Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Hunt {Carver}

Tony had left in the night and hadn’t been back but we needed food so we decided to lock the plane down and split up Macky, Marcus, and Dawson split off to find what became of Tony and Me and Natasha went to hunt and fish. We all were getting sick of M.R.E. So we grabbed some of the thick vines I had found earlier and then made it into line and made a nifty fishing rod and I decided to try to fashion a bow and then sharpened sticks and pluck a bird I had killed and made fletching to make a couple dozen arrows. I thought it would be good if I didn’t make lots of noise while hunting and then we set off in the last jeep we drove it drove for an hour down the coastline and found a nice place to set up I told Natasha "Stay here and see what you can catch im going to head off into the forest and see what I can find" I handed her my MP5 and took the bow and my trusty sidearm and I headed into the jungle and started sneaking threw and then I heard it a sort of bird call peaked threw some bushes and there was a great big bird I drew an arrow aimed and fired striking it right in the chest and it let out a screech and then 8 more of them popped there heads up and looked at me and screeched again then charged me and I ran as fast as I could screaming "NATASHA NATASHA NATASHA NATASHA!!!!!!!!!!!" and the I came busting out of the jungle and she yelled " Hit the deck!!" I dropped down and she just Lit them up killing them and they fell over on top of me and I could hear her "Carver Carver you ok" I struggled to pull my self up out of the dead birds and we started to load the birds up and onto the Jeep and then I asked her "how was the fishing" she looked at me and said I got a couple. I looked at her and said "put them in the back and ill be back" grabbed my bow and jumped into the water swam down deep and shot at the fish I saw and they floated up then there was a small cave so I swam up for air and dove back down started to swim in the cave and then there it was. The Giant Beast and then I started to panic and swim up as fast as I could. I got to the surface and yelled "We got to go now" Then as I was running back to the jeep the lyopluridon surfaced and we stepped on it. When we got back to the plane there was no one so we put the birds in the plane and I locked them up in a small vault in the plane so we don’t attract any attention from predators.