Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

The Tank on the Reef {Tony}

While Carver was working on the smoke house we went to work on making a pully system to pull the tank up the beach using a humvee as a counter weight and we stated to build a levy out of some parts Carver brought back and the humvee was already outside. I then jumped in the water and swam down to the tank attaching a hook onto it then swimming back up and getting the cable over the pully lever and attaching the other end to the humvee and flooring it. It took a while but it slowly dragged the tank up then the cable snapped and it almost took us out with a backlash but then i thought the tank is presurized so if i open the top and hurry in the water wont fill it up and i can drive it right up but just to be safe i put on scuba suit. I swam down and crawled in it filled half way up so i used the tank had it beside me and had it in my mouth i slowly drove the tank up out of the water and then got out and we started to empty out the water with buckets.
I decided to see what it has we found it some ammo and loaded it and it drove smooth and still fired that was a good sign so I yelled over to Carver and said "Hey can i get some assistance pulling this in to the ship" He guided me in and then we pulled the humvee in and we watched for tonight and saw lots of activity proubly due to the tank I fired.