Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Food Storage {Carver}

Now that we had a bunch of food we needed to find a way to keep it good so i had plans for a smoke house all i needed was some scrap metal so i asked Tony where the crashed helecopter was and he told me where so i decided to head out and get some metal and see what else i can find. I started to leave when Dawson said hey im coming with and we should take the jeep scrape metal is heavy so we hopped in and drove down the beach to just about where he said and got out and walked to the wreakage and got tons of metal and even found some electronic parts and we headed back and when we were driving we had some raptors decide to start a chase.
So Dawson hoped up and started to drop them as we flew down the beach and then when we could see base camp in the distance we i began honking the horn and everyone started shooting the raptor pack and thats when i saw it out near the barrier reef it was the tank that was onboard the plane and it actully looked intact. When we got back to the ship i told everyone and told Tony to start work on some sort of crane or wench to get it and then i took Natasha,Dawson, and Macky to help with the smoke house and the rest went with tony to work on somthing to pull the tank out. We began on blue prints that would do two things make smoke signals to show that there are survivors here and keep the food good we began with a structure to have fire and then funnel smoke into a the cockpit of the plane and keep it filled with smoke and meat then have something that we can pull on a rope and open up a hatch to let out smoke slowly.
We began with having Dawson and Macky work on a chimney leading out of the cockpit by using repeling gear and me and Natasha worked on sealing the cockpit off exept for the door and then started on the fire pit and we made it so we could cook meat over it then the smoke flows up and then in to the cockpit. We quickly put the meat in and closed the door and made it the man on watches job to make sure the fire stayed burning and we tested out the smoke signal system and then all thats left was to see if it worked.