I found a cave and thats were the tire tracks went I cocked my gun and went inside I walked very slowly then It was dark so I switched my light on I walked farther and farther into the cave until I bumped into something I jumped back and pointed my gun at the ground it was a skeleton wearing a black drench coat and a black helmet and on that helmet was a swastika and the skeleton was holding what looked like to be a MP40 there was bullet shells on the ground when I got farther in the cave I found 2 more dead Nazi's then I found a candle I lit it and it lit up the room then I looked around, there was a table with a radio on it and a map and some playing cards.
On the other side of the room was a jeep that looked like it had not been touched in years and there was a dead Nazi leaning up against the wall holding a small hand gun in the side of the room was a cantein of gas and a rifle, walked over to the jeep and the key was in the ignition and I put the gas in and grabbed the radio and turned the key the engine turned on I was amazed I hit the gas and drove it out of the cave hitting some skeletons on the way out I drove it through the jungle and then it happened there was a big flash and all the sudden out of no where a helocopter came crashing through the tree I hit the gas and looked to my right and ducked.