Status: In progress

Mystyrious Time Rifts

Scavanging {Carver}

After waiting and keeping lookout during the night i saw many glowing yellow eyes on the beach dont know what they were but a couple got close to the doors and started to try to find a way to get inside. I looked up cause somthing at the tree line caught my eye there was a pair of a little bigger glowing eyes then when i looked down at the door i noticed that 4 pairs of eyes went to three. I went to the door to see and found one squizing threw a hole so i pointed and shot then moved a piece of wood over the hole and then went and then checked on Tony and Macky the injured marine i got from the jeep wreckage. After the sun began to rise i relized that the little things started to flee back into the jungle thats when i went to examine the one i killed and decided it looked quite tasty so i scerwerd it and roasted the little bugger. Everyone else started to wake up and i decided to try to assign tasks i had Tony, Macky, Marcus and stay at camp and watchout while me and Dawson go out to shoot for a fresh water sorce. Me and dawson went into the jungle and followed a stream coming out into the ocean so we decided to follow it and then we came out into a clearing and then we saw it a small group of raptors drinking. We watched them for about a half an hour and they didnt move so we slunk back and decided to see what we had in the way of ammo and weapons on us all we had were 15 high calaber rifle rounds one scout rifle and a MPK5 and 5 clips so we then decided to kill them we started by setting up. Dawson cleared for the first shot and put one down I then hoped out of the bush and started shooting trying to put them down we got three the rest ran into the jungle we decided to grab one of them and filled all the canteens and drag the raptor back i also grabbed a couple yards of thick vines and when we walked out onto the beach we found the three sitting on the beach looks like they killed a couple of small dinosaurs we flopped the raptor down in front of them and handed out the cantenes and Tony said "Ok you guys won"