Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Helicopter {Tony}

There was a bright flash I heard a chopping sound I turned my head and saw a helicopter coming turning through the trees it crashed into the ground the blades flew off I ducked on of the blades hit the back of my jeep my jeep swerved and fell off the trail smashing into a tree I got thrown out of my seat I hit the ground I heard running I opened my eyes I was being dragged by two men another one was looking around they pulled me up into the wreckage they put a cloth around my head and wrapped it up I passed out again I awoke in the night one of the men was looking out the front window of the helicopter then there was a scream and the sound of glass breaking I opened my eyes to see blood all over the window I told them to be quite when the next day came I walked them to the camp when I arrived no one was there the two men I brought with me were Chase and Gage they were camera men for a news station they had told me that they were flying to New York when there was a bright flash and next thing they knew they had crashed into the jungle.
I gave then some food and water then gave them some vests and pads including some guns, after a hour or two I was training them by having them shoot some small dinosaurs then a couple average sized raptors came at us they killed one or two but I had to help them we used the raptors for some traps we made using their camera to blind the raptors, when I got late we went back to camp to find Carver, Natasha and the other three already eating some kind of giant bird creatures.